
Chapter 1 Section 3 Evil Mountain Ghost Gate

The evil mountain is located in a wild place outside the middle soil, which is full of dangerous mountains and rivers, ghosts and monsters.

Two figures appeared on a huge stone in the deep mountains, a man and a woman, a woman in red, and a man in a dark black robe.

"Ghost and Su Yao, these two bad breeds, actually betrayed us! Heart, soul, charm, soul, this is missing, the doorkeeper will definitely ask for the crime, and I will bear the blame. You don't have to say more. The man who speaks is the ghost. A woman is a ghost.

The ghost and the ghost heart recited a spell one after another, and the figure disappeared from the boulder. It turns out that this huge stone is the secret passage into the ghost gate.

Entering the ghost gate is a completely different world - an empty and huge square, a dark and far-reaching corridor. The ghost gate is actually inside the evil mountain, so there is no light in the sky. However, the ghost fire that can be seen everywhere shines the horrible dark heaven and earth of the ghost gate like day.

The ghost and the ghost heart followed the corridor to the end. A huge stone wall appeared in front of them. Two holes protrude on the stone wall, a pair of red and terrible eyes, so they stared at the ghost and ghost heart standing under the stone wall.

"You are here. Where's the ghost?"

The voice is as crisp as a silver bell, floating into the ears, and there is an ecstasy. No one could have thought that a woman's voice came from behind the stone wall!

"Master, he defected from our door. Guixin and I pursued all the way. When we arrived at Yiyuan, we wanted to persuade him to return to our door, but we never thought that he would stubbornly resist, and later we knew that he had entered the Sanqing Gate!"

"Sanqing Gate?" After the stone wall, the woman, the owner of the ghost door, couldn't help trembling when she heard the ghost talking about Sanqing Gate.

"The ghost entered the Sanqing Gate, but his magic weapon, the soul bell, is not in the Sanqing Gate." The ghost's words seemed to be a flash of lightning, and even the silent ghost's heart couldn't help but show a trace of surprise on his face.

"The four of us are indeed less than one ten thousand of the ancestors. In those years, he was proficient in the four * weapons of the ghost gate, which made it difficult for those immortal dogs in Central China to sleep and eat. However, by now, no second person can control the ghost's soul bell."

"The door owner should not worry too much. There is one person who can be used for us. I think he will be the best substitute for ghosts. I have a plan..."

I don't know what kind of conspiracy is hidden in this deep evil mountain.

In the ghost door secret room, there are four high walls, and there is no light in the sky.

Under the dim ghost fire, a child was sleeping.

It is said that this sect existed at the beginning of human beings. How did it come?

III Yanluo, nine reincarnations, as long as there is life and death, there are souls and ghosts. On this vast earth, under the nine springs, it is full of ghosts. Immortals pay attention to luck, self-cultivation, to obtain immortality, and to obtain immortality; on the contrary, ghosts dispel their vitality, hide in the dark and dark places, in order to obtain violent magic, not to live or die, not to break or stand, is a wandering soul.

What immortals seek is immortality, and what ghosts seek is immortality and life.

Since history, there is only one person who has cultivated to reach the realm of immortality, that is the ancestor of the Guimen - Langxie Mountain Ghost Road.

Ghost Tao was originally an ordinary mortal. He was born in Langxie Mountain and has practiced the method of immortality since he was a child. Only by chance, he failed to cultivate immortality, but his sword is biased. The Taoism is shallow and not a great weapon. However, in the origin of the ghost soul, his talent is extremely high.

You can imagine what efforts this ordinary people's children have made to have the same dream as all immortals - to have divine power and immortality.

In the end, things backfired.

What is the right path? What is evil way?

The ancestor of cultivation of immortals is quiet and real-life--

The natural wind is different from the evil wind. The normal natural wind not only has the characteristics of being warm, gentle, gentle, moving and refreshing, but also has distinct seasonal characteristics and the wind direction corresponding to the four seasons. Its seasonal characteristics are warm spring breeze, hot summer breeze, wet summer breeze, dry autumn breeze, cool winter wind, etc. Its wind direction is regular in different sections. The ancients called it "Shunling" and belongs to the Eight Diagrams Nine Palace. The specific wind direction is as follows: from the beginning of spring (belonging to Gen, named Tianliu Palace) from the first day of the northeast wind; the vernal equinox (belonging to the earthquake, the famous Cangmen Palace) from the east wind from the first day; from the beginning of summer (belonging to Xun, named Yinluo Palace) from the first day the southeast wind is smooth; from the summer solstice (belong to the Li, named Shangtian Palace) from the first day; Liqiu (belonging to Kun, named Xuanwei Palace) ) From the first day, the southwest wind is smooth; from the autumn equinox (belong to the name Cangguo Palace) from the first day, the west wind is smooth; from the beginning of winter (belong to the Qian, known as Xinluo Palace) from the first day, the northwest wind is smooth; from the winter solstice (belong to Kan, named Yezhi Palace) the north wind is smooth from the first day. After obeying the wind, it is refreshing, appeases, dispels upsets, and sinks. On the contrary, it is a wind of rebellion, and blowing it hurts people. In a word, all winds that are contrary to the above-mentioned normal natural wind characteristics, characteristics and wind direction belong to the category of evil thieves and other unhealthy winds. They are vicious winds, and blow people's bodies are prone to disease. If the wind and evil follow the scriptures and accumulates in the body, they will be affected by the heavy feeling of wind, heat and dampness in the future, and the inner edge is stained with hunger and fatigue, inside and outside. The two-feeling inducement will inevitably cause the disease. Traditional medicine of the motherland calls it "the retention of time".

There are many manifestations of the wind of evil thief abuse. It is said that it is not true. Sometimes although the wind is not very strong, it has a sense of shady bones, or a poisonous fog, or an anti-seasonal order. People with physical deficiency and diseases are very vulnerable. Evil people are not right. The anti-seasonal wind and the wind of spring is not warm, summer is not hot, long summer is not wet, autumn is not dry, winter is not cool, etc. are all evil winds, which are easy to hurt people. Therefore, the Inner Sutra warns people to "avoid sometimes" the "false evil thief wind". Thieves mean to sneak in, the place of wind, cold and wet houses, cracks in doors and windows, or clothes **, etc., are easy to be attacked by the thief wind. The ancients said that they were not afraid of the strong wind, but afraid of the thief's wind, which is the truth. Abuse is the harm of rage, strong winds, strong winds, whirlwinds, sandstorms, storms and other bad weather, which directly and seriously hurt people. Sometimes there are also winds of falsehood, evil, thief and abuse, especially hurting people. Therefore, any weather with unhealthy winds must be avoided, let alone practice outdoors. In daily life, it is also necessary to avoid unhealthy winds as much as possible.

It is well known that the cultivation of immortals is naturally the right way.

However, although the cultivation methods of quiet real people and ghosts are different, their purposes are the same.

However, the world worships the gods, posts the door gods, and the portrait is a famous quiet real person, and no people have ever worshipped ghosts.