Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 205 Behind the scenes

That man has never fought with Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in history.

In history, that person has not singled out the six generals under Cao Cao's command.

But even without these, he is still the undisputed first at the end of the Han Dynasty. That man is Lv Bu, who is now known as the 'tiger of the world'.

Ma Chao and Lv Bu only met once. During the grassland war, when Ma Chao was awake, Lv Bu had not yet come. When Ma Chao was in a coma, he saw a huge red war horse, like a burning fireball, rushed into the Iron Qiang League. Like a god of war covered with flames, he burned all the lives around him.

At that moment, Ma Chao had a full understanding of Lv Bu's martial arts: he was the peak master of the heart of martial arts, the only unmatched war machine in the world! Under his leadership, any soldier as cowardly as a sheep will burst into courage under his infection and be invincible!

So, when he heard Lv Bu, the general who came to attack the Dongqiang tribe, Ma Chao actually had a trace of withdrawal!

Yes, he is the bright and brocade god of war, but at the same time, he is also a modern man who is used to listening to and watching those TV series and forums. His understanding of Lv Bu is the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms has been deeply rooted in his heart, even to the point of unwillingness to mention it.

However, this time, he can't avoid it!

When everyone heard the news, they were also shocked, but they were obviously not as shocked as Ma Chao: at this time, Lv Bu was just a traitor who killed Ding Yuan and defected to Dong Zhuo. Although he has a reputation for bravery in the world, these people are meaningless and don't care much.

Only Jia Xu, who knew something about Lv Bu, showed a solemn look on his face.

However, next, Jia Xu's face became more solemn: a civilian dressed man hurried in from the side room, handed over a report to Yang Fu, and withdrew after leaving. After reading the report, Yang Fu actually smiled bitterly and his face was full of decadentness.

"Lord, not only Yan Xing and Lv Bu, but also Zhang Lu on our south side is ready to move..."

Zhang Lu? How could he suddenly have a grudge against the Ma family? Fa Zheng was shocked, and he vaguely felt that all this was connected and was a conspiracy against the Ma family!

And this conspiracy happened one after another within a few days after Ma Teng's death! These people are all in the dark, like fools and let the people behind the scenes strangle themselves step by step!

"Guangwei County sent a report that Zhang Lu has broken through Wudu County. At this moment, General Yang Ang seems to have a big attack outside Wei County.

Ma Chao knew about Zhang Lu's separation from Hanzhong. However, he has not paid attention to this matter. On the one hand, Zhang Lu has nothing to do with the Ma family, and on the other hand, Liu Zhang succeeded to the throne. Zhang Lu did not listen to Liu Zhang's dispatch, which made Liu Zhang kill all the relatives of Zhang Lu's family in Yizhou. It forced Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang to turn against each other and wear each other. As a result, Zhang Lu has been fighting openly and secretly with Liu Zhang, and his power does not take into account Yongzhou at all.

But at this time, the report clearly said that Zhang Lu had been Chen Bingguangwei, which made Ma Chao upset!

"Presumably, there will be no worse news at the moment. It's urgent to follow the power. Today, it's about the life and death of the Ma family. Don't worry about your hard work. Today, we will discuss a corresponding solution!"

"Do you dare not serve your life!" Everyone who got up sat down again, but their faces were full of depression and distress.

"Lord, looking at this, it must be that someone deliberately targets the Ma family and intends to put the Ma family to death. I'm just thinking about it, and I haven't figured out who this person or this force is. Fa Zheng first made a statement and brought the whole incident together. Everyone nodded and thought that the law was reasonable.

"This is not what the sergeant can do. The sergeants in the court only took advantage of the momentum of the Ma family to support the Han Dynasty, and they had no ability to put the Ma family and death!" Yang Fu opened his mouth and categorically denied those scholars who could only play conspiracy behind the court.

"This is Dong Zhuo's instructions, and behind Dong Zhuo, Li Ru's shadow is indispensable!" After a moment of silence, Jia Xu suddenly said.

"What's the teacher's solution?" Yang Fu was puzzled and asked. And everyone, including Ma Chao, also looked at Jia Xu.

"Someone once stayed under Dong Zhuo's account for a period of time and knows Li Ru's methods like the back of his hand. This man uses the poison of tricks and hides needles in Mian... If my speculation is not bad, this is Li Ru's desire to complete his success in a battle and trap the Ma family!" After Jia Xu said this, he felt that the idea became clearer and clearer, and he continued to say:

"There is no one who can instruct Lv Bu in the court except Dong Zhuo. Although Dong Zhuo is arrogant, he is still obedient to Li Ru's plan. From this point, I judge that this kind of plan should be made by Li Ru. Only this person can be so unintracted. It is not until after all the deployment is completed that it can be used out, making the Ma family clumsy.

This is well-founded, rigorous and clear. Everyone immediately understood the sinister intentions of the people behind the scenes.

"Behind Yan Xing, there must be the shadow of Han Sui, but Han Sui is old with the Ma family and is still greedy for the Ma family's business, so it is not easy to send troops in person, but he should have received Dong Zhuo's big gift, and he has to fight against the Ma family with his own external forces."

After saying this, everyone thought for a moment and felt that it made sense.

Zhang Lu, Chen Bingguang and Wei are also one of the reasons why I thought of Dong Zhuo. In the Han court, only Dong Zhuo held the power at this time, and the imperial edicts were all from him. Presumably, this time, Dong Zhuo admitted Zhang Lu's independent position, and Zhang Lu sent troops.

Ma Chao nodded, but Zhang Lu's name was not right. If Dong Zhuo took the initiative to throw an olive branch, there was no reason for Zhang Lu not to accept it.

"Now that this plan has been seen through, it can naturally be cracked one by one." Jia Xu put his hands in his sleeves and said again after meditating for a moment:

"Zhang Luyijun, don't pay attention to it for the time being. First, Liu Zhang's persecution is very urgent, and second, Zhang Lu may not be willing to sincerely return to Dong Zhuo. This dispatch of troops is just a show. Zhang Lu only needs to order Guangwei County to guard against death, and send another eloquent person to take Yizhou and make an offensive and defensive alliance with Liu Zhang. Zhang Lu is afraid and will not rush to move troops.

"Yan Xingyi army needs the lord to personally defeat this man and behead him. Only in this way can the power of the Ma family be preserved, which makes Zhang Lu and Han Sui more shocked and frightened!"

"There is still Lv Bu all the way. What's your plan?" Ma Chao took a look at the old fox and heard him talking. He was very relieved: No matter how high Li Ru's means were, they were no higher than Jia Xu's. And if you don't subdue Jia Xu, I'm afraid it's really dangerous to encounter this disaster of destruction today!

But when he asked Jia Xu so confidently, Jia Xu sighed helplessly and said, "Lv Bu also had a wonderful solution all the way, but it's just a stopgap measure. Someone still needs to think about it."

"Lv Bu came this time and had to pass through a county in Xianyang, and after Xianyang was poisoned by Dong Zhuo, the people were restless and there were thieves everywhere. Someone can go deep into it and secretly unite those thieves to make heavy profits. Hold down Lv Bu, and after the lord defeats Yan Xing, unite with the Dongqiang tribe to defeat Lv Bu in one fell swoop with the morale like a rainbow!"

Jia Xu took a look at Fa Zheng in surprise. He really didn't expect that this teenager was so biased that he could hit those thieves. However, if it is as he said and matched with his own rumors, maybe he can really deceive Lv Bu back to his teacher.

From this, Jia Xu said to Ma Chao, "Master, although this plan of filial piety seems simple, it is extremely feasible. Moreover, the old man asserted that although Dong Zhuo sent Lv Bu to send troops, in fact, there was no usable soldier in his hand. In addition to the Flying Bear Army guarding Chang'an, the elite soldiers of Xiliang were stationed on the front lines of Huayin and Mianchi to guard against the princes of Kanto. And in the land of Zhongmou, Zhu Jun's righteous army rushed to attack, making Dong Zhuo restless..."

"Do you mean that there is already a gap between Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu?" Ma Chao didn't hear the information about Dong Zhuo's soldiers. Instead, he is more interested in the relationship between Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo.

"Lv Bu, the general of tigers and wolves, is he willing to be a dog? Dong Zhuo was cruel and unsced, killing the rebellious people indiscriminately. Lv Bu clenched the army of Bingzhou in his hand. How could Dong Zhuo let go at ease? There is already a gap between the two. How can we talk about sooner or later? Jia Xu smiled and asked.

And Ma Chao sank his head and had some vague understanding of the famous serial plan in history: even Jia Xu, who was far away from Fufeng, could see that there was a gap between Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu, so how could Wang Yun not see it? It seems that it's not how high Wang Yun's plan is, but a coincidence...

However, this has nothing to do with me. What you need to care about is how to get through this crisis?

Jia Xu and Fa Zheng's strategy is indeed impeccable, and they can also retreat from the three-way army. But the question is, should the mystery of Ma Teng's death be investigated in this way? How to find out the black hand behind the scenes? How to avenge Ma Teng?

Therefore, Ma Chao was silent, and the whole hall was also immersed in an atmosphere of determination and condensation. Only the painful sadness and the anxiety of internal and external troubles make people feel difficult to breathe.