Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 108 Hanqiang Exchange

The junction of Beidi County, Xinping County and Dongqiang Tribe.

The sun is like blood, and the wind and sand are full of the sky, so that the damn weather always appears in the barren sand city from time to time.


The heavy war horse's nose sounded leisurely, and on the undulating mountain beams, a horse appeared like a ghost. The knight was dressed in a Han suit, with a knife at his waist, a long gun at the horse, a long bow on his shoulder, and three or five feather arrows protrude from behind his shoulders and pierced the sky.

If Xiao Tian, who is engaged in scouting, is present, you can definitely see at a glance that this person is also an extremely excellent scout.


The knight drank the war horse, stood on the mountain beam like a wolf, and his sharp eyes stared at the bottom of the mountain for a moment. Not far from the mountain is an extremely lively market. Qiang people sell fur, livestock, real medicinal materials and exotic jewelry here, while Han merchants trade silk thick, salt and iron, tea and other things from the Central Plains.

This commercial office is the exchange that made Meng Da take out funds to build in Fufeng County when Ma exceeded the grassland. However, because Fufeng County experienced the chaos of Li Kanchengyin, Ma Chao urgently transferred Mengda back to Fufeng to preside over government affairs, so the construction of this exchange was put on hold.

I never thought that in the days of Meng Da's absence, the Qiang people of Dongqiang, Xinping County and Liu Shi of Beidi County took the initiative to complete the remaining projects and open the market and trade with each other here. The initial capital economy automatically sprouted slowly, and the border market towns prosed rapidly.

At the market, a Qiang man looked left and right, removed the tiger skin on his body as if nothing had happened, waved it three times, and shouted and sold it loudly: "Tiger skin, the best tiger skin, buy it as soon as possible~~"

Those Han people saw that the tiger skin was really good, and soon they gathered a pile in front of the Qiang people. But when they saw that the Qiang people did not have a fixed booth, they shook their heads and left.

The Qiang people were very puzzled. They thought that the tiger skin they had worked hard to sell at a good price, and then bought some new things for their mother-in-law and son here. Unexpectedly, those Han people saw more people and sold fewer people. This puzzled the man. While there were no buyers around him, he quickly asked a Qiang man with a stall.

It turns out that this place has been in operation for more than a month. At first, the Han people were short of weight and cheated, so that the Qiang people almost led troops to sweep the exchange. Later, Qiang people also learned to replace the inferior as good and fake as the real, so that the county soldiers in the northern and Xinping counties almost took this old nest again.

However, both sides were afraid of the power of the Ma family in Fufeng County. Finally, Ma Chao, the eldest son of the Ma family, gave an idea and established a chamber of commerce composed of Han and Qiang to adjudicate the trade disputes in the exchange. Small things are directly judged. If someone dares to deliberately damage the good and normal trade of the exchange, they will have to accept the collective crusade of Xinping County, Beidi County and Dongqiang tribes. Even the eldest son of the Ma family also made a bold statement that 30,000 Xiliang iron rode to wait for the day, and will help the Chamber of Commerce suppress illegal merchants at any time.

Who has the ability to provoke the alliance between the three counties and two ethnic groups? Therefore, later, those reputable vendors gradually set up fixed stalls here in the name of their families: such as the white horse stall of the leader of Baima Qiang Zhongjian, the Qingyi stall of Qingyi Qiang Valley Deji, Liu's stall in Beidi County, Fujia stalls, etc.

And for this kind of Qiang people who only occasionally buy and sell, you can go directly to the Chamber of Commerce to sell. If you think the price is unfair, you can also go directly to those booths that need to sell them. Those stalls not only sell goods, but also are also responsible for acquisition. And it seems that he, an independent seller, has no credibility at first glance, and naturally people are unwilling to buy from him.

The Qiang man suddenly realized and immediately went to the Chamber of Commerce. Fortunately, the price given by the Chamber of Commerce was also appropriate. Qiang people were too lazy to run, so they sold it directly to the Chamber of Commerce. Then he also learned to be smart, directly went to those famous stalls, bought some Han people's clothes, food, and children's wooden horses and wooden swords, and left happily.

On the mountain beam, the Hanfu knight saw all the actions of the Qiang people. His eyes suddenly turned cold, pulled his horse away, and quickly disappeared behind the mountain beam.

Half an hour later, a well-dressed Hanfu knight appeared ghostly on the mountain beam again. The previous ward beside him whispered, "General, this exchange has been operating for a long time, and its assets are very rich. If you grab this, you can not only replenish our food and fodder, but also make a lot of money."

Poor scout, he can only see from the scale of the exchange and the behavior of the Qiang people that the exchange is very prosperous, but he can't figure out why the exchange can operate so smoothly.

And the clearly armored general did not seem to be a good thinker. Hearing the scout report like this, he suddenly raised the sharp knife in his hand and waved forward. After that, a group of cavalry appeared like a shadow behind the general, all holding long guns, and the sharp blade reflected a dazzling cold light in the western slanting sun.


On the observation tower outside the market, the sharp-eyed garrison found the cavalry on the mountain beam at the first time, immediately sounded a warning, and the low and loud horn resounded through the sky for a moment.


A feather arrow shot into the air and shot coldly through the throat of the police officer.


The officers and soldiers screamed and fell from the watchtower, and the sound of the low and desolate horn suddenly stopped.

"The thief came~~ The thief killed~~" The sharp vendor shouted, "Damn it, if I let me know which tribe cut off my wealth, I will definitely let the leader destroy these bastards!"

And a clerk in Liu's stall next to him was also angry: "You Qiang people are just arrogant and unreputable. How much food this exchange has made you earn is still not enough!"

The Qiang man suddenly fell down, but after a while, he jumped like thunder and shouted, "You son of a bitch, open your dog's eyes and look, is that our Qiang army? That's what you treacherous Han people made poison!"

The man stretched out his eyes and saw that the thief soldiers were all dressed as Han Chinese, and immediately couldn't speak. He whispered, "Which eyeless guys dare to provoke the Xiliang Ma family?"

At this time, the shopkeeper of the booth was anxious and had to slap the clerk: "No matter whether he is a Han person or a Qiang person, if he dares to plunder the trading house this time, he will not live long! Why don't you hurry up and inform the county guard?!"

And after listening to this, the Qiang man was also a sting, and he didn't want the goods. He immediately led the horse to gallop to the north: "Damn it! I won't let the leader destroy you bastards. I will be a Han man in the future!"

Until this time, the residents and businessmen in the center of the market finally came to their senses. I don't know who was the first to shout. In an in an air, the whole market exploded, panicked people scrambled for their lives, wolves rushed, vendors dumped, tea and wine tables overturned on the ground, and materials and goods were scattered. The whole market was in a mess~~