Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 152 Stir-fried Tea

Sun Jian is in Yuzhou, Ma Chao is in Yongzhou, and there is still Dong Zhuo in the middle. It is said that Ma Chao does not need to consider Sun Jian's death at all.

However, after hearing the news of Sun Jian's death at this time, Ma Chao actually shivered coldly in the autumn tiger weather in August.

Because this year is only August 1980. Ma Chao, who knows history, clearly remembers that Sun Jian died in June 1992! That is to say, Sun Jian died two years earlier!

As early as in the parliament around June this year, Ma Chao heard the news of Sun Jian's capture of Luoyang. At that time, Ma Chao did not realize anything: historically, Sun Jian only captured Luoyang in February 1991, but Ma Chao could not remember such details and thought that Sun Jian captured Luoyang at that time.

And Jia Xu also took the example of Sun Jian as a warrior to tell Ma Chao how he took a road of humanization of martial arts. But now, Sun Jian, a martial artist, died in advance, and Ma Chao was worried.

It's not that Sun Jian's path is wrong, but that the course of history has been completely disrupted.

Ma Chao relies on nothing more than his familiarity with the historical trend of the Three Kingdoms. Now, the news of Sun Jian's early death makes Ma Chao a little confused.

During this period, the Hanqiang Trade Institute has been completed, and Fufeng County has occupied the best stalls. With the characteristics of distilled wine and rich items, it has made great property for the Ma family. During this period, the reform of Xinping County and Bedi County has also followed the pace of Fufeng County, and Ma Chao's reputation has been greatly promoted. During this period, Ma Jiajun's soldiers The spirit and combat effectiveness are incomparable, and they fought in other counties outside Serbia, showing the prestige of the Ma family. During this period, the two families of Malaysia and South Korea had a harmonious relationship and had nothing to each other. With the relocation of the Yan family in Jincheng to Fufeng County, Yan Xing also defected to the Ma family. During this period, Dongqiang had a closer relationship with the Ma family. Ma Chao even believed that even if he wanted to rebel, those Dongqiang elements would follow him without hesitation...

Everything is developing in a good direction. Ma Chao even believes that as long as he gives himself more than a year, he can capture the six counties of Anding, Guangwei, Nan'an, Tianshui and Longxi. Except for the two counties of Si Li, Feng Yi and Jingzhao, the Ma family will dominate Yongzhou and be unparalleled for a while.

However, when Ma Chao heard the news of Sun Jian's death in battle, he suddenly lost this confidence. He felt that under all the beautiful development, he was brewing an impenetrable conspiracy and was slowly pressing on himself.

"Has Hua Xin taken any action recently?" Ma Chao suddenly thought of Chang'an Scholar Group and asked Brother Chou.

Since I left that calligraphy in the school, it has not only played any role in frightening snakes. On the contrary, it caused me a lot of trouble. The reason is still because of Ma Chao's fork.

After Zhu Xi's persuasion to study famous poems and facial characters were shown to Cai Yong by Cai Yan. Cai Yong nodded his head and came to Ma Chao to ask for Mobao. I also need to discuss with Ma Chao about the advantages and disadvantages of this poem and fu at the end of the Han Dynasty. Ma Chao is just a copycat. How can he compare with Cai Yong, who has been immersed in yin Confucianism for most of his life?

Although Ma Chao did not reveal his story, Ma Chao was also famous among the taxis in Fufeng County. Some poor students even want to worship Ma Chao as their teachers, so as to get the career path of the Ma family.

As for Hua Xin's reaction when he saw that post? They just laughed. Like Su Ze, Zhang Yi, Yang Fu and others, they all praised the young master for his deep hiding and literary brilliance, and they couldn't see anything wrong at all.

At that time, Ma Chao thought that he might have thought too much, but for the sake of face, he did not let Brother Ugly take back the shadow. After hearing this answer at this time, did Ma Chao feel that he should give up his surveillance of Hua Xin?

"Hua Xin gave up the position of Xinping County and even left his family behind Fufeng. Is it really just as he said that he wants to refer to the new policy of Fufeng County?" Ma Chao frowned, rubbed his temples, and gently said these words.

When Brother Chou heard Ma Chao say this, he also frowned and said hesitantly, "Hua Xin has been doing nothing strange in the past two months, but he has a close relationship with his master. I don't know if this is..."

If this topic were normal, Brother Chou would not take the initiative to say it. After all, the whole Ma family is fully managed by Ma Chao. But the nominal helmsman is still Ma Teng. He took the initiative to say this, which is suspected of provoking the father and son of the Ma family. Brother Chou is a smart man. He knows what to say and what not to say.

"Father?" Ma Chao frowned even more: Since Ma Teng handed over all the affairs to Ma Chao a few months ago, Ma Teng seems to have the intention to retreat from the mountains and forests. But he asked Ma Chao for 100,000 yuan every month, and he didn't know where to spend it.

But what's the connection between these?

Ma Chao can't analyze any clues.

'Maybe you worry too much?' Ma Chao thought so, but his heart was cloudy and he couldn't let go.

At this moment, the house in the backyard of the farm was opened. An old farmer came out with a jar and his hands were covered with cloth. From time to time, he twitched his mouth and said happily when he saw Ma Chao here, "Young master, can you see if it's like this?"

Ma Chao was still stunned. After looking into the jar, he realized and shouted, "Have you mastered the process of stir-frying tea?"

The old farmer couldn't guarantee it, but just said, "Please try it again."

Ma Chao originally thought that it was just to find some tender tea to stir-fry, but he never thought that the old farmer had stir-fried it several times and found that it was really not so easy. Ma Chao is helpless. He is also a layman and deserves to throw money into it and let these old farmers test it over and over again.

At this time, I saw that the tea in this jar had been dehydrated and curled slightly, which was obviously a feature of the success of stir-frying tea. Ma Chao finely twisted a pinch of tea and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it gently. He only felt the fragrance of tea, fresh and fragrant, with a stir-fried fragrance. He was suddenly overjoyed and ordered the old farmer, "Bag hot water."

After the old farmer took out the tea, he also boiled hot water. At this time, regardless of the heat, he took the copper pot out. After holding a porcelain cup and twisting a pinch of tea leaves into the cup, boiling water was flushed.

Ma Chao watched the tea float up and down in the hot water, and the leaves were curly, and there was a kind of tea fragrance. Soon, the tea in the cup changed color. Ma Chao put the lid on the cup and planned to suffocate the tea.

But in a hurry, how long did he wait? About five minutes later, Ma Chao opened the lid of the tea, but when he saw that the tea was as bright and pure as crystal, he took a sip, and only felt that the taste was mellow, sweet and refreshing. There was a lot of tea fragrance, and the sky was high and light.

After another taste, Ma Chao felt that his heart seemed to be quiet, and he also had some clear understanding of the dispute over history: since ancient times, he has been urged by the end of the Han Dynasty. Since you have crossed over, the trajectory of history will inevitably deviate. If you set yourself on the right path and deal with it freely, even if the country falls and the wind and clouds change color, why are you afraid of it?

"Vinable! You have made great achievements, and I will reward you!" Thinking of this, Ma Chao was also in a much bright mood and patted his shoulder and said to the old farmer.