Ancient War

Chapter 16 Desertification

"Mochen, my lord has an order. As a knife repairer, he should return to the 'knife alliance' and fight with my lord to unify the ancient times. Otherwise, there is only death..."

"Even if you die, you won't agree..."

"There is no regret in this battle..."

"War.... We will not hesitate to fight to the death. Death is not terrible, the terrible thing is that death has no value...

"Mochen, you are no match for me in this battle... Whether you are obedient or not, I will wait for you..."

Scenes of the picture emerge in the sea of knowledge of the dust... Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the three ancient forces were growing. In ancient times, there were many knife practitioners, and many knife practitioners belonged to the "knife alliance". However, the main knife of the "knife alliance" is increasingly expanding its power, and its ambition is getting bigger and bigger. At that time, the three forces carried out countless killings for immediate benefits. Similarly, there are countless strong people in ancient times, and there are also strong people who do not want to return to various forces. Moreover, many ancient strong men scattered and practiced separately in the ancient land. Because the strength of cultivation is accumulated by time. Therefore, most of the countless ancient people chose to practice. Because only the strength of cultivation can have more chances to save lives in this ancient era of the law of the jungle.

In ancient times, there are countless fierce beasts. Unless it is absolutely powerful. Only then can you walk alone in ancient times without being constrained. Otherwise, the gap in cultivation is either submissive to a certain force, or swallowed up by ancient beasts. The weak and the strong survive. The eternal truth.

Mochen, by chance, he won the Heavenly Knife. Because of his hard practice for many days, he finally became one of the tens of millions of swords when he was born. Because of his indifference by nature, he did not like to kill, and he did not want to belong to any side of the three ancient forces. At the same time, as a knife, the dignity of a free knife. So Mochen escapes into the free forces and is happy to be a scattered person. However, the main knife of the "knife alliance" is ambitious. There are countless battles ignited by the "Sword League". At the same time, the "knife alliance" is becoming more and more powerful.

"Well, can we fight?..."


The same knife, Mochen met the moment when the knife was unintentional. Each knife is not revealed. The strong man is also a knife repairer. The strong fighting spirit cannot be concealed, and only one battle can achieve the strong fighting spirit in the hearts of both.

The knife is strong and the sound of explosions is endless. The knife swept over, the rocks were broken, and the ghost cried.



"The knife of the 'knife alliance' is unintentional..."

"The scattered people and the dust..."

"Brother Mochen, I have benefited a lot from this war. Thank you very much... Brother Mochen has countless disputes in ancient times. There are many people who will not be known when their lives are killed. My 'knife alliance' is growing day by day. Brother Mochen, it's better to join my 'knife alliance' so that you can fight with my master and leave a name in ancient times..."

"I'm used to living an unrestrained life for my brother, and I can be happy to practice alone. Thank you for your kindness..."

"Next time I'm fighting, I'll go..." The desert dust broke through the air, and the sound came for a long time.


The desert dust broke through the air, and the knife's unintentional face actually showed a hint of sinister color. It turned out that the knife had no intention to be ordered by the knife to the sky. Go deep into the ancient free forces and find people who repair knives and let them return to the 'knife alliance' to strengthen their own power. If you encounter a person with shallow cultivation, you will succumb to the other party by force, if you don't obey. Erase it directly. The same method will also deal with the strong man who trims knives. If you can't get it yourself, others can't get it either. It also minimizes the future crisis, which is the only purpose of the knife to heaven.

Free forces. The knife had no intention to go deep for many days and met many knife repairers. There are also those who directly wipe out the other party by force, and there are more people who also subdue the "knife alliance". After all, not all the people of the free forces are strong. Moreover, the strength of the skill of "Battle Sword Tips" has also attracted many people who repair knives to belong to the 'knife League'. It is an eternal truth that the weak are attached to the strong, and every weak person wants to be the existence of the strong. When encountering Mochen, Mochen's knife repairer is arrogant and high, with a vigorous knife spirit and hidden fighting spirit in his body. The knife, which is also a strong knife repairer, has no intention in his body, and the strong fighting spirit is out of control.

As a martial arts friend, Dao has no intention to hope that Mochen will obey the "Knives League" and become a member of the "Sword League" in ancient times. But the heart was so indifferent that he broke through the air after the war. At the same time, the knife's unintentional face changed slightly and went away.

"Sw..." Powerful divine consciousness is mixed with boundless sword intentions and is constantly searching in the free forces. The familiar figure and the trajectory knife of the operation of the skill have no intention to keep in mind. Tens of thousands of "knife League" disciples behind Dao Wuxin. This time, he entered the free power to subdue Mochen and hide the strong people of the same level as Mochen in his power of freedom. The knife had no intention to shoot, and suddenly there was a ripple in the sea.

"The knife is unintentional, what is the intention of coming this time? Could it be..."

"Brother Mochen. Inadently, I came here this time to let you join the 'knife League' and follow my Lord to fight in ancient times. Isn't it happy..."

"What if you don't?"

"Brother Mochen, I have been fully prepared for this visit. I advise you to follow me, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what will happen? When I came to see you. The countless limbs and corpses you saw on the way, are they what you did..."

"Yes, so what..." Tens of thousands of disciples behind Dao Wuxin have held knives to each other.

"I didn't want to fight against you, but it can be seen that the 'knife alliance' is just a bully person. War..."

The swords are everywhere, and this sword is unintentionally killing four times. The knife is unintentional. In this case, I won't show mercy..."

In this battle, the swords are everywhere. The knife is vertical and horizontal, and it is also a strong knife, killing and moves. The collision of knives made the ancient land full of devastation. Suddenly, tens of thousands of knives bombarded the dust in the battle.


"The 'knife League' actually acts like this..."

Suddenly, a red knife behind Mochen went straight into the sky. The knife is unintentional, you and I pity each other. I don't want to do this, but you are killing everywhere..."

"Fight against the sky..." The red knife light suddenly bombarded the place of Dao Wuxin and the disciples of the "Dao League" that year, and there was no trace of vitality where the knife light passed. Tens of thousands of disciples of Daomeng were directly killed by Mochen's powerful blow...

"The knife is unintentional, you and I have no grudges yet. Why do we force each other again and again?..." The dust broke through the air.

"Mochen, you kill tens of thousands of my disciples. Next time I see you, if you don't surrender, you will die..."

This time the ancient war broke out again, and Dao Xiangtian once again sent a knife unintentionally to subdue the ancient free forces. The power of the skill of Zhantian Heart Tips makes the knife heartless and confident at this time. At the same time, it's time to end the enmity with Mochen..."

Thousands of traumatized knives began to open the prelude to death in the face of the "knife alliance" that was several times more than themselves.

"The knife is unintentional, you are despicable..."

Scenes emerge with the sea of knowledge of desert dust. The strength and despicability of the Knife League made Mochen hate it.

"I have been waiting here for a long time. How are your injuries..."

"Thank you for saving my life. Our injury has improved..." The remaining thousands of knives gathered behind Mochen.

In ancient times, there have been four killings, and the killing of the 'knife League' has been shown. After the dragon left against the sky, the only thing left for these thousands of knives was death.

"Mochen, the 'knife League' has once again sparked war, and countless killings in ancient times. If you don't obey the three parties, only death will come to an end. You still have to make a good plan, and the road will be more difficult in the future. It's easy to hide..."

"Senior, I know well..."

"Wait and go, I'll go..."

"Can you meet me..."

The young face is extremely powerful. Strong self-confidence appeared in his arrogant eyes.

"Ah..." Surprises were everywhere. No one would have thought that the predecessors who saved thousands of people would be so young...


"Don't say much, the war in ancient times has reignited, all because the 'knife League' intends to unify the ancient times. The desire to the sky has reached a peak. Only when you and others still get together can you have a chance to survive in the war.

"In ancient times, there was an eventful autumn, and any life was valuable. The knife despises all sentient beings to the sky. This ancient crisis is also..."

"The knife goes to the sky, and even if the disciples of the 'knife League' make tens of millions, I will go alone."

The dragon's figure against the sky is so tall that thousands of people and Mochen have the impulse to kneel down. Incomparable strength and self-confidence, compassion for the world, and boundless courage. All this cut....

The desert is confused. Hundreds of thousands of years of experience floated through the scenes.

"Yes, as an ancient man, it is valuable to die. How cruel the "God and Demon War" was, and the whole ancient times existed like a hell of Shura. This time, there were four swordsmen. The ancients were killed and injured countless times. As a member of ancient times, even if you die, you will die in your right place..."

"Senior, Mochen is willing to follow..."

"Senior, I'm willing to follow left and right..."

Incomparable loyalty. It's not because of the feeling of saving people's lives. Thousands of knives kneel down under the leadership of Mochen and the dragon against the sky....

"Get up, ancient wars are everywhere. I have felt your loyalty, and I will lead you to open a new page in ancient times..."

There is a saying, "It's too smart to be calculated. Unexpectedly, others are unintentional."

Ladies and gentlemen, please predict what will happen and listen to the next breakdown.

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