Ancient War

Chapter 1 Astral Witch

At this point, there are countless strong people. The meteorite and the sunset glow will not disperse. If there is a chance encounter, enter the sunset. The chapter of martial arts, I learned one or two. Bloody rain and wind, the wind and clouds change color.

The times have changed. A generation of strange chivalrous dragons cut off water. At the beginning of its birth, the method of martial arts was deeply inherited by chance. After his birth, he sought the supreme martial arts because of its sharpness and from the sunset. In order to seize his unique learning, he was plotted and attacked by martial arts. Meteorite........

Ten thousand years later, deep in the sunset. There are countless smells of evil and death in the sky, and lightning flashes from time to time over the cloudy sky. The sound of a landslide...

The Wu clan, which has been passed down from the wilderness to here, has completely disappeared in ancient times.

Killing, limbs, black blood...

Since then, the center of the Luoxia Mountains has become a dead place, and there is no longer any vitality.

Thousands of years later, the three-foot dragon scales were born again, and the universe has changed color since then.

A change of wind and clouds against the sky.

————《Ancient Historical Records•Againt the Heaven》

The remnants, black blood, and the scene in the center of Luoxia Mountain flashed in the dragon's mind. The scene of Wu's tragic extermination filled his heart with boundless anger.

The witch family of stars has been blessed by the stars of the universe since the beginning of chaos and has become its own faction. The Wu clan took it as their responsibility to study astrological divination and deduce the five elements of Taiji, yin and yang, for the benefit of ancient times. During the first "God and Demon War", the ancient Wu family preserved most of the ancient people with their unique Taiji, yin and yang five elements of gossip and astrology. But at the same time, the Wu family also suffered heavy losses. After the war, they moved to the ancient Luoxia Mountains and slowly recovered their vitality over the long years. Who knows, a change ten thousand years ago made the Wu clan of the star elephant family completely disappear, as if it had never appeared in ancient times.

A demon god tens of feet tall with two feet of golden horns on his head. Jie Jie..." A chilling evil laugh made people sweat coldly.

"Wu, for the survival of the ancients, you Wu did not hesitate to deduce the skills of the ancients to become gods with half of the souls of the whole clan. Unfortunately, Jie... jie......”

I saw the magic god wave his hand in the middle of the witch clan in Luoxia Mountain.

"Ah, ancient..."

"Damn, demon..."

Over the sunset, countless black lightnings fell from the sky crazily.


The power that transcends nature and goes against nature. The soul was frightened, and the limbs of the witch clan were everywhere. A mass of souls and death with golden runes floated out, and the demon god enjoyed absorbing it.

"Jie Jie... The soul of the ancient Wu clan is good enough for me to upgrade to a higher level. Jie Jie. .....”

Wu has disappeared since then and there has been no trace of ancient times.

The so-called "God and Demon War" is actually the beginning of chaos. While countless space planes were born in the universe, many individuals with different lives were also born. The ancient people were born from the beginning of chaos and the ancient plane. At the same time, there are also Protoss and Demons in various planes. Humans and demons also live in different planes in different spaces. And each race will have a strong side to control their own race. Because of the strength of individuals or races, greedy conquest and desire to enslave, a protracted war between races began. The power of countless plane spaces fell in the war. In the end, the seven dark demons of the demon clan united. At the cost of two meteors and three injuries of the Dark Demon God, he severely damaged the four emperor-level masters on the ancient plane. At the same time, hundreds of millions of ancient humans were taken away as slaves. Since then, the first "God and Demon War" in ancient times has ended.

While the dark demon fell, he launched the most resentful blood curse in the universe.

"At the cost of my sinful demon god's life, before I wake up from my deep sleep again, ancient humans will always be in an era full of evil..."

"At the cost of my life of killing the demon god, before I wake up from my sleep again, ancient humans will always be in an era full of killing..."

Human selfishness, greed, laziness, anger, jealousy, pride, evil, killing. Appeared again under the curse of the two dark demons. The ancient human beings, which were originally prosperous, began to split apart after the first "God and Demon War".

Throughout ancient times, day and night existed day and night on the darkest side of human nature. The increase of killing further weakened the strength of the ancient people.

At the end of the first "God and Demon War", the remaining five of the seven dark demon gods also left a threatening sentence that has been worried by the ancients so far:

"We swear here with our own lives that when the second "God and Demon War" comes, it will be the time of the death of your ancient human beings..."

Four emperor-level masters disappeared in ancient times after leaving the last trace of consciousness in ancient times.

In ancient times, after being robbed of hundreds of millions of people, their strength is no longer as good as the first "God and Demon War". In addition, the ancient people themselves have been killed by power and desire. In tens of millions of years, there have been less than 100 million people in ancient times.

Most of the ancient human beings practiced various martial arts handed down from the wilderness. Although the first "God and Demon War" saw two meteors and three injuries to the seven demons of the demon clan, although the ancient plane only seriously injured four emperors. But the hundreds of millions of people who have been taken away have caused heavy losses in ancient times. Because the ancient people are few, but because of their own martial arts, they can often exert such a strong single combat ability of 10,000 or even millions in the war with the gods and demons. Billions have been taken away, which shows how huge the loss is. Moreover, the reproduction of ancient human beings was far inferior to that of the gods and demons. Although each monoli is not large, they have the power of belief in countless spatial planes, and the plane space of the demon clan is composed of hundreds of millions of demon clans. As a result, hundreds of millions of people were taken away. When the second "Gods and Demon War" comes, how should ancient times face it?

"At the cost of my sinful demon god's life, before I wake up from my deep sleep again, ancient humans will always be in an era full of evil..."

"At the cost of my life of killing the demon god, before I wake up from my sleep again, ancient humans will always be in an era full of killing..."

The blood curse of the two demon gods ignited the darkest side of the ancient human heart.

The Luoxia Mountains have existed since ancient times. They stretch for tens of thousands of miles, the mountains are dense and jungles, and the wild beasts in the forest are endless, but at the same time, this place is also the holy place that ancient masters yearn for cultivation. Because the Luoxia Mountains were born together with ancient times. The essence of the universe, countless ancient strong people come from this. Every strong man who comes out of the Luoxia Mountains will seal the skills inherited from chaos and his own practice experience in the depths of Luoxia with his strong consciousness and wait for the arrival of the predestined person.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a generation of strange dragons cut off water and inherited Luoxia. As soon as he was born, the wind and clouds changed. At the same time as the ancient people from all over the world went to the Luoxia Mountains, they also sent masters to intercept the dragon and cut off the water.



A knife spirit like a Thunderbolt. The wind and clouds changed, and the colorful brilliance passed by in an in an flash, and a long ditch dozens of feet wide and deep, about ten thousand feet appeared on the ground. There are countless limbs of ancient humans holding all kinds of weapons on both sides of the knife gas.

After the encirclement and interception of countless ancient forces, the strange dragon finally fell.

With the fall of the alien dragon, the Tiandao Heart Sutra he carried with him also caused the competition of countless ancient human beings. Human nature is ultimately evil.

In the south of the ancient world, there are several huge peaks that go straight to the sky. Ten thousand miles away from the main peak, there is a knife with black flames engraved on the towering boulder. The knife alliance is the most powerful force in ancient times, and there are countless disciples.

On the edge of the sphere of influence of the "Sword League", there are often scattered limbs of some outsiders who do not belong to the disciples of the "Sword League". There is a cold knife gas left on these bodies. These knives belong to the "Battle Heaven Sword Tips" cultivated by the "Knife League".

The Secret of the Heavenly Sword is actually understood and deduced from the remnants of the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra, which was besieged and fell by the masters of all forces ten thousand years ago. Since the establishment of the ancient "knife League", its strength has been increasing. Tens of thousands of years ago, the main knife of the "knife League" to the sky, although it was only a few fragments after obtaining the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra of the alien dragon. However, Dao Xiangtian used its super understanding, combined with countless knife martial arts classics, and finally performed the "Battle Heavenly Sword Secret", making the Knife League become the head of the four ancient forces.

The Luoxia Mountains, the place where the Wu clan died, is full of death within a hundred miles. Occasionally, there are a few tragic sounds in the dark dead air. If someone approaches the edge of the dead air, the consciousness can faintly feel through the dead air, and the boundless dead bones are different. From the skulls of those skeletons. You can feel what kind of killing and fear they suffered when they died.

The vision of the demise of the Wu clan attracted countless strong men to visit in ancient times, but a hundred miles away from the Wu clan, these ancient strongmen were making no progress.

The Four Heavenly Emperor is also sleeping and moving.

In the mysterious sky of the ancient North Sea, an old man in black looked at the Luoxia Mountains and muttered, "Wu... The necromancer... Ancient danger..."

From the east to the sky, a voice came out, "Wu's death, nothing in ancient times..."

The same signal comes from the consciousness and eyes of the ancient strongman in all parts of the southeast and north of ancient times...

The demise of the Wu clan marks the arrival of the second "God and Demon War"...

"Wu's destruction has not been there in ancient times. Billions of years..."

The Wu clan exchanged the ancient times for hundreds of millions of years before the advent of the second "God and Demon War" at the cost of the soul and demise of the whole clan.

What will happen in ancient times after hundreds of millions of years?

The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. This is the eternal law of the universe, whether it is the ancient people or the demons in another space plane.

Only the strong can survive, and the weak will be annihilated by the torrent of history...

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