Ancient War

Chapter 67 Exploring the Dark Hall

"Senior Xing Chi, the boy's consciousness sensed the whole unknown dark hall. It seems that more than a dozen powerful demon gods in the dark hall have moved, and their subordinates are crazy looking for our existence. The boy doesn't know what kind of existence the unknown dark hall is, so he wants to explore the unknown dark hall and see if there is a chance to leave here. And now many ethnic groups are participating in the Tiandao Heart Sutra, and it will take time to recover their strength. Now the demons in the unknown dark hall are looking for our existence crazily everywhere. I want to give many people time to restore their strength. It's better to go out and find out..." Long against the sky said to Xing Chi. There is a curious color in his eyes.

The dragon was taken into the demon space until it was placed in the unknown dark hall. Consciousness knows nothing about the outside world. He was rescued by the ancient people led by Xing Chi, and because Xing Chi tried his best to find the real magic beads for him, although the dragon suffered incomparable pain. But in the end, because of his own skills and his strong obsession, he not only recovered his cultivation, but also the energy contained in the Zhenyuan magic beads greatly increased his cultivation and divine consciousness. At this time, the dragon against the sky was no longer comparable to the ancient knife to the sky and Moyou and others. And the dragon is curious about everything about the demon clan. Because he wanted to know what strength the demon clan had to wantonly enslave ancient humans. And what's more important about him is that he wants to find a way back to ancient times...

Dragons can only develop their strength and power if they return to ancient times. So as to deal with the "war between gods and demons" that will take place in the future. Now that the dragon is trapped in the unknown dark hall of the demon clan, he wants to do his best to understand the demon clan. Although he was known to be forcibly abhorted from ancient space, it can be seen that the strength of the demon god is not what the current dragon can resist. Everything still needs time. This time, the dragon got the attachment of the people against the sky, which is a great opportunity and body. Not only has he escaped, but his own cultivation has also been doubled. Moreover, he knew that the ancient people who were abdiced into the demon space lived through thousands of years of reincarnation under the slavery and crazy oppression and abuse of the demon clan. Therefore, the dragon against the sky is more like to find out what the demon clan is hiding at this time. And if there is a chance, you must bring the information back to ancient times. The "knife realm" was well developed in ancient times. Try to integrate the ancient strength to deal with the "war between gods and demons" tens of millions of years later.

"Againd the sky, the space in the unknown dark hall is incomparable. After tens of millions of years of fighting, I and others have never seen where the end of the dark hall is. And over the countless corridors of the unknown dark hall, there seems to be endless evil power. I can't explore my consciousness. And there are still soul shackles in our bodies. In the unknown dark temple, it can't be supplemented because of cultivation. So when the demon god comes. They all choose to escape as much as possible. However, tens of millions of years still know some unknown situations about the demons in the dark hall. There are thirteen dark temple monarchs in the unknown dark hall. These thirteen dark temple monarchs are all powerful. And tens of millions of years ago, a dying clan told me that there was a huge palace in the depths of the unknown dark hall. There seems to be another unshakable horror in it..." Xing Chi is constantly recalling the past.

"Againd the sky, at this time, we and others have the Heart Sutra you passed on, and everyone's strength will continue to recover. And I see that the energy of the soul shackles in your body seems to be assimilated by you. I also felt something about the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra. As long as there is enough time, we can also assimilate the energy of the soul shackles to our own use. At that time, the clan will not meet the demon god and choose to escape. Now I also feel that the unknown dark hall seems to be different from before. In the past, the demons in the unknown dark hall would not be like this at all. The emergence of this mute and the attraction of Zhenyuan magic beads. The monarch of the Dark Temple came out to look for it himself. You must be careful when you go out to gather this time..." Xing Chi gave instructions from time to time.

"If you meet it, it will be powerful beyond shaking. Remember to escape quickly, because there are many places that our ancient people can't reach, and there are many places that I can't compare with. Once you encounter an irresistible power. Only escape... If you can't find a way to leave this place, don't force it. When we are strong, we will make other plans..." The punishment is no longer alive at this time.

"Follow the orders, seniors. I will be careful on this visit. If something abnormal happens. I will leave and return to the gathering place. And this time I'm out. We will try our best to delay the time when the demons find our gathering place. After all, my appearance will definitely disturb their sight... Senior, go against the sky..." The dragon dodged against the sky and left the gathering place of the ancient people.

The dark and foggy cloister of the unknown hall blows from time to time. The huge demon skeleton can be seen as far as you can see. The bleak green phosphorus fire is creepy. The power of wandering and evil in the whole corridor is also several times stronger than in the gathering place of the ancient people. And from time to time, strange screams come from the end of the darkness. At this time, the dragon frowned slightly.

As soon as the dragon came out of the gathering place, he felt the power of evil in the air and the smell of blood mixed in the air. Although the smell of blood is very light. But it also made the dragon's heart tighten.

"The Stuart monarch asked us to search for traces of ancient humans. I don't know why? And it seems that several other monarchs are also constantly sending their subordinates to search for the traces of ancient humans. Do you know why?..." A relatively short demon god held a long bone knife and asked a demon god next to him.

"Shh... Be careful. If the monarch knows that you are insinuing about these things. I'm afraid you will definitely die..." Another demon god with a relatively tall body whispered.

I heard that it is a bead made for a mutatical ancient man. I just know that if I can get it, my strength will be greatly improved to become a powerful existence that can challenge the monarch of the Dark Temple..."

"Well, if I can get this bead, then won't I..." The little demon god actually began to fantasize.

"Wh..." Two small knives attacked the two dreaming demon gods.

"Plop, Plop..."

The sound came. The two low-level demon gods were killed by a sneak attack by the dragon against the sky. Until the death of the little demon, he had been fantasizing about something.


The dragon sacrificed the sword again and strangled the bodies of the two low-level demon gods. It seems that these two low-level demon gods have never appeared. But the only thing left on the spot was the faint knife.

The same thing keeps happening. The continuous death of the low-level demon god and the faint knife left behind. Although many dark monarchs noticed some differences. Just as the thirteen dark temple monarchs were thinking about what to do next, a powerful magic knowledge poured into the sea of knowledge of the thirteen dark temple monarchs. The next moment, all the low-level and high-level demon gods will be dispatched. In order to find the existence of the dragon against the sky in the unknown dark hall.

In the depths of the unknown dark hall, thirteen palaces guard the huge palace in the middle. The powerful magic knowledge comes from it, which can easily bombard the magic knowledge into the sea of many dark temple monarchs, which shows how strong the master of the magic knowledge is. The unshakable existence of terror...

However, the dragon did not know at this time. It's just habitually slaughtering the lives of these demons. It seems that the demon god is avenging the revenge of the ancient people...

Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to know what will happen in the future, please see the next breakdown!

Brothers and sisters, please click on the collection and recommendation comments! Thank you, little brother. The end is the hard truth! Your support is the driving force for my brother's completion!