
Chapter 23 Section 9 Innocent Old man

In such a scene, the old man was already stunned. This team of tiger soldiers looked at the old man and couldn't help laughing. One of them shouted, "Old man, run for your life quickly, or our tiger won't care whether you are hard or not!"


The crowd laughed and looked at the helpless old man with extremely disdainful eyes.

The man in dark clothes shook his head and said, "Let's go!"

Since you have been ordered not to kill at will, then this dark man knows in his heart that now, hurry up and attack the town!

"The villain is coming! The wicked are coming!"

This team of tiger troops was about to drive the tigers. When they were running to Qingyuan Town, which was only a few miles away, suddenly, an extremely old but extremely loud voice sounded out of thin air and resounded through the whole wilderness!

This shout spread far, even in Qingyuan Town a few miles away, on such an empty field, I'm afraid this shout can also attract the attention of the soldiers guarding the city!

The dark man suddenly heard such a powerful shout and couldn't help turning around and looking at the old man and the carriage.

The person who shouts like this is none other than this, but the old man who is going to deliver goods in Qingyuan Town.

At this time, he shouted repeatedly, exhausting all his strength!

On his way, the old man was too old to support him. After shouting a few times, he fell helplessly on the edge of the carriage!

However, he stared fiercely at the tiger army in front of him, stared at the dark man sitting on the tiger, and said with a faint smile, "Hey! Hey hey! Soon Qingyuan Town will know that you villains are coming!"

The dark man stopped, and the tiger roared and dusty, and he was about to cover all the things around him!


"Hey, you villains, killing for no reason, are simply demons and unforgivable. Last year, my grandson was taken away by you! Say, what have you done to my grandson? Ah?"

The old man suddenly got up and shouted angrily!

At this time, he is already full of tears, and the grief and indignation on his face are uncontrollable!

It turned out to be like this!

It turns out that this old man who delivered goods to Qingyuan Town is also a victim of these villains!


The dark man's hand trembled, and suddenly, a broad knife in his hand went straight to the edge of the carriage and ran to the decadent old man!

aggressive, dusty, blood splashed in the sky, and the carriage was full of blood red!

The old man's sad and indignant eyes are still open with hatred, looking at the group of murderous villains in front of him!

This old man died at the hands of the villain like this, and it is really easier for these villains to kill such an innocent people than to trample an ant!


The black man shouted loudly, and only heard the tiger's hoofs flying, the boiling sound and the dust in the sky, and ran to the Qingyuan Town in front of him with this group of tiger troops!

The old man did not die unjustly. His loud shout was just heard by the soldiers of the city defense in Qingyuan Town. The soldier was looking at the situation in front of him above the city defense. With this shout, he followed the sound and was already panicked. However, after a moment, he raised a horn and bulged his mouth. It blew desperately!

"There is a movement in the city defense. It seems that those villains are coming!"

On the county magistrate's military field, Luo Yang heard this horn and couldn't help looking at the county magistrate and said awe-inspiringly.

"Good!" Luo County magistrate was not afraid and said, "The forward troops rushed out of the city together with the county magistrate!"

After saying that, the county magistrate Luo looked at Luo Yang and said seriously, "Yang'er, let's go!"


Luoyang's horse rushed wildly, and with the forward troops, about 300 people, rushed to the outside of Qingyuan Town!

The county magistrate was really strong enough to not only go to war himself, but also put his son into the vanguard. Seeing this scene, one of the vast army couldn't help but move his face and burst into admiration!

This person is Qin Tian!

At this time, he was already in the middle of the whole forward team and rode on a tall horse. With the order of Luo County magistrate, he couldn't help saying that Qin Tian and the whole forward army killed them together!

Bai Yuner, who followed Qin Tian, returned to the restaurant under Qin Tian's instructions.

At this time, Bai Yuner was uneasy and hung her hands and was sitting in the "Qingyuan Town Restaurant".

It has always been a man's business to go to the battlefield. Qin Tian will naturally not take Bai Yuner to the battlefield together. Although with Bai Yuner's spell, she will certainly not appear so weak on the battlefield. However, Qin Tian thought about it and set Bai Yuner away and asked her to wait quietly in the restaurant.

This forward team was vast and loud. In an instant, they stepped across the main city street of Qingyuan Town and ran straight to the city defense. The people gushed out of their homes one after another, with joy and thunder. Everyone's face was filled with infinite respect for the warriors!

Of course, there was a figure of Qin Tian among the soldiers. He rode his horse across the street and happened to see the "Qingyuan Town Restaurant". At this time, the soldiers' morale was greatly boosted, and the arrows were on the string. He did not look at the restaurant much. Of course, he did not see the extremely uneasy Baiyun in the restaurant.

Dust and tigers roar!

"Your Excellency, look!"

In the Tiger Army, a young soldier in a black robe looked at Qingyuan Town not far away, but saw the great momentum. He couldn't help looking at the leading man in black clothes and said.

The black man is the leader of these tiger soldiers. He looked at Qingyuan Town in front of him. The city defense seemed to be quite solid, and there were many shouts from soldiers. He smiled and said, "A group of mob, but they don't know how to hit stones with eggs!"

"Your excellency, they rushed out!"

The young soldier was quite surprised and shouted.

Sure enough, the city defense of Qingyuan Town was originally a quite quiet moat, winding and winding around the whole town. The usual city defense fortifications are just some soldiers stationed to watch the military situation. It is very good to have one or two bow and crossbow troops.

But at this time, after crossing the moat in front of the city fortifications, a large number of troops appeared, shouting repeatedly, horses rumbled, and the soldiers had no fear on their faces, as if they wanted to fight with the enemy in front of them!

The dark man smiled evilly and said, "That's right. Last year, when the people in this town saw us coming, they were scared and shouted for help. This time, they actually organized a army, which was really unexpected!"

The young soldier rode on the white-fronted tiger and looked at the turbulent Qingyuan Town troops in front of him. His face changed. He asked softly, "Your Excellency, what should we do? Their army in front of them seems to be a large number of people, and generally speaking, there must be a large number of troops in that town.

The dark man looked at the young soldier and was quite disdainful. He only heard him say, "What's wrong? No matter how many of them are, it's just a meaningless struggle. General Dragon and Snake has an order. Once you encounter obstacles, kill them!"

As soon as I heard the phrase "killing", at this time, the fierce tiger troops suddenly roared and roared the sky, and the whole army seemed to fall into a gloomy horror, red-eyed killing atmosphere!


Those who block me will die!


The man in black and strong clothes raised the long knife, and could only be seen under the scorching sun. This long knife was brilliant and bright, full of blood and killing!

With this order, the whole tiger army rushed over in an in an inn moment!


Outside Qingyuan Town, the two armies met, and the horses' hoofs feet flew, the tiger roared the sky, the swords and shadows, and blood fell into the river!

Finally, these two troops came together!

The dust rolled, the horse's hoof and tiger's hoof stepped on and ran, covering the whole battlefield, covering the sky and the sun, and the smoke of gunpowder!

All kinds of weapons bang, and the tiger soldiers on the tiger's back and the Qingyuan Town Rebels on the horse's back came into contact with each other and killed them!

The volunteer army in Qingyuan Town has a large number of people, even more than this tiger army. However, there have been several battles, bloodshed and screaming repeatedly. When I went to take a closer look, it was the rebels in Qingyuan Town who suffered heavy losses!