
Chapter 12 Section 8 Legacy of Seniors

The flames shone on Qin Tian and the big yellow rabbit, suddenly bright and dark, and suddenly there was some strange atmosphere in the whole cave.

"Brother Huang, since you want to rush over, then even if you are crushed, I have to not let you underestimate it!" After saying that, he ran over. He only felt hot all over, and the hot flame seemed to swallow himself up!

Even so, Qin Tian thought of Brother Huang's response to himself in the past few days and thought that he was a practicing person. If he cringed in front of an animal, wouldn't it be a joke? What kind of hero?

But he didn't expect that there was anything else in this secret hole except him and the rhubarb rabbit? Perhaps he was expelled by Sanqingmen. After such an encounter, Qin Tian has taken all kinds of things lightly. Even his own life is not a big deal!

After all, he had just recovered. Qin Tian ran ten meters away from the flame. He was already sweating all over, dizzy and almost couldn't support it. After gritting his teeth, he suddenly rushed into the narrow stone crack under the flame!


Qin Tian was originally ready to be buried in the sea of fire. At this time, he was shocked, because he came here and found that the surroundings were cool, and where was half a trace of hot and hot?

It turned out that here was a stone crack under the flame, which was quite narrow and could only accommodate Qin Tian. His thin body was in the stone crevice, and he could see the burning flame when he looked up.

This flame is like a huge torch, burning through the air, but its bottom is a small stone crack made of several dark stones.

Qin Tian looked out, but saw the big yellow rabbit squatting there, looking at himself, constantly pulling his forefoot and sticking out his tongue, as if telling Qin Tian - I didn't lie to you!

Qin Tian was very happy. He looked at the big yellow rabbit happily, but saw it pass the flame and run behind the flame!

What does it mean? OK, I'll come too!" Qin Tian saw the big yellow rabbit fly away and run to the dark depths after the flame. He didn't want to think about it, so he went through the crack of the stone and ran there!

After this stone crack, there is indeed another scenery - behind the flames is a stone house.

This stone house is just behind the flame. How can ordinary people find such a place - it is hidden behind the flame. As long as anyone sees the fierce flame, they will never dare to pass from under it.

The rhubarb rabbit's body is very large, so it is not difficult to step across the flames.

"Is there anything special here?" Qin Tian thought secretly and slowly followed the big yellow rabbit. Through its four feet, Qin Tianyao saw a grave in the distance!

The most conspicuous of this stone house is a grave.

This tomb is made of black stone, which is several times higher than Qin Tian. The big yellow rabbit squatted down, which is naturally much higher than this tomb. It lowered its head and screamed, but its voice was secretly compassionate!

This yellow rabbit has always been shouting happily, but as soon as he arrived in this stone house, Qin Tian suddenly felt that Brother Huang's footsteps in front of him were heavy, and he no longer shook his head and tail, but gently squeaked, very sad.

When Qin Tian heard the cry of the rhubarb rabbit, he couldn't help but feel sad, and an inexplicable sadness came out.

"Brother Huang, is this grave your friend's?" Qin Tian suddenly thought that since Brother Huang was a rabbit, it must be its kind of animal in this tomb.

The rhubarb rabbit lowered its head, and its red mouth kept gently sniffing the grave, screaming faintly, as if to say something to the deceased in the grave.

When Qin Tian saw this scene, his heart moved - he didn't expect that animals also have such affectionate times. Alas, people in the world are really the spirits of all things. Are they really much higher than others?

Of course, this idea is just fleeting. Qin Tian scratched his head and asked, "Brother Huang, what is your intention of bringing me here?"

The big yellow rabbit ignored him and still bowed its head and shouted. His voice was like crying and extremely compassionate!

As soon as Qin Tian saw this scene, he stopped talking and moved his mind. He ploped: he knelt to the ground and kowtowed three times to this kind of black stone grave!

"Since this is a friend of Brother Huang, he is also a friend of Qin Tian. My friend is dead, and Brother Huang should be sorry for the change!" Just kowtowed, Qin Tian said slowly.

Although it is only a yellow rabbit, in Qin Tian's heart, he has regarded it as his own friendship in trouble.

Qin Tian walked over, came to the big yellow rabbit, and gently stroked its thick front foot - of course, with Qin Tian's height, he could not touch other parts of the yellow rabbit's body.

The big yellow rabbit looked up to the sky and screamed for a long time, and then turned its head to Qin Tian - licking Qin Tian's head.

Qin Tian only felt that his hair was wet, but since the rhubarb rabbit was so close to him, Qin Tian was naturally very gratified.

Although the big yellow rabbit is physically and mentally huge, its red triangular split mouth and a pair of long ears are no different from ordinary rabbits. Qin Tian looked at it and felt that although Brother Huang in front of him was an inexplicable monster, he was not terrible at all, but a little simple.

After a long silence, the rhubarb rabbit slowly returned to its original state. Instead of bowing its head and sadness, it raised its head, stood up, four feet forward, and looked straight at a green stone next to the grave.

One foot of the big yellow rabbit kept patting the stone, which was quite strange. Qin Tian looked around and saw that this green stone was indeed a little conspicuous in the whole stone house - the stone was surrounded by a little light luster and lay there quietly.

What is that?

Qin Tian thought to himself that he couldn't help walking towards the stone. He walked over, squatting down and gently stroked the stone. Although the stone was full of dust, it did not lose its luster at all. The faint light still kept emitting around!

"It's really a little unusual!"

Qin Tian was quite puzzled. He wiped off the layers of dust on the stone with his hand. This stone, which seemed to be somewhat unusual, slowly returned to its original face-

A very dazzling light suddenly penetrated the gloomy stone house!

This light suddenly appeared after removing all the dust!

Unexpectedly, this stone is quite strange - is it a supernatural gem?

Qin Tian couldn't help but be shocked, and his whole body subconsciously retreated. The light was really dazzling!

Qin Tian stretched out his hands, rubbed his eyes, and then looked at the stone, but he couldn't help saying "here" in his mouth.

It seems that the past has been sealed for many years, and it seems that the soul has been imprisoned for a long time. At this moment, it gradually wakes up--

On the stone, there is a line of small words written: "Tianrui Lingyun".

Looking further, a paragraph of text is neatly and gradually spread out--

"The moon is cold and thousands of mountains, and the cold river is blue. Who is the only shadow going to? Thousands of ice cliffs, snow lotus falling, pieces like starry rain. Who do you listen to, deject the flute tube, ten fingers of moss, and a few blow a new song. The figure is fat and thin, the jade toad is round and lacking, and Kunlun snows for thousands of years. Slant the Big Dipper, drink the Milky Way, and get drunk with the moon. However, the spring breeze of two nights, the heart is like mulberry leaves, and it is the season of flowers blooming again.

This text makes people feel moved when they read it, and sadness arises spontaneously. It seems that the emotions of the characters in the poem can't help but permeate!

Qin Tian looked at it carefully several times, but did not understand the meaning of this text. It turns out that this paragraph is exactly the long-lost soul secret in the cultivation world - "Tianrui Lingyun"!

Of course, Qin Tian will not know that the words he saw at this time contain huge secrets, which was a long time ago.

Qin Tian studied it carefully over and over again, but he could only feel that in such a poem, the meaning of sadness is quite deep, but it has nothing to do with the practice of Taoism. Naturally, in the eyes of ordinary people, such a paragraph of text is a rather gentle and sad person's pen.

After turning over this green stone and brushing away layers of dust, Qin Tian found two big red blood-like characters - "Canghai"!

The pen front is extremely sharp and wild grass. The last few strokes of the word "sea" in the word "Canghai" are even more extreme. The dragons and phoenixes dance, which is really shocking!

"Brother Huang, is the person in this tomb a predecessor called 'Canghai'?" Qin Tian turned around, looked at the big yellow rabbit and asked.

Naturally, the big yellow rabbit can't speak human words. It just listens to Qin Tian's question and swings its front foot slightly.

Naturally, if it is a spirit beast species like a rhubarb rabbit, it is definitely impossible to write such words. Qin Tian feels that there must be a senior in the cultivation world in this grave!

A grave and a green stone are the only things in this stone house.

It seems that this stone house is the place where a predecessor once lived.

Of course, Qin Tian doesn't know whether this stone house, as well as the tombs and poems here, have been left, and it seems that a master here has nothing to do with the yellow rabbit in front of him?

"Isn't it a senior who inexplicably fell into this abyss? Haha, it seems that I, Qin Tian, are not the only unlucky person!" Qin Tian smiled and said.

Although he thought so, such an adventure was completely beyond his expectation. Even if he was a predecessor who fell down, even if the predecessor could not have a chance to meet himself, since both of them had stayed here for a period of time, they could be regarded as old friends. Qin Tian couldn't help thinking of this. He silently kowtowed several times to the grave in front of him.

Qin Tian looked around and could no longer find anything else. However, at this time, the rhubarb rabbit behind him waved its rather short tail, raised his ears, spread his four feet, and ran out!

"Brother Huang, where are you going?" Qin Tian no longer paid attention to the things in the stone house. He stood up, stopped his last look at the light of the green stone from his eyes, and followed the big yellow rabbit and ran out!