
Chapter 6 Section 5 Taiqing Han Palace

"Then what happened to Fuxi and Nuwa?"

A girl in a white robe, holding her chin in her hands and a pair of big watery eyes, stared at her closely at the legends about this door, and could not relax for a moment.

At this time, the handsome man who told the story, dressed in a white robe, sat in the Taiqing cold palace and suddenly stopped talking.

This young monk is He Ji, a disciple of Qingzhufeng of Sanqingmen.

And that girl is Tang Feiyan.

In the past few days, Tang Feiyan and the disciples of Qingzhufeng practiced together. In addition to vomiting and adjusting breath outdoors, this cultivation method is also a place where you can practice quietly in the Taiqing Han Palace of Qingzhu Peak.

It's a pity that since Tang Feiyan came, this quiet and cold palace has not been so quiet.

In the whole Sanqing Gate, there will be such a big house for disciples to practice in the practice place of the five schools. Among Qingzhufeng, this Taiqing cold palace is not big, perhaps because of the vein of Qingzhufeng, there are the fewest disciples. However, the layout in the Taiqing Han Palace is ordinary - the Taiqing Han Palace is a square building with four walls and the ground made of white jade. When you go in, you can see the side-by-paralleed sitting platforms. Each meditation round platform can only accommodate the next one, and on the huge wall, there is a big letter written on it- - "Quiet"!

These buildings were also built by the ancestors of Qingjing in those years. It can be seen that they are forward-looking. It is expected that the Three Qingmen will be prosperous in the future, and these places of cultivation will be used.

Taiqing Hangong is located at the highest point of each mountain, which can be said to overlook the world and smile proudly for nine days. There is a window on each wall, from which you can see the outdoor landscape. Looking out in the Taiqing Han Palace here in Qingzhu Peak, you can see the mountains surrounded by floating clouds and vast sky and earth.

At this time, Tang Feiyan happened to meditated on a round platform and practiced. But Qin Tian, who was opposite her, somehow fell asleep while meditating!

This boy is so outrageous!

Originally, the one who could enter this Taiqing Han Palace is a Taoist who has reached a certain level of cultivation. How can ordinary disciples have a chance to come in?

Seeing the day of leaving the martial arts, Shangguan Cheng saw that there were only a few days left, so he asked several disciples who participated in the martial arts to step up their practice, and even let Qin Tian, He Li, Mingjue and Tang Feiyan, a disciple who also participated in the martial arts, also came to the Taiqing Han Palace.

When the four first saw the Taiqing Han Palace, they all felt that the building was magnificent and excited for a while. The happiest was Qin Tian. They were very happy to run around in the Taiqing Han Palace.

However, over time, all four of them have been familiar with each other, and they have also found a meditation platform to step up their practice. The most annoying thing is Qin Tian. At this time, he actually fell asleep.

"Brother He, why is it so cold here?" Tang Feiyan felt more and more cold, so she asked He Ji.

"This is too cold in the cold palace, because it is covered with polar ice. The polar ice was accidentally found and brought back here when the Taoist real person went to the far north to subdue demons many years ago.

At this time, Tang Feiyan didn't understand why it was so cold here, so he explained it.

Tang Feiyan listened with relish and learned that it turned out to be like this. He couldn't help but say with admiration, "Ah, so it is! The head of Taoism is so awesome!"

"You are naive, but you still don't believe it. Isn't it just a few stones? Is there such a fuss?" At this time, Qin Tian, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up and said disdainfully when he saw Tang Feiyan's expression.

Tang Feiyan looked at the place where Qin Tian was meditated, saw him sleepy, and heard him say so, so he replied disdainfully, "What do you know? Brother He is telling me some stories! Also, do you know the supreme sword of this gate - "Fuxi" sword?

It turned out that He Ji just told a legendary story about the origin of Fuxi Sword.

"Brother He, was the last black dragon subdued by the 'Fuxi' sword?" Tang Feiyan can't wait to know the end of the story.

Among the disciples, He Ji is the most valued by Shangguan Cheng, and he was originally the son of a rich family in Dongzhou, so he listened to these ancient stories the most.

He Ji said that Fuxi and Nuwa fought against the Black Dragon. When it came to the final battle with the Black Dragon, there was no follow-up, which naturally made Tang Feiyan not satisfied.

"Finally, the black dragon was subdued by Fuxi and Nuwa. However, the 'Fuxi' sword pierced into the black dragon's body and could no longer be pulled out. He Yu said.

"So, where did this door's Zhenmen fairy sword, 'Fuxi', come from?" Tang Feiyan asked with curiosity on her face.

"The 'Fuxi' sword of this door was won by Qingjing's ancestor in Miaojiang. This sword has become an unrivaled wonder and is regarded as the sword of this gate!"

He Ji's words came out that Qingjing's ancestor founded the Sanqing Gate and occasionally found something that could not be born. It turns out that there is such a Zhenmen fairy sword in this door - "Fuxi"!

Qin Tian has never heard these stories. At this time, he couldn't help feeling amazing, but after all, he had his own doubts about things, so he said, "Is this 'Fuxi' sword really that powerful?"

Seeing the questioning color on Qin Tian's face, He Ji smiled and said, "Of course. Although the appearance of this sword and the power of this sword, no one has really seen it in the world except for the real person in charge. Listen to what the master said, even the head of the real man has never touched it!"

"Why? Such a powerful fairy sword should be taken out for everyone to see!" Tang Feiyan quickly asked. She was really curious about everything. Thinking about it, how can such a magical thing be seen casually?

"That's right, as Feiyan said, such a stinky thing seems to be seen by the world. In this way, those cult demons dare not make it." Qin Tian stretched out, rubbed his eyes and said.

"Well, you two are talking nonsense. The supreme thing in this door, you joked about it like this, forget it, I won't tell you this! Sit and practice well!" When He Wei saw that several people were depressed, he deliberately said something to make everyone wake up so that it was easy to continue to practice. Now Tang Feiyan and Qin Tian's words made him no longer interested, so he stopped and condensed.

"Brother He, don't do this, keep talking!" Tang Feiyan pleaded.

"Yes, He Ji, I just woke up! Just talk about it again!" Qin Tian also echoed and said.

"Don't quarrel. Fortunately, Master is not here, otherwise it depends on how he deals with you two!" He Yu closed his eyes and said loudly. He didn't expect that if the master saw these people not practicing well but talking, he would definitely teach him a lesson.

"This is an excellent place to cultivate your mind. No matter what your fear is in your heart, you will get peace here!"

A strong voice came from the sky over the Taiqing Han Palace. Qin Tian and four others were shocked!


When He Ji heard this, he was the first to hear that it was said by Master Shangguan Cheng. It turned out that Shangguan Cheng was outside the Taiqing Cold Palace.

"This Taiqing cold palace will become colder and colder with the cold air of the polar north! Only with those physical pains can you grow on the cultivation of Taoism! Well, on the day you leave this Qinghan Palace, it's time to meet martial arts!"

This thick voice sounded again. This sound was said word by Shangguan Cheng, who was standing outside the Taiqing cold palace.

At this time, he looked at the Taiqing Han Palace in front of him, and looked around the situation in the Taiqing Han Palace through his own Taoist power. He saw the four disciples who participated in martial arts and did not practice well. Shangguan Cheng's face did not look angry when he saw his disciples not practicing well in the past, and a trace of intolerance appeared in his eyes.

The top of Qingzhu Peak is the place where the Taiqing Cold Palace is located.

The breeze is long, where will the direction of that wisp of wind be?

"Here, you can get a good practice. It must be a good thing for them. Brother, don't worry." Next to Shangguan Cheng, there was another person who said so. This man is called a younger brother to Shangguan Cheng. There is no doubt that this person must be a real Taoist.

"It's just that the longer they stay in this too cold palace, the higher their mental requirements will be. I'm afraid they won't be able to stand the extreme cold!" Shangguan Cheng said.

"Haha! The superior brother, who has always been extremely strict with his disciples, also cherishes his disciples!" Dao Zun couldn't help smiling and said, "The biggest test is not the extreme cold attack the body, but when the body is attacked by external forces, the heart is also suffering from the depths of the heart!"

Dao Zun said in a word about the mystery of this Qinghan Palace. It turns out that this palace is not only used to practice Taoism, but more importantly - to hone your mind!

"I'm worried that this group of children are still young and naturally extremely immature. Is such a test too harsh for them? Also, what I'm most worried about is Qin Tian. Alas, this child is the least cultivated among the disciples.

Shangguan Cheng said so.

"Is that right? I seem to have heard you say that this child has even defeated Lu Jianfeng in the ghost door!" Naturally, the head of Taoist Lord remembers that not long ago, Shangguan Cheng also told him what had happened in the bamboo sea of Qingzhufeng.

"It's exactly what happened, so I'm more worried that this child has something hidden in his heart, which is probably more unfavorable to him." It turned out that Shangguan Cheng had long known that what happened in the bamboo sea must not be simple.

Just as Shangguan Cheng and Dao Zunzhen were talking outside the Taiqing cold palace, the cold air was flourishing in the Taiqing cold palace, and the cold air of the extreme north ice was getting stronger and stronger!

Among the four people, the clothes Qin Tian wore were the thickest. Although the broken robe was not as good-looking as the Taoist robes of the other three, it was much more practical than them at this time.