Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 242 The Loved

"Blood whistling is a unique symptom of those generals who have killed countless people. It is said that those ghosts who are unwilling to be killed by him are haunting and encroaching his soul. Ma Chao killed countless people... No, you have to subdue him quickly, otherwise once he gets out of control, we will be killed by him!" Although Diao Chan is delicate and cautious, she is just a weak woman. Although she has heard of the matter of 'blood roaring', she does not know how to deal with it.

In fact, blood whistling is a modern phenomenon of mental illness, especially in some soldiers with their hands stained with countless blood. After experiencing the cruelty and extreme tension of the battlefield, it is impossible for people to return to their normal state at once. There are always some shadows left in the heart. When the nerves are no longer so nervous, they suddenly attack, making the soldiers out of control, depressed and irritable, and even use self-harm and killing to relieve this pain.

If Ma Chao himself is from the end of the Han Dynasty, the suffering he has suffered since childhood will gradually erode his human nature. For example, Pound, Chouge and others can control their emotions well. The problem is that he is from modern society. He inherits Jinma Chao's martial arts in history and his killing, but he only does not inherit Jinma Chao's indifference and ruthlessness in history.

Killing and ordering people again and again, laying hidden dangers in Ma Chao's heart, and experiencing the great sadness after Ma Teng's death, and the normal beautiful things in Yun'er, Han Ying and Fufeng County, Ma Chao's psychology suddenly changed, leaving the root of the disease of blood roaring, lurking in his body, waiting for the opportunity. Outbreak.

And today, Dong Yi's words completely made Ma Chao fall into the sea of blood. He could not imagine that the killing god like a killing machine was himself. Those pair of innocent and frightened eyes before his death are the guilt spread on his way to Huangquan...

He vaguely saw that although Dong Yi was crouching at this time, there was an extremely sarcastic ridicule on his face. Although Diao Chan was active, Ma Chao saw in a trance that Diao Chan seemed to hold a knife in her hand, and his eyes suddenly darkened, and seemed to be about to see an opportunity: these two women want to kill me! No, I have to do it first!

"General, general, I'm Diao Chan. Can you see my hand?" Diao Chan carefully stretched out her Qianyu hand and gently shook it in front of Ma Chao, who was gasping for breath, trying to awaken Ma Chao's mind.

"This... Is it useful..." Dong Yi is ashamed and afraid: Can he still live today?

"I don't know... But I know that for this kind of crazy and hateful fantasy, we must not provoke him again. We must use the softest and familiar movements to calm him down..." As Diao Chan tried to make the gentlest smile, she whispered to Dong Yi, "After a while, if he is quieter, you can escape from this carriage immediately. Remember, the action must be light..."

"Hmm..." Dong Yi nodded in panic. At this time, she looked at Ma Chao's red eyes, and her whole heart seemed to be taken away by the blood. In addition to fear, the rest was fear.

Dang Chan's hands are actually shaking, but after all, her experience is richer than Dong Yi's. At the critical moment of life and death, she forced herself to calm down and wanted to feed the tiger. After the smile on her face stiffened slightly, she boldly stroked her slightly trembling hand on Ma Chao's face and said softly, "Superer, everything will pass and everything will be fine..."

"No! Everything will not get better! I am ashamed of what I have done. I am a cruel executioner, and I actually enjoy it. My father indulged me so much, but he died inexplicably. And those innocent Qiang people, those desperate exiles and thieves..."

Speech here, the red in Ma Chao's eyes disappeared, but Diao Chan, who was very close to him, found that Ma Chao's eyes were almost empty like a hole that could not be seen to the end. Under the deep hole, there was full of repentance and sadness.

"Or, it's normal for me to kill on the battlefield. However, whenever the battle is over, I hope to return to a normal society and become an ordinary person. And once I restore my original humanity, I can no longer suppress the condemnation of my conscience - how can I raise a butcher knife to others? Recently, I can't eat. I thought it was just because of the hot weather... I feel ashamed and lonely.

At this time, Diao Chan felt faintly and seemed to calm Ma Chao's emotions. However, Ma Chao is still very excited. She can't risk letting Dong Yi escape at this time.

"Yan'er, you don't know that one night, in the stormy night, I can't help but feel sad..."

After this sentence, the two women in the carriage were shocked at the same time: Ma Chao was really not awake at all, and he did not recognize the two people in front of him! And what he loves most in his heart is actually a woman called 'Yan'er!


Cai Yan!

Dang Chan and Dong Yi almost instantly guessed the 'Yan' in Ma Chao's mouth: Cai Yong stayed in Fufeng for more than a year and a half, and his daughter was called Cai Yan!

"So you like that woman! That woman should be killed, damn it!" Dong Yi suddenly forgot Ma Chao's situation and screamed loudly. In his voice, there was indescribable shame and anger: Don't forget that although Ma Chao doesn't care about Dong Yi, in Dong Yi's heart, Ma Chao is his future husband. In other words, marrying Ma Chao is the only better way she can choose to serve the Dong family.

It's another 'pop'!

Dong Yi looked at Diao Chan angrily. She didn't expect this bitch to dare to beat herself?!

And Diao Chan was so angry that he really wanted to cut Dong Yi to death, because he saw a deep murder at the corner of Ma Chao's mouth: and the place where Ma Chao held the round stick in his hand had been held thinly by him...

Seeing Dong Yi's hateful eyes, Diao Chan deliberately turned sideways and showed Ma Chao's ferocious and evil face in front of Dong Yi. Dong Yi, who was about to be angry, suddenly remembered his situation and whispered, "Diao Chan, after going back..."

At this time, Diao Chan was unable to pay attention to Dong Yi, a thing that was not enough to fail. She had made up her mind and waited for Ma Chao to be a little sober, and quickly asked her to get out of the carriage: her damn identity could not kill her!

"Hey hey... Yes, everyone should be killed, damn it!" Ma Chao smiled ferociously, crossed the fair figure of Diao Chan, and said to Dong Yi with a strange look of approval, "However, it's impossible to kill a person. They must be killed! And cut off their heads and send them to those who dare to be your enemy, and let them know that they are the next ones to drop their heads!"

"No, no... Super, blindly killing people, can't solve the problem. You said you were ashamed of it..." Diao Chan was sad. She knew that she might be the safest at present. Because Ma Chao regards her as his beloved Cai Yan, he should not have the intention to kill himself. Therefore, she spoke softly to comfort Ma Chao.

"Is it wrong to kill people?" Asked here, Ma Chao's eyes began to be confused again. Although the red blood color was fading, there was still no focus in his pupils. And the only focus is the 'Cai Yan' in front of him: "Yes, it's wrong to kill people. Whenever I kill, my hands and feet are numb, and I feel that my arms and legs are unconscious. The moment I get off the battlefield, my chest is tight and I can't breathe. At first, I didn't care, but in retrospect, it seems that those ghosts are entangled around me and begging me for life..."

"I regret that I could get off the battlefield safely, and I regret that I didn't get seriously injured or die under the butcher's knife. This is not what I want. It's worth sacrificing for all the people of the big man... However, I returned to Fufeng smoothly... But after I went back, I talked to people the most about how to kill more people..."

Diao Chan quietly listened to Ma Chao's murmur. At first, she was still a little afraid and anger. But after gradually entering Ma Chao's heart. She suddenly found that the teenager in front of her, although combined wisdom and courage, also enjoyed too much glory. But at the same time, his heart actually carries too many fates that ordinary people can't understand...