Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 139 Scholar Group

"Since Emperor Huan, the court has gradually formed a situation in which eunuchs and foreign relatives take turns to take power. Until Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, the era of military dictatorship was formed, but don't forget that there has always been a force in the history of the Han Dynasty. This power, eunuchs are pure hatred, relatives love and hate, and warriors love and hate..." Fa Zheng closed his eyes again. Perhaps, the teenager had already had a specific action in the Ma Chao Group to make everyone pay attention to his existence: Ma Chao was almost a bloodless battle in Xinping, which completely aroused Fa Zheng's competitive heart.

Ma Chao's smile is getting stronger at this time. In fact, the so-called advantages and disadvantages of the wise man reflect the counselor's starting point in the overall view. For example, Jia Fox never speaks on these political strategies. On the one hand, he is not interested in his own political affairs, and on the other hand, his overall view is very keen. As long as Ma Chao's political strategy does not deviate from his overall strategy, Jia Xu has an indifferent attitude.

And the law can rise from a wasteland allocation to the path of the Ma family group. I have to say that this is the embodiment of his overall view. Therefore, Ma Chao and Jia Xu are now more and more interested in Fa Zheng, a teenager.

"Yes, that force is the scholar clan, which is our so-called famous family. More specifically, these large households in Fufeng County. The scholar group is intertwined and connected, which is already an invisible force hidden in the whole Han Dynasty. It can be said that the whole Han Dynasty was manipulated by this scholar class. Ma Chao was very fluent in saying the following words for Fa Zheng, which made Fa a little unnatural for a moment.

If you are arrogant, you will naturally look down at others unconsciously. Perhaps in Fazheng's mind, the whole Ma Chao, a small group, only the ghostly Jia Xu, who has been threatening all day long, may also be able to compete with him. But the leader Ma Chao is a sloof and unscrupulous guy all day long, which really makes Fa Zheng look down on him. However, in the battle of Xinping County, Fa Zheng felt that he was slapped severely by Ma Chao, and more than half of his pride was killed by this guy of the same age as him!

At this time, I never thought that that guy knew what he was talking about!

And, listening to his tone, he seems to have planned these for a long time!

Fa Zheng carefully saw that Ma Chao's calm, natural and even faint and extraordinary expression showed that this view was indeed his own consideration, not what Jia Xu told him!

At this moment, Fa Zheng had a feeling of being defeated. Instead of closing his eyes, he continued to explain in a very lost tone: "Since the time of the Ling Emperor, the scholar group has been working tirelessly to fight with the eunuchs. Just when He Jin killed the eunuchs and the scholars won the final victory, Dong Zhuo entered Beijing disrupted this process. And Dong Zhuo began to establish an era of the dictatorship of the frontier and Saier with the will of the warriors.

Fa Zheng said here and looked at the crowd. Obviously, Pound, Brother Chou and Ma Dai didn't understand this at all. Fu Xun, Zhang Ji, Meng Da, Han Feng and Su also seem to understand. Only Yang Fu and Hua Xin are frowning and thinking about it. It seems that they have considered this point; and the most calmest of them are Jia Xu and Ma Chao.

Fa Zheng is very frustrated, because Ma Chao and Jia Xu's eyes are not a feeling of thinking, but with that kind of consideration, as if to see how much useful information they can say...

Therefore, Fa Zheng no longer beat around the bush and said directly: "Some people think that in the upper society of the Han Dynasty at this time, scholars are the mainstream, and warriors have always been despised and neglected. Although the young master is after General Fubo, he is also a vulgar warrior like Dong Zhuo in the eyes of those scholars. And without scholars and families, you may only be able to operate in Fufeng County in Fufeng County in obscurity for a lifetime..."

Speaking of this, Ma Chao nodded secretly. Looking at the martial arts regime in the Three Kingdoms era, such as Dong Zhuo, Li Yu, Guo Yan, Gongsun Zan, Lv Bu, etc., none of them was not quickly destroyed. Only those warriors such as Liu Bei and Sun Ce who had successfully transformed into a scholar survived and found a right way out. .

The rise and fall of Gongsun Zand further illustrates this point.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a rebellion of ethnic minorities in Youzhou. The imperial court led Liu Yu as the assassin of Youzhou and Gongsun Zan as the general to lead the rebellion. In this process, Gongsun Zan's power developed and strengthened. Historically, in July 191, Gongsun Zan defeated Han Fu in Anping and penetrated into the central part of Jizhou. In November, he broke through the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army in Dongguang, and gradually expanded his power to Qingzhou. After that, he sent cavalry to assist Yuan Shu in Nanyang and Liu Dai in Yanzhou and contacted them as outside. Aid; also sent his subordinates Tian Kai, the assassin of Qingzhou, and Liu Bei to assist Tao Qian, the assassin of Xuzhou, to resist Cao Cao's attack.

At that time, Gongsun Zan's power controlled Youzhou and Qingzhou, went deep into Jizhou, and spread to Xuzhou, Yanzhou and Yuzhou. It was so powerful that none of the princes could match it. At the beginning of Gongsun Zan's attack on Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao was so scared that he tried his best to win over his brother Gongsun Fan. Even after being defeated by Yuan Shao at Jieqiao and turning into the stage of holding each other, Yuan Shao still had strong strength, and Yuan Shao could not beat him.

His mistake was to kill Liu Yu, who was famous and a relative of the emperor's country. As a result, Gongsun Zan's reputation was greatly damaged, and his abuse of scholars, which caused Liu Yu's old troops and scholars to take revenge one after another, engred ethnic minorities and contacted Yuan Shao to attack together. Since then, Gongsun Zan's power has been depressed.

He looked at Jia Xu, and Ma Chao clearly saw that there was a trace of brilliance in Jia Xu's eyes: that was a kind of joy only when he discovered the beautiful jade.

Ma Chao did think about the ethnicization of martial arts, but in fact, he did not know how to enter the eyes of those upper classes. Fa inadvertently deviated from the topic, but made Ma Chao more and more excited: this is the biggest and important topic today!

Jia Xu's old fox must know this. Moreover, during this period, although he told himself about the demise of Dong Zhuo, he had never discussed the scholars with himself. Obviously, his actions had not touched the interests of the scholars, or the political ideas of the scholars. Of course, it may also be because the power of the Ma family is too weak to be worth discussing these with himself.

However, it is always good to prepare for a rainy day. Now that the law has mentioned this point, Ma Chao also wants to know how the Ma family can be ethnicized.

"Filial, if you follow what you say, should I do it? Or more specifically, how should I deal with these wasteland problems? At this time, Ma Chao finally asked his doubts, but the answer he got made Ma Chao so angry that he wanted to kill Fa Zheng.

Because Fa Zheng blinked his eyes and said bluntly, "Young master, I don't know these, but..."

Ma Chao was so angry that he wanted to smash the tea cup, but he thought that the tea cup was made of bronze at this time. It was really possible to smash the tea, so he drank a sip of tea angrily, but unexpectedly he burned himself.

Ma Chao understands the meaning of the law. This guy completely wants to show his face and show his foresight. But he is not as helpless as Zhuge Liang, he just shows off what he thinks...

Fortunately, I still have an old fox. This fox is not as young and impetuous as Fa Zheng.

"Military, at this moment, you don't have to be so profound, do you?" Ma Chao looked at Jia Xu with hopeful eyes, hoping that this guy could say something.

And Jia Xu is indeed the smartest guy at the end of the Han Dynasty. This guy stretched out his waist and seemed to be tired of sitting. Then he opened his mouth again, but it seemed that he was too big again. After a long time, he slowly spit out two words: "Sun Jian!"