
Chapter 27 Body Changes!

Ye Yu felt pain all over his body and his face turned pale. Looking at the three bodies, he felt that the flesh and blood of the three people had been absorbed in his body. He felt that his body seemed to explode, and even the muscle fibers were trembling, as if he was suffering great pain.

Ye Mete's body was shocked by the flesh and blood of the meridians, which was shaken by the flesh and blood of the three people in black. The flesh and blood in his body also rushed to the external forces, which was swallowed up. Finally, Ye was surprised to find that those forces were gathered in his chest. In the past, it was a little better.

Shaking his head and putting down his nervousness, Ye Yu's eyes moved repeatedly, and his figure chased Ye Fei and others, and soon caught up with Ye Fei and others.

"Ye Yu, what are you doing?" Ye Dan looked at Ye Yu with a surprised face and asked doubtfully.

"Nothing, let's go back quickly."

Ye Yu's eyes drifted away, smiled indifferently and answered.

Several people walked on the long road. Because of the injuries of the group, their speed also slowed down. Everyone was silent and had injuries on their bodies.

Finally, a quarter of an hour later, several people appeared in front of Ye's door. The two doormen suddenly saw several people, and their eyes were shocked. Looking at all the injured group, the two doormen hesitated for a moment, ran to support Ye Fei and others and took several people in.

On the martial arts arena, a group of young people of the Ye family stood on the scene and watched several people come in. They all stopped their movements and looked at several people. Their eyes were shocked and inexplicably. In their hearts, the whole Tianshi City, the Ye family was extremely powerful. Few people dared to compete with the Ye family for anything, and several people were also the height of the Ye family. Hands, but at this moment, they became blood-stained and pale, which made it difficult for everyone to understand.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" A warrior next to the Ye family suddenly came over, glanced at the crowd, and finally stopped his eyes on Ye Fei's body and asked nervously.

Ye Fei ignored the words of the martial artist next to the family, but frowned at a group of young people from the Ye family, glanced at them, and said in a low voice, "Give me to practice well so that I can gain a foothold in the Ye family."

When everyone heard Ye Fei's words, they immediately felt a sense of depression rising from their hearts. Many young people of the Ye family looked calm, nodded fiercely, and buried themselves in what they had just done again.

Ye Fei shook his head and walked towards the backyard, with a trace of blood in his eyes. It seemed that the battle just now was extremely exhausting for him, and his physical injury was also relatively serious.

Everyone followed Ye Fei and came to the backyard. Ye Fei turned around, glanced at the crowd, and finally stopped his eyes on Ye Yu. He said kindly, "Ye Yu, this time you can get out of danger and completely rely on your sudden rise. If it weren't for you, it would be really difficult for us to get rid of it this time, even if we put it. Take it off, one of us..." After a pause, he continued, "It will also be left behind."

"Ye, this time it's completely thanks to Ye Yu. If Ye Yu hadn't succeeded in printing, it would have been difficult for us to get out." Ye Xiao also thought generously, touched the short hair all over his head with his right hand and smiled.

"In this battle, you must have a harvest. This is a battle of life and death. You have also seen it. I think Ye Mete's harvest is the most obvious." Ye Fei looked at the three teenagers of the Ye family and said flatly.

"Ye, Grandpa, we know." The three teenagers all said to Ye Fei. With firm eyes, through today's events, the three of them have also become extremely eager for strength.

"Ye, I have gained a lot this time. I need to be closed. Don't bother me." Ye Fei looked at several people, and the blood had stopped. After saying that, he turned around and walked towards his room, and soon disappeared in front of several people.

"You have also experienced a life-and-death battle today, and you also understand the unchanging rules of the world. Only with strength can you protect yourself, even... You can have everything." Ye Xiao turned around, boasted, looked yearning, and said in a low voice, "So you should practice harder."

"Duncle, I think I will break through the anti-virtual sky and reach the anti-virtual double sky this time." Ye Dan pondered for a moment and suddenly said to Ye Xiao.

"Oh? You should have broken through this realm because..." Ye Xiao was surprised when he heard this, looked at Ye Yu, swallowed his words.

Ye Yu listened to Ye Xiao and looked at Ye Dan. There was also a trace of shame in his eyes. He looked at Ye Dan. He said lightly, "Sister Dan, congratulations."

"Hmm, I hope this time I will break through this shackles and reach a higher level." Ye Dan smiled, and his plain dress also became bloody and walked towards the house.

Ye Jie also went one after another, with wounds all over his body. In less than ten days, these injuries are difficult to get better.

Looking at the two people who disappeared, Ye Yu looked at Ye Tian and smiled. Looking at the injury on Ye Tian's arm, he couldn't bear it and said goodbye. His figure walked towards the backyard of the Ye family and walked towards the room.

"Ye Yu actually succeeded in printing cultivation, I didn't expect it." Ye Xiao seemed to think of something. His face was full of relief and completely forgot his physical pain. He was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that after my second brother, there would be people in the family who successfully practice printing."

"Ha ha, it's good for meteors to have such an achievement, second brother... I don't know where he is now. Ye Tian looked at Ye Yu, who disappeared in the distance, looked up and looked deep into the sky, with a faint sadness in his eyes.


Ye Yu walked all the way to the door, with no color in his eyes, completely immersed in the matter of absorbing the power of flesh and blood just now.

Through the induction just now, he came to a simple conclusion. The reaction just now was completely related to the power of stars hidden in his chest. He still doesn't know what is in it. He only knows that the power of stars in his body may bring him unexpected benefits.

Ye Yu finally came to the door of his room. The blood on his body was dry, which made him very unhappy. He ordered a maidservant. After a while, he saw a beautiful wooden box full of water in the room, where the water was sparkling. Ye Yu closed the door and withdrew his blood-stained black clothes. Looking at the two chest muscles that were not very big in his chest, he patted them with his palm, and suddenly a feeling of soreness came. Ye Yu squeaked and dared not move again.

After this battle, Ye Yu's battle experience seemed to have improved, and his muscles were sore and weak. Ye Yu smelled the smell, frowned, and walked to the wooden box.


A turn over, Ye Yu has been sitting in the warm hot water. A thrilling spirit, Ye Yu only feels that his muscles are relaxed, feeling extremely comfortable, and the sore muscles become crisp. Itchy, Ye Yu closed his eyes and was completely immersed in this enjoyment. Suddenly, the power of flesh and blood absorbed in his body suddenly slowly overflowed from his chest and gradually flowed to the internal organs.

He frowned slightly. He slightly felt that the flesh and blood power in his body completely flowed out, refining the body, making the body reach an unknown height. The meridians seemed to explode, itchy and painful, but after a while, the warm airflow flowed through, and the feeling of itching suddenly disappeared, replaced by a A surging energy.

Ye Yu's eyes became strange, and his eyes turned under his eyelids. In a short time, he fell into a certain secret place. His hands formed a set of tedious printing methods. Ye Yu understood the printing, and the power of flesh and blood in his body gradually stopped. Ye Yu also fell into an ethereal state. His head fell and fell into practice. .

In a large room, Ye Yue sits alone in it. There are few things in the room. There is an incense burner, which releases a continuous stream of incense and nourishes the internal organs of Ye Yue. It is a strange herb that can make people enter the state of cultivation quickly. It is refined by Bi Dan himself. Ordinary people want to buy it. I can't buy it.

In the wooden box, Ye Yue sat on it. On the ancient yellow wooden box, the patterns were wrapped together. The water mist gradually rose in the wooden box and finally dissipated slowly. Ye Yue only felt cold all over and did not get up. He squatted in it and entered that state of cultivation.

In the room, Ye meteorite sat inside. I don't know when, I suddenly remembered the hissing sound of insects outside the window. The hissing of those insects was loud and low. A wave came into Ye meteorite's mind. Ye meteorite was unconscious and only felt as if he had entered another world. In that world, he saw the stars all over the sky. Flowing, as if he had returned home, the world was full of light. From time to time, he could see one or two stars passing by at the speed of light and finally dissipated in his body, and he also sat in the stars all over the sky, feeling the impact of mild energy, and felt extremely comfortable.

It was not until a certain moment that Ye Yu was suddenly pulled back and shook his head. He suddenly felt a little reluctant to enter the world again, but what he felt was cold. When he opened his eyes, Ye Yu's eyes suddenly stayed in the wooden box and felt the cold water temperature. Then he stood up and his eyes suddenly became extreme. He was shocked, the fatigue of his whole body disappeared, and the soreness also disappeared. He thought it would take a few days to recover, but he didn't expect that he would recover in just one night.

When he changed his clothes, he pushed open the door. Suddenly, a maid appeared outside the door. A little girl stood in front of him. He looked at the cute little girl and asked faintly, "How long have I been in the room?"

"Young master, you have been in there for three days." The little maid looked at Ye Yu with a pair of bright little eyes and lowered her head.

"Oh, it's been three days, no wonder." Ye Yu smiled very much for what he had just thought. He secretly said that it was still impossible to recover overnight, but it took three days to recover, and he was also happy.
