Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 123 The essentials of military reform

The plan has been decided, and Ma Chao called Pound, Ugly Brother, Ma Dai and others to withdraw their troops back to Fufeng, leaving Dong Zhuo with a good attitude of 'My Ma family is just a migrant worker and does not take advantage of the court'.

And secretly, Ma Chao quietly gave the shadow a task scattered in Fufeng, Xinping and Beidi counties, which was to seduce people. Whether it is an iron cow that enters the sea and has words on its abdomen; or pours a copper man, which looks very much like Ma Chao; or simply brags without taxes and buys those diviners to enve aura of the Ma family, they all take action at the same time and strive to make people's hearts fluctuate, and their hearts are good for the Ma family.

At the same time, Jia Xu also secretly tampused himself and used the children who had been favored by the Ma family to spread the songs of 'Qiang chaos, Liangzhou mourning, 20 years of peace, Fuboding'. Originally, there was no political tendency in these nursery rhymes, but with the situation of Chen Bingbei District and Xinping counties of the Dongqiang tribe, some people suddenly guessed the meaning of this nursery rhyme:

The Dongqiang tribe is going to attack Liangzhou again. Isn't this just the first two sentences of the nursery rhyme? The last two sentences must be a verse that can calm down the chaos in Liangzhou. For 20 years, it is about the achievements of General Fubo of the Han Dynasty to appease the barbarians for 20 years, and the latter sentence obviously means that the descendants of General Fubo can also calm down the chaos of Qianghu!

From this, the people of the three counties of Fufeng, Xinping and Bedi all set their sights on the Xiliang Ma family, and suddenly found that after the arrival of this army, it was indeed autumn to protect the people. In particular, the eldest son of the Ma family also went deep into the hinterland of Qianhu and made great contributions to the stability of the frontier fortress of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, the voice of support for the Ma family is getting higher and higher. It is not only widely sung in Liangzhou, but also floats through the Chang'an court and goes straight to Jizhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Eastern Wu and other regions. The power of the Ma family was suddenly revealed in front of everyone. The princes of the four parties also turned their attention to the Xiliang Ma family.

At this time, Jia Xu is already on his way to Chang'an. Unlike last time, in the Xiliang iron horse that escorted him this time, in addition to the regular Xiliang Jianer, there were 50 shadows: they went here in accordance with the instructions of the young master, tying their eyes in Chang'an and always paying attention to the dynamics of the court.

The army also returned to Fufeng after Jia Xu left. On this expedition, the Xiliang iron horse was not damaged. On the contrary, it also brought back no less than 5,000 thieves. As for the materials, there is not much. On the one side, these thieves themselves do not have any copper coins, and on the other, because Xinping County will be under their own rule in the future, there is no need to make money from Xinping County.

In this battle, Ma Chao not only had a deep understanding of the military tactics, but also deeply understood his grandson's words:

"100,000 teachers, expeditions for thousands of miles, the expenses of the people, the service of the public, daily expenses, ** inside and outside **, those who are lazy on the road and are not allowed to do things, 700,000 families."

Ma Chao had only felt this sentence before, but at this time, when he saw Meng Da's dead father-like face, his heart couldn't help wailing: Mother, this is not a war, obviously burning money!

Before, Ma Teng had a little money in his hand, and later Ma Chao made a lot of money. Finally, he added the surplus of Fufeng County. Ma Chao has never worried about military spending. But now, it's just the attack of 10,000 Xiliang iron riders, and it's a quick battle with almost no damage, which makes Meng Da a little unbearable.

At this time, Ma Chao was determined to think about the pain. As long as this period of time is calm, he must first stop the operation of the arsenal and get a few fist products to drive the economic growth of the Ma family.

However, in general, this battle is still brilliant and great, especially timely!

After the reorganization of the prisoners, their combat effectiveness was tested and their morale was greatly encouraged. From then on, the idea of these prisoners vowing to die for the Ma family was strengthened.

In fact, this problem does not seem to be very difficult for military reform in Ma Chao's imagination. Countless revolutionary predecessors in Ma Chao's previous life have already set a shining example. After sorting out by several academics, a complete chain has been formed.

First of all, the members of the army must take the hard-working masses as the main body, and then the leaders will carry out in-depth ideological education on these soldiers, and at the same time carry out vigorous land reform, so that all members of the army can enjoy certain material achievements. Finally, there are various guidance and inspirations, such as accusing the landlord's old wealth and recalling hardships. For Sitian and other programs of high practical value, propaganda agencies must always maintain high-intensity operation, interspersed in various links.

If it is done like this, the cohesion of the army will basically reach an unprecedented height. As far as Ma Chao knows, several armies were indeed successfully shaped like this. In addition to their extremely tough combat effectiveness, military discipline is also ridiculously good. Judging from countless examples in later generations, the military's understanding of discipline has reached the level of human instinct, and many people would rather die than encroach on the people. If you compare the military model, Yue's army can almost be regarded as a bandit compared with them.

However, Ma Chao found that he did not seem to have this ability. First of all, he can't do ideological education. He is not so good at creating an advanced ideological system. At present, he can only start a series of simple brainwashing activities to let these poor soldiers know that it was the Ma family that gave them land, gave them houses, and gave him Our daughter-in-law gave them money. Without the Ma army, you big soldiers will become victims of the chaos of the princes in troubled times. Not to mention property, you can't even save your life. Fortunately, these big soldiers are not well-educated, and Ma Chao's brainwashing content is also correct. Therefore, this group of people can be said to be loyal and unswerving until death. As for the court, they don't have this vein in their eyes.

Secondly, redistribution is unrealistic. After all, the Ma family at this time is itself the landlord class. If it is said to defeat the landlord's old wealth, the first thing to be killed is the Ma family, which owns the Ma family's arsenal, Ma's farm and Ma's ranch. This can't be said! After thinking about it, Ma Chao's new policy, that is, to divide those ownerless fields to soldiers, the vassals at the end of the Han Dynasty are not as strong as the Japanese devils and Kuomintang reactionaries, and their combat effectiveness is not so strong.

However, the last point, the publicity campaign must be vigorously launched. Ma Chao is still very confident and feels very necessary.

Therefore, this idle Ma Chao has made some medals to give glory to the excellent soldiers of this battle on the merit platform!

After this, Ma Chao took them to* and kidnap them, so they won't have any doubt. Even if Ma Chao wants to rebel, these people will strongly support it accordingly!

Because having milk is a mother, and a big fist is the absolute truth.