Three Kingdoms New Malaysia Super

Chapter 245 Enemies...

Being locked in a closed carriage, Diao Chan knew his end. Facing the beautiful butcher across the two prefectures of Yongliang, outside the sound plug and still in a bloody roaring state, she only had heavy powerlessness and deep sadness in her heart.

However, with her perseverance, she still did not give up the last glimmer of hope. When Ma Chao was confused, she attracted Ma Chao's attention with her wonderful body, but under such a wonderful cover, she quietly grabbed the iron sword that Ma Chao had fallen into the carriage before.

"That sword can't kill me at all..." Ma Chao, who was very murderous, hardly glanced at Diao Chan's hand and knew Diao Chan's movements.

"It really can't kill you, but it can at least make me die proud!" Diao Chan didn't expect that Ma Chao had a keenness beyond ordinary at this time, but fortunately, her original purpose was not to fight to death with that sword. The next moment, what she did was to put the sword on her neck, regardless of the fact that she had leaked in spring.

"In history, I have never said that you are a loyal person!" Ma Chao roared angrily as if he didn't believe the facts in front of him. He stretched out his right hand and slowly stretched out to Diao Chan, strongly asking Diao Chan to hand over the sword.

But Diao Chan was not moved at all, but gave the sword to his pink neck one point. The sharp sword light soon cut a blood line on Diao Chan's pink neck.

"How can this be!" Ma Chao was unwilling to put down his right hand, but the bloody anger in his eyes was like overflowing magma, jumping turbulently: "Women are indeed the most hateful creature in the world! Whether in the Han Dynasty or modern times, whether you are a loser technician or a rich and handsome Ma Chao, it is difficult to conquer you disguised arrogant creatures!"

At this time, Diao Chan had already heard that Ma Chao's words were very unusual. However, before the great danger, her mind did not focus on these things, but then she saw Ma Chao's strange smile and saw that there was some kind of mysterious meaning in the smile, which made Diao Chan forget even humiliation and pain

"I'll tell you a secret that I'm not from this era at all, but..."

"Not a person of this era!" This sentence suddenly shook Diao Chan's head with a roar and Hua Rongjiao: This sentence, this... What does this mean?!

"Do you know Ma's distilled bar? Do you know the Ma family's fried tea? Do you know why I forcibly detained Jia Xu and kidnapped Fa Zheng? Hey hey..." At the same time as Ma Chaoyou said these words, it seemed that he was very irritable, and the corners of his mouth were still moving, as if he was looking for something to chew.

"Futam! In this era, there is no tobacco. After I unify the Han Dynasty, I will definitely develop a navy to kill all the indigenous monkeys in South America and take their tobacco!"

Diao Chan is actually a little stupid at this time. No matter how smart, wise and strong a woman is, she can't react a little better than Diao Chan at this time: what kind of tobacco, that thing can cure the disease of blood? Also, is what Ma Chao said true, or his nonsense in the chaotic fantasy? However, his thoughts and words about the things he invented...

Just as Diao Chan's mind was immersed in Ma Chao's change, Diao Chan was shocked to see a cunning light flash in the corners of Ma Chao's eyes. Before she could react, she felt a loosening of her neck. The iron sword had been firmly grasped by Ma Chao, and the sharp blade directly pierced his palm, allowing the blood to drip on her snow-like skin. The little heat seemed to burn her body: "Ma Chao , you..."

"The soldiers are not tired of fraud... Hey hey." Ma Chao smiled ferociously. At this time, Diao Chan was already facing Ma Chao, and there was nothing in his hand that could stop Ma Chao from attacking. She exclaimed and soon knew what Ma Chao was going to do!

Sure enough, the next moment, like a hungry wolf lurking in the dark, he jumped on the irresistible sheep. Ma Chao's superb martial arts, like a hungry wolf's fangs, chased her to the throat of the sheep at the first time, directly destroying her heart defense and making her fall into the end of endless fear and dust.

The next moment, the huge pressure like Mount Tai caused the dam to collapse, and the violent blood roar disease turned into a rolling torrent to vent, wrapping Ma Chao and the woman in his arms.

At the beginning, there was no happiness like becoming an immortal. Instead, it was a complex aggression mixed with pain, humiliation and anger, but soon, with the spread of affection, the atmosphere in the whole carriage gradually became more and more lively. Diao Chan felt that his body was like a fierce battlefield, and a brave and invincible warrior was conquering the battlefield with all his charm. The general was skilled and unprevious. He broke into the attack again and again, as if he would never give up the enemy's stubborn blockade. Along the way, only his invincible heroism and the blood of the enemy's perseverance were left......

The last enemy's counterattack was in her desperate struggle. The will of the remaining defeated soldier seemed to be hesitant, but when that will was condensed to fight with the young warrior, the teenager immediately waved an unparalleled fierce shot, and the strong enemy's will fell to the ground. Finally, after the breakthrough, the whole battlefield has been allowed to gallop. Every attack, every rush, and every comfort he has been so easy, as if he was born with the proud posture of the conqueror.

Diao Chan's tears finally overflowed: she hated herself and hated herself for losing her most precious virginity so easily. What's more hateful is that she can't deceive her feelings... My hot body, dry throat, hot face and cyan skin... None of these said her desire.

In fact, before the Song Dynasty, the concept of chastity of ancient women was far less serious than modern people imagined. Folk customs are even very open. For example, in the Book of Songs, there are many poems describing the elopement of men and women. And like Zhuo Wenjun in the early period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who was peeked and wanted to get married after taking a shower, indeed. But it can't be said that she represents the atmosphere of the whole Han Dynasty: if it is not the talented and handsome Sima Xiangru who peeks at her bathing, but a beggar, she will definitely be killed by the Zhuo family, instead of marrying Zhuo Wenjun to a beggar!

Therefore, in the wrong era, there is an extremely rare but widely publicized correct event. As a result, many people think that this was the case in that era.....

The reason why Diao Chan did not follow Ma Chao before does not mean how serious her chastity is. But no woman wants to be forced to be chaste by a person. But once the wood is in a boat, people's inertia and aggressiveness are strange, especially for women...

In a trance, Ma Chao seemed to see Rose's tearful but happy smile. At this time, the blood red in his eyes gradually faded, but he could not give up the feeling of being surrounded by warmth that had never been seen before, nor could he refuse the desire in his heart. In his sobriety and semi-illusory, he released all his enthusiasm in the crimson rose garden. In this game, the intertwined love and strong love made him move towards the end of happiness again and again. Although it is wrong, there is no regret.

Finally, the tyrannical mood gradually faded away, and the blood redness in his eyes gradually dismembered. The final result was that Ma Chao indulged all his emotions - he reached the peak of happiness with the people under him.

Slowly closing his eyes, Ma Chao threw himself into the arms of the people under him and absorbed the fragrance of her body like nostalgia.

Diao Chan's hands unconsciously gently rested on him. At this time, she had no other thoughts except that her soul was still floating.

And Ma Chao is always the easiest to fall asleep in her gentle arms.

In the face of such warm trust, he does not need to hide it. Whether he is tired, afraid, or painful, everything needs to be hidden in his heart. He just needs to release his emotions and ask her for more comfort and support. He felt that there was a mansion-like existence that made him feel so safe, so relieved and comfortable.

In front of that mansion, there is no need to support your fatigue and become the wisest monarch and the most fearless god of war as in front of others. There is no need to hide your fatigue, or even pretend to be strong. He just needs to sleep at ease, do whatever he wants, and don't have to worry about everything in the world. What he wants to do is to sleep peacefully.

Diao Chan picked up the iron sword again, but he could no longer pierce Ma Chao's body so resolutely and decisively as before. After a long time, she sighed faintly: "enemy... In this life, maybe I owe you..."