Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 240 in the forest

"In this way, Fufeng County will work for you."

The team to enter Chang'an has been ready. four hundred and five people lined up a neat cavalry array, protecting three carts, as silent as cold and hard statues. They are Ma Chao's personal guards and the most elite soldiers of the Ma family army! They will remain silent like this until they receive the order to set out.

Ma Chao bowed deeply to the civil and martial arts ministers who came to see him off. In his tone, there was not too much worry, but there was a strong reluctance: he didn't expect that he had been here for almost two years and had a feeling of belonging.

"My subordinates should serve wholeheartedly and live up to the Lord's trust!" Under the leadership of the old fox, everyone knelt down and bowed back.

And Ma Chao finally took a deep look at Yun'er and saw that she hid in the send-off crowd and dared not appear openly. But the slightly red eyes have revealed her deep reluctance and worry. Ma Chao knew what Yun'er was scrupulous about. After smiling, he deliberately waved to Yun'er in front of everyone: "When Chang'an returns, it will be the day to marry you!"

After saying that, like a dragon and horse hiss, like a dragon out of the cage, trampled on the dust on the ground: "Let's go!"

The guards immediately responded, such as the sudden fire of the soul of the imprisoned statue, suddenly resurrected, and shouted at the horses one after another: "The Ma army is powerful!"

And in the dust and smoke, Yun'er cried with joy, and she stroked her stomach: she could give birth to this child openly...

In ancient times, he was in an orderly and humble identity like Yun'er. Even if he was pregnant, there were unspeakable dangers. She even learned from rumors that a child like her maidservant may be forcibly miscarried. Although she trusted Ma Chao, she did not dare to say this, so as not to disturb Ma Chao's mind. Therefore, she can only use the immature maternal love to try to save her children.

Today, after receiving Ma Chao's promise, Yun'er knew that her worries were completely unnecessary: after becoming Ma Chao's concubine, the child had a reputation, and she would also rely on her son.

Unfortunately, Ma Chao has gone away at this time. No matter how loudly she shouts, it is impossible for Ma Chao to hear the news. Only a smiling face with tears can tell her mood at this time.

The horse didn't know that he would be a father. After about five miles, he raised his hand to stop. The guards behind him naturally walked one after another and automatically set up a defensive camp, waiting for Ma Chao's order.

And after driving around, Ma Chao came to a cavalry whose face was deeply covered by a helmet and said, "Miss Han, you really followed..."

The cavalry heard the words for a while and raised his head, revealing Han Ying's beautiful face, but at this time, the beautiful face flowed out with a trace of surprise: "You... When did you know?"

"I began to doubt without you in the farewell. Moreover, the establishment of the Ma family army can be compiled by me personally. A song of four-five guards, lined up neatly, and only one horse fell at the end of the team. I don't doubt you, who else can you suspect? Ma Chao smiled and stroked Han Ying's face: "You are still so capricious..."

"I... I can't bear to let you go." Han Ying burst into tears, but suddenly wiped away tears: "If you want to go, I want to go with you!"

Looking at Han Ying's resolute expression, Ma Chao regretted it. But when he saw these guards around him, he said, "Garrison in place!" After saying that, he also wink at Angel Xiao and glanced at a car: in it, there were the dizzy Dong Yi and Diao Chan sitting...

Xiao Tian nodded and was connected, and Ma Chao then pulled Han Ying to the woods aside: I was in front of him, and the old nature could not be too affectionate. This is not filming a romantic film...

The breeze in the forest blew, bringing the leaves to sound, but it couldn't blow away the sadness of their separation.

"Listen, go back." Ma Chao said this gently without thinking about it, but it attracted a fierce reaction from Han Ying.

"I won't go back, I want to go with you! I have scored with you, and I don't want to experience that feeling again! In my life, I have identified you, and you are my man!" Han Ying's red eyes burst into unprecedented brilliance, which made Ma Chao's warm and thin cheeks like a knife on one side. Hearing each other, he said in a hurry.

After saying that, he may have realized that parting was imminent and that he could not follow Ma Chao. A trace of determination flashed in Han Ying's eyes, and her lips whispered like a dream: "I'm sure you. Even if you want to leave, you will take my heart away. My people can't go with you, but my heart..."

Ma Chao didn't say anything, but put Han Ying tightly into his arms, so hard that Han Ying had the illusion that her waist seemed to be strangled. She couldn't help but unconsciously twist her delicate body, as if she wanted to avoid something so that she could breathe the air happily.

Feeling the grinding of the hotter and hot body of the beauty in her arms, Ma Chao's breathing also seemed to be heavy. The heavy breathing sound blew on Han Ying's ears. The hot breath made Han Ying feel that her whole body was floating a little. Han Ying, who felt that her smooth and smooth lower abdomen was strangely supported, became weaker and weaker. She greedily strangled Ma Chao's neck with her hands and breathed in his ear: "If you want me, just today, I'm afraid that it will take to see you again after this day..."

Holding the delicate and stubborn beauty in his arms tightly, Ma Chao's breath suddenly became a little thicker. Han Ying's moaning dream and passionate confession simply made Ma Chao's male hormones explode. He suddenly picked up Han Ying and walked towards the low-lying and clean ground in the woods. There seems to be a flame burning in the chest.

"Han Ying, don't you really regret it?..." At the most critical moment, Ma Chao gritted his teeth and asked Han Ying. Han Ying's answer was to take the initiative to straighten up her delicate body, looking forward to Ma Chao's fiery attack. At that moment, Ma Chao suddenly felt that he was out of control, like a hungry beast to tear the most delicious prey on the ground...

The midsummer sun is hot and hot, scattered through the gaps of the leaves, reflecting the two entangled bodies in the forest, one strong and magnificent, one delicate and hot.

The sweat on the body is like a light stream flowing by the woods, trickling silently. The satisfied and tired horse exhaled a long breath of turbidity, and his strong chest fluctuated up and down: at this time, it would be perfect to smoke after the event...

carefully kneaded Han Ying's bulging breast and falling buds, which immediately provoked Han Ying to make an involunative mutter. However, Han Ying then opened Ma Chao's Lushan's claws, picked up the clothes they took off when they were crazy, and dressed them carefully for Ma Chao: "Super, I'm already your person now. Naturally, you won't block your way like those resentful women. As long as you promise to marry me after returning to Fufeng!"

Ma Chao smiled and naturally knew that Han Ying was jealous of Yun'er: "When you go back to Fufeng, it is naturally the day to marry you. Don't always argue with Yuner when I'm away. She is a child, and you are her eldest sister..."

"I know!" Han Ying looked at Ma Chao in anger, but two red clouds had already risen on his cheek. Ma Chao couldn't help but be stunned and sighed in his heart: Sure enough, love promotes women to mature...

Han Ying finally returned to Fufeng, and Ma Chao escorted 100 soldiers. However, when the two came out of the woods, the soldiers tried to pretend not to see, which made Ma Chao very internally injured.

"Let's go!" Riding like a dragon and horse Xiaohei again, Ma Chao is very proud: "Chang'an, I'm up!"