Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 156 Evil Gold

There have indeed been many changes in the arsenal. Ma Chao didn't know what the use of many small inventions at first. I won't know until I ask Pu Yuan. Therefore, Ma Chao had to sigh that the wisdom of the working people is infinite, but it will be suppressed for too long. Otherwise, thousands of years later, there will be no tunnel warfare, mine warfare and other tactics that make the devils headache, making tens of thousands of regular troops helpless.

It is early winter now, and the temperature in the forging house is no longer hot. It can only be described as warmth. Ma Chao looked into his eyes, and dozens of iron men were still naked, allowing the sweat to slip on the red iron block, making a sizzling sound from time to time.

Ma Chao took a look and immediately saw that these people were building ring knives, so he took out the drawings in his arms and said to Pu Yuan, "In the future, the Ma family's standard blades will be built accordingly."

The ring knife body is straight, with a single-sided front, and the back of the knife is thick. It is suitable for cutting and chopping. It is a unified blade created by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Coupled with the inheritance of the ancients, Pu Yuan naturally did not dare to agree casually, but after unfolding the drawing, Pu Yuan frowned and finally nodded and replied, "I know."

Ma Chao took out * that only appeared in the Song Dynasty. Compared with the ring head knife, the knife handle is long and the knife body is a streamlined curved machete. Pu Yuan is an iron ware master, and naturally sees at a glance that this style is better than the ring head knife: the increased handle can make soldiers use their hands harder, stronger and more lethal; while the streamlined knife body is more adaptable to aerodynamics and is more conducive to chopping. It is actually a good blade equipped with infantry and cavalry.

"In the future, all the standard blades of the Ma family will be made of fine steel*. In this way, who in the world dares to underestimate Xiliang Ma Jiajun? Ma Chao patted Pu Yuan on the shoulder and was proud.

"Young master, this fine steel is evil gold, which is ominous to use!" Pu Yuan was shocked to hear that Ma Chao was so handied and immediately knelt down and said.

"Oh? Evil money? Where did Master Pu say this? Ma Chao was surprised and didn't help Pu Yuan. Instead, he wanted to listen to what he could say.

"In the past, Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, all relying on black iron, which eventually led to the death of the third state of Qin. Today, the young master uses fine steel as his sword, which is also the way to make trouble. What's more, smelting fine steel requires the lives of several people. The young master is benevolent and generous, and he can't do this unkind thing!" Pu Yuan kowtowed and cried blood and said in fear.

"What? Use human life as a guide?" Ma Chao was stupid. In this ancient legend, there were some magical weapons that were born and sacrificed a bloody wind with human life. But all the time, Ma Chao thought it was far-fetched and exaggerated, but he didn't expect that Pu Yuan really said this!

"Forging fine steel, ordinary charcoal can't reach the required temperature at all. It is brave and uses animal carbon. The four blacksmiths are also willing to fight with each other, thus... From this, this sword was created..."

"Nonsense! Pu Yuan, how dare you care so much about human life?!" Ma Chao was angry. He didn't expect that the sword in his hand was actually exchanged for four lives!

This roar scared Han Ying to almost kneel to the ground, and Pu Yuan had trembled all over, not knowing whether it was because of guilt or fear of Ma Chao's anger.

At this time, Ma Chao looked ferocious, and his hands trembled with anger that he could hardly hold the sword. Even for a moment, Ma Chao felt that he could not suppress the violent emotion in his body. His eyes almost turned red and he cut Pu Yuan with a knife!

Thanks to this guy, he was happy to report the good news to himself just now. It turned out that this guy was actually a scientific pervert of ancient times. For scientific and technological research, even human life dares to be sent in!

At this moment, Ma Chao really wanted to cut Pu Yuan, but Ma Chao's loud shout had shocked all the craftsmen in the house. Zheng Hun, who learned about the beginning and end of the matter, also ran over, knelt down and pleaded, "Young master, this is not the fault of Master Pu. Someone also agreed to this matter at that time. What's more, the four people are willing to walk into the room in order to make the young master see the indestructible blade as soon as possible.

Listening to Zheng Hun's words, Ma Chao seemed to be struck by lightning. It was only because Zheng Hun said that the four people died in this arsenal without war in order to smelt the fine steel as soon as possible...

I don't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me!

In terms of the murderer, you are the culprit!

At this point, Ma Chao only felt that his previous joy was swept away, and he no longer had any strength. So he squatted on the ground with no eyes: he, who came from the new era, can be used to the deaths and injuries on the battlefield, or kill thieves with his own hands. That's because of the chaos. Those people will die in troubled times if they don't die in their own hands. But in front of him, he finally made a paradise, but four craftsmen died because of this. How could Ma Chao not feel sad?

The ancients' warm-blooded ambition to repay kindness did not hesitate to repay it...

Is it loyal, righteous, or dedicated to science and technology?

Ma Chao didn't know. All he knew was that the two blades in his hand were so sharp that it turned out that there were two ghosts entangled each!

Missing this, Ma Chao raised his sword angrily, turned his head, and suddenly cut it off!

"No!" Han Ying saw it seriously and hurried forward to stop it.

"No, young master!" Pu Yuan and Zheng Hun were shocked and got up and rushed to Ma Chao.

"Oh, young master!" Other craftsmen kneeling on the ground also got up and rushed to Ma Chao to stop the sharp sword.

Before the noise suddenly started, everyone calmed down again. Ma Chao gently pushed away Han Ying, who had jumped on him, holding his overflowing hair in his hand, and his eyes were still a little godless and said, "Guys, your skin, your parents, can't be lightly destroyed. However, Ma Chao, killed four innocent craftsmen because of two fierce blades, and the crime was unforgivable. Today, I cut my hair to replace the head and apologize to the four craftsmen!"

After saying that, Ma Chao threw the hair into the burning stove and let the tongue of the fire lick all the ashes and smoke.

"Young master, someone has received this great kindness, and I feel it! Those four craftsmen know under the nine springs, and they will also smile!" Pu Yuan knelt heavily on the ground and kowtowed.

"I don't need your gratitude, I just forgive you! In addition, after today, I will give you a bottom line. You can no longer risk the life of a craftsman. I don't hope that the blade in the hands of the Ma army in the future will not kill the enemy, but will first be entangled in a few grievances!"

"The young master is generous and benevolent, and so on! I will definitely not dare to try the law again in the future, which will humiliate the Ma army!" Zheng Hun saw Ma Chao's intention and said with blood.

The craftsmen also kowtowed one after another, feeling Ma Chao's benevolence. Han Ying, who was beside him, couldn't help crying. Looking at Ma Chao's sad face, there was a pain in his heart.

"Let's go and see the forged house!" Ma Chao pulled up Pu Yuan and Zheng Hun and said coldly, "I'd like to see how this evil gold took the lives of four people!"