Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 216

The hair Qiang leader's eyes turned red and watched the warriors of his tribe being stabbed over by a big rod, and his teeth were almost broken: impossible, this impact should have shaken the knights of Ma's army long ago. Why did they...

In the impression of the leader of Faqiang, at the moment when the cavalry fought, in fact, they had to rely on their fearless courage to hit the other party with the war horse and their own courage. Only after the impact was completely removed, they could attack the other party with their weapons. On the vast plain, there is no need to even collide at all. It's just a rush to kill. Relying on the high-speed machine power, you can take the opportunity to fight.

But Ma Jiajun's behavior completely subverted his impression!

At the end of the Han Dynasty, there was no stature, so it was impossible for the cavalry to attack the other party with a knight gun like the later European knights. They could only stab with spear tips, which greatly reduced their power. After Ma Chao invented the bilateral staop, he did everything he could to assemble his troops.

In fact, the leader of the Qiang did not know that Pang's army was just a light cavalry and was not equipped with a real heavy armored knight gun. It's just equipped with this simple version of Daqi. And Ma Chao's heavy cavalry unified the standard equipment of the sprint knight gun. The specific equipment method, like the European heavy cavalry, is equipped with a sharp metal cone on the long pole head of about two meters. The hard wooden gun body has a hand guard in the hand position and a wooden cone with a counterweight at the rear. At the same time, a "gunhole" is made on the saddle to absorb the impact of assassination when charging.

However, even if Pound's light cavalry did not wear heavy armor, it was also the first most tedious and well-assembled cavalry in the world. If it hadn't been for the countless Xiliang horses in Ma's Ranch, it might not have been able to carry so many weapons.

At this moment, there is no sound in the ears of the leader of Faqiang. There is no other sound in his ears except the pain that resounds through the sky when the big bow is broken and the tragic howling of his own people before his death. And his red eyes have no other colors except the chaos of wood chips and the red splashed with the blood of his own people!

"Kill with me!" It seemed that for a century, or for a moment, the leader of Faqiang had completely collapsed. He only felt that the boiling blood in his chest could no longer survive except to burn Pang Dejun!

Because there is no need for me to live: the warriors in the tribe are dead, leaving their own leader and 20,000 old and young, and the end is that they can only become slaves of other tribes! In this case, why don't you kill those damn Ma soldiers here?!

As for whether the Tieqiang League will sit and wait for its own family to be destroyed, the leader of Faqiang has no such a fluke mentality: from beginning to end, Han Sui's method is to attract strong tribes, so as to provoke the infighting in the Tieqiang League and achieve the purpose of Han Sui's eternal dominance!

He is now very regretful and regrets that he is greedy for the weapons and food given by Han Sui, which makes his tribe become Han Sui's knife soldiers. Thinking of the migration of Beiheqiang, Saiwaiqiang, Baosaiqiang, Lintaiqiang, Xiangrenqiang, Ge Yanqiang and other tribes migrated to Dongqiang, he also sent troops all the way to chase and kill... At this time, the leader of Faqiang only wanted to know that if he had also entered Dongqiang at the beginning, would it still end like today?

I heard that Dongqiang has formed a "committee" that does not allow tribes to plunder each other. If anyone dares to violate this prohibition, the Ma family will issue an edict and no longer provide protection to it. All materials and transactions of Hanqiang Trading Institute will no longer be provided to the tribe. At that time, other tribes will unite and annex the tribes that dare to commit taboo in one fell swoop...

In that case, there should be no internal expedition within the Qiang, right? However, our ancestors have always been like this, robbing others to survive themselves. What's wrong with following the traditions of our ancestors?

On the way to kill, the leader of Faqiang has been thinking about this problem. However, after really seeing the majestic and calm general in the harsh tyranny, the leader of Faqiang gave up all his thoughts and had only one idea in his mind: cut off the head of the executioner with the extremely sharp machete in his hand to pay tribute to the hero of his tribe warriors!

With a sound, the leader of Faqiang was shocked to find that the machete in his hand was broken!

And when he looked up again, he saw Pound's joking and mocking face from beginning to end: "The Western Regions machete is really good. However, among our Ma family, this is just eliminating products..."

"How can it be..."

The last thing the leader of Faqiang saw was the sparkling blade in Pound's hand. The sharp and curved streamlined knife body was elegantly cutting his neck... After that, the leader of Faqiang felt that he had flown up, and below was his headless body, spewing spring-like blood...

"The leader was killed... The leader was killed..."

A member of the guard saw that the leader of Faqiang was killed by Pound's move, and his whole body was dumbfounded. There was only one sentence that could be shouted out in his mouth...

And the remaining hair warriors, after seeing the power of the first round of javelin, the second round of crossbow and the third round of big arrows, suddenly found that the invincible machete in their hands could not resist the blade in the hands of the Ma family, and the only trace of courage left in their hearts also disappeared cleanly... At this time, he heard that his leader had been killed, and he was even more in love with war. Everyone immediately reacted: Run! On this vast grassland, as long as you escape, no one can stop you!

In a lifetime, there were pioneers, and with people taking the lead, this defeat spread like a plague, and immediately spread all over the Faqiang tribe. All the warriors gave up fighting and drove their horses awkwardly. They fled in panic like seeing hungry ghosts in hell...

"Children, these are all fucking military achievements. Don't let me go!" Pound laughed and commanded to hunt down these Qiang soldiers. Looking at the stupid Liang Xing troops on the hill in the distance, Pang's tyranny in his eyes eased a little and shouted with a smile, "Lead Liang, why don't you come and help at this time?"

"Oh... Brothers, let me go!" When Liang Xing heard Pang's words, he hurriedly turned over: "There are not many opportunities to beat the falling dog. Brothers, don't live up to General Pang's beauty!"

Pound killed a hair warrior and smiled when he heard the words: Yes, this guy is quite eye-catching...

And then, the rest is a meaningless killing. At this time, there is no need to consider tactics and tactics, and there is no need to consider the level of martial arts skills. At this time, as long as you can chase and kill the enemy, you can kill the enemy: the defeated soldier who has no desire to fight at all is really the most comfortable and simplest thing on the battlefield.


The desolate and rapid three trumpets sounded. Pound looked at it and saw that a large army of at least 30,000 appeared in the distance, wrapping the momentum of breaking a giant dragon and rushing towards him...

"General Pang, that's the main force of Yan Xing!" Liang Xing roared in horror, but saw Pound just smile indifferently:

"You should say this to the lord..."

Liang Xing looked in the direction of Pound's finger and saw a colorful flag flying at this time. In front of the five hundred knights, a young man in brocade looked at the blood-stained grass and smiled coldly: "It seems that Ling Ming has done a good job..."