Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 117 Practical Application of Art of War 3

"Do you know Ma Chao's grain transportation route?" The candidate looked at Xiao Tian and was surprised.

Originally, the subordinates shouted so that they had to climb down from the two little maidservants, and the candidate was full of fire. But when he heard these words and caught a grain carrier under Ma Chao, he felt much better.

The scene on the city wall makes candidates see that their subordinates have opinions on themselves, and they may one day cut their heads and give them to Ma Chao as a kick. And now the arrival of this thief is obviously his own savior. As long as he grabs Ma Chao's food and fodder and breaks through Ma Chao, isn't this Xinping County his own? When the court sees this situation, why doesn't it give itself a Taishou?

However, this thief appeared too well to let the candidate be a little suspicious.

"The villain is a grain transporter under Ma Chao. How can he not know the grain transport route..." Xiao Tian did not talk much. Based on his experience, this candidate will also test him. The more active he is, the more suspicious the candidate will be.

"Come on! Drag this spy out and cut it down!" The candidate shouted violently, but it was quite imposing.

However, what is notable is that his own soldiers did not understand his intention at all. Not only did he not obey this order, but he also questioned: "General, this man knows Ma Chao's grain transportation route!"

Xiao Tian squeezed his mouth, and he was very disdainful of the means of candidates, and even disdained the quality of this group of thieves. However, he still pretended to be very frightened and cried like he was afraid of death, "My lord, please forgive me. The villain is from Xinping County. Because of the defeat, he was incorporated into slavery by Ma Chao. He was as tired as an ox and horse all day long, and had to be whipped by those soldiers. The villain wanted to die, so he boldly wanted to escape back to Xinping. As for the spy or something, the villain didn't know..."

The candidate was so angry that he couldn't wait to drag the stupid soldier out to feed the dog! However, thinking that these people have been hungry for a long time, and Xiao Tian really doesn't look like a spy, he changed his face and asked gently, "Can you talk about the grain transportation route with someone?" Someone guaranteed that you not only didn't return to Xinping County, but also let you take a long job!"

"The villain doesn't want to be anything. The villain just wants to go home!" Xiao Tian didn't seem to hear the candidate at all, but cried like this.

In this way, the candidate is more convinced that this guy is the kind of timid and incompetent deserter who only wants to be safe. After making up his mind, he said to Xiao Tian, "As long as you tell the route of food transportation to someone, he will immediately let you go home for reunion. If you dare not to say or talk nonsense, beware of the big knife in someone's hand!"

"The villain said that the villain knew that Ma Chao's grain transportation route was..." Xiao Tian extremely despised the candidate's level, but he talked about the grain transportation route and told the candidate that there was another time the grain and fodder would be escorted to the barracks tonight.

"If you are outnumbered, you will be defeated, or lie in the deep grass, or be invited to the pass, and the battle will be won. Fa said: Use the less to do the best."

This is the third sentence that Yang Fu said, which means to simplify the meaning: set up an ambush, you must do it at dusk. At that time, you can't see your face clearly, which is conducive to hiding your identity. Either hidden in deep grass or hidden in a narrow path. Only in that way can we be surprised and win!

Ma Dai doesn't know whether this is correct or not, but he knows that he has been ambushed for half a day with these 5,000 Xiliang iron riders. He can't even have a barbecue except for drinking the northwest wind. This life is very depressing.

If you want to describe it, there is only one word: cold and miserable.

But then, from afar, I saw the fire winding. Ma Dai finally had a little excitement: that was the grain transportation team led by Uncle Huang, and it seemed that there were only 2,000 people.

Tonight, let's see if these stupid thieves won't be fooled!

However, the eldest brother has an order that even if those stupid thieves appear, he should hide it well. It was not until Brother Chou signaled that he could lead his troops to cover up...

But will those stupid thieves really appear? Even if it appears, will it rob this batch of grain and fodder?

Ma Dai was worried about gains and losses and stared at the dark gate without blinking.

Finally, he saw that the gate opened in all directions, and countless thieves were roaring inside, and the leader shouted: "Leave food and grass, spare your life!"

And when Brother Chou saw the candidate coming, he was obviously shocked and shivered. The candidate saw that the general's face was so fearless that he couldn't help laughing.

Brother Ugly did trembling, but not because of shock, but because of excitement.

I'm so excited! Don't live up to your mission. You stupid thieves were really cheated out by Xiao Tian!

Brother Chou looked at the thieves getting closer and closer and shouted immediately: "Quickly rectify the formation and march north. Five miles ahead is the barracks, and there will be a large army to respond!"

After shouting, Brother Chou took his subordinates and rushed out while the thief was stunned. Of course, the speed is not too fast. After all, it is a heavy team, and it can't run fast no matter how you run. And it's really fast, the thief can't keep up, and it's a waste of bait.

Seeing that Brother Chou tried to 'run away', the thief under the players couldn't help but get angry from his heart and became evil to the courage. Quickly wave the whip in his hand and urge **'s war horse to catch up. And those without horses waved the long guns and knives in their hands and shouted loudly to strengthen their momentum. But whether it is riding or running, the speed of each horse and everyone is different. Therefore, for just a moment, the 20,000 bandits chasing the ugly brother are distributed back and forth, and the combat effectiveness is made linear from radiation. It is in the arms of Ma Chao.

What is the purpose of lure the enemy? The purpose is to divide the troops.

Ma Chao, who was ambushed beside him, was happy when he saw the bandits chasing Brother Chou: Brother Chou is really a mother of talent, acting and fighting are first-class! Look at this wind sao's escape, it scattered the neat team, turned a large number of enemies into small groups, and turned the pile of enemies into pieces. In this way, how convenient it is for the thieves to be beaten!

"If the enemy first comes, the position is not determined, and the array is not complete, first attack it with soldiers. The law said: The ancestors had the heart to seize others.

Chasing for about three miles, the troops under the waiting players have basically been intermittent. And running here, he basically ran into Ma Dai's ambush circle. Brother Ug turned his head and smiled strangely at the candidate, and turned around with an arrow.

The candidate was shocked. When he was about to avoid it, he found that the rocket actually shot into the sky. This time, when the candidate looked at the fragmented team behind him, he suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart...

Sure enough, in the deep grass around, 5,000 Xiliang iron riders were immediately killed. It seems that they specially chose this place with a small hill, which is conducive to hiding the war horses behind the invisible hills.

"The candidate is already in the plan of a young master, and you will be bound if you don't get off the horse!" Brother Chou then turned the horse's head, combined Ma Dai's 5,000 Xiliang iron horse, and killed him.

These thieves came up and were frightened by the assault of 5,000 iron riders, and there was no courage to resist. Without waiting for the candidate order, they retreated one after another. But the soldiers who rushed to the rear didn't know what was going on, so that these people had no way to escape. I was so angry that I cursed my mother!

The candidate looked around and almost beat his chest and feet. My own troops can't be restrained at all, scattered... It's over!

There was not even time to sigh. In an instant, the candidate and his poor man and horse were soaked by iron flow, and then the bright blade took on a bright red color and killed the whole night sky.