Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 227 Grand Return

In Fufeng County,

The white silk of the whole city has been removed, but replaced with a happy red. With that, the mood and style of the people of Fufeng County also changed.

Zhang Ji looked at the results of his efforts to stay up late these days - at the behest of Ma Chao, Zhang Yi mobilized all the county soldiers and people in Fufeng County to thoroughly clean up the whole road and resolutely implemented the high-level level of ' loess paving roads and clear water spilling streets' - he said no The relief and such a trace of sadness.

And Meng Da, who stood next to him, looked like a mess: the people who came out this time are not voluntary labor! And the time is tight and the task is heavy, and nearly 200 pieces of gold were spent by the Ministry of Finance! This makes Meng Da, who is very** and vulnerable to numbers, gold and copper coins, feel painless!

Under Ma Chao's new policy, the government can no longer force people to serve corvée. Although Fufeng County still retains the feudal exploitation regulations of the "two-services in one year" left by the imperial court, after Ma Chao's reform, it has become a short-term welfare that is extremely beneficial to the majority of people.

For example, in this cleaning activity, Meng Da's practice is to spread notices and mobilize the people of the city to serve corvée and clean up sanitation. On the afternoon of the notice, the county guard of Fufeng County was tightly surrounded by 5,000 people. If Zhang hadn't known about this in advance, he would have thought that it was something angry and resentful happened in Fufeng County, causing the people to attack the county governor: to work for the government, there would be a salary! Besides, it's also in charge of food! This is really a rejection for those strong workers who can only do some small business after farming.

Of course, there are many sad guys in the city. Then the guy is naturally a big man in the city. Fortunately, the corvée launched by the Ma family can take out a sum of money to offset the number of corvée. In addition, Fufeng County has never done any bad acts of force and tyranny against the large households, so those large households are still more convinced of the rule of the Ma family - of course, the dispute over the ownership of the wasteland of Fufeng, Xinping and Bedi County a year ago caused the hidden eradication of the large Wang family by the Ma family, which made these surviving big families I dare not be unconvinced...

Although with this entry and the voluntary labor of the county soldiers, there is still a cost of two hundred gold gaps, which makes Meng Da's mood and face not good today.

"This is a very happy lord!" These days, every night, Meng Da always comes up with this word in his mind, and he can't fall asleep after biting his teeth twice.

Of course, the name "greatly happy lord" can only be deeply buried in Fufeng, Minister of Finance, no, now it is the deep heart of Meng Da, the Minister of Finance of Yongzhou, which is very deep and deep...

Therefore, after Zhang and Meng Da looked at each other, the two quickly changed into a happy and excited and inexplicable look, waiting for the victory of Ma Jiajun.

And just a hundred steps outside the city gate, the anxious county soldiers have used all their strength to breastfeed. Many of them's clothes were torn, shiny metal armor was scratched, their airy hats were caught, and even countless boots were trampled off.

What made a thousand county soldiers who were ordered to maintain order outside the city gate was helpless that they faced more than 50,000 onlookers to support the people.

The enthusiastic onlookers prepared flowers, cheers, applause - of course, many girls even prepared their own lifelong happiness. They are not sure whether they will faint after seeing the handsome and masculine Ma soldiers, or crazily break through the obstruction of the county soldiers and give the favorite guy a hot kiss?

Under such emotion**, a thousand county soldiers felt like a broken ship in the ocean, which could be overturned at any time.

At this moment, they envy the brothers of the county guards standing within the gate cordon, because they can leisurely arrange the square team, show off the brightest armor and weapons they have just sent, and at the same time, they don't have to worry about being scratched by some fanatical people in the next second.

When Meng Da and Zhang saw such a scene, they looked at each other helplessly, and the expression on their faces immediately turned into a bitter smile: they naturally knew the reason for such a situation!

With Ma's tough military reform, soldiers have now become the first choice for young people under the rule of the Ma family. Although this occupation is very risky, the profits are too large and irresistible - after the unification of Yongzhou, the Ma family confiscated a large number of "nameless" arable land, and the new policy of the Ma family Among them, soldiers can distribute land by military merit! Other people can only accept the seeds, cattle farming, technology and other aspects provided by the government and work for the government according to the 37th division.

Of course, such a policy is much better than those tenants farming for powerful landlords. At least it can ensure that after they are full, they can leave some food in exchange for some necessities of life. But in this agriculture-oriented feudal society, who doesn't want to fully own the land? Moreover, the higher the military merit level of soldiers, the less tax they have to pay: even the lowest-class third-class soldiers pay half of the taxes of ordinary people!

In addition, Ma Jiajun's fixed salary every quarter is also quite considerable. Although he can't make a fortune, he has a solid iron rice bowl and is worry-free, which is completely reflected by the arrogant mouths of his military.

Of course, the craftsmen in Ma's arsenal, the tenants in Ma's farm, the herdsmen in Ma's ranch, and the staff of Ma's shops also belong to this group. Anyway, the whole Fufeng, who can have a little relationship with the Ma family, is a happy and proud virtue. And among all these professions, soldiers are naturally more promising. Other professions are safe, but there are not much channels for promotion. Especially in the past six months, the Ma family's industry has not recruited people anymore.

Only war gives those young people who are full of impulses and dreams a stage to show their ability and loyalty. It also really made some of them have a good future of fame and wife by relying on their bravery and fearlessness.

Therefore, when the first horseshoe sounded in the distance and Ma Jiajun began to reveal its outline, the crowd began to cheer uncontrollably.

With the majestic and majestic figure of the Ma family slowly approaching the city gate, the temperament of this powerful division completely shocked all the people who came to watch.

Under Ma Chao's special strict order, the Ma family's army troops marching on the official road were full of energy. The whole army smelled of being extremely arrogant, indifference, rude, regretless and vowing to obey orders, and the guards guarding on both sides were more energetic and kind: on the night of returning to the city, Ma Chao Order them to make sure to show a smile with eight teeth! Otherwise, drive out Ma Chao's guard!

Affected by this infection, whenever the young people in Fufeng County saluted enviously and the girls cheered enthusiastically to their eardrums, all the soldiers of the Ma army, who seemed to be in estrus, shouted the password proudly and put on disdainful look full of superiority.

Of course, there are no heavy cavalry or well-equipped combat weapons. This return, according to Ma Chao, is a show.

However, even so, the iron-blooded features of the Ma family army who came down from the battlefield have made the people of Fufeng County's enthusiasm for the first close viewing to the extreme!

When the skilled military skills of the Ma family slowly entered the city, tens of thousands of people had boiled, countless hats were thrown into the sky, countless people stepped off their shoes, and countless people injured their legs. And the poor county soldiers who maintain law and order can only narrow the cordon to the limit of their ability, and then shrink it...

And when Ma Chaoma Mengqi, the West General of Dahan Town, the head of the Ma family, the general of the Tianwei God of Saiwai, and a series of great achievements such as the "Jin of Yongzhou", appeared in the sight of the people. When his charming and kind and modest smile floated to the people of Fufeng County, the cheers of the whole Fufeng County almost sounded Shake away all the clouds in the sky...