Ancient War

Chapter 74 Taiji Five elements

After the dragon told the people of the gathering place the news of the opportunity to return to ancient times. The gathering place was full of endless joy for a while. Tens of millions of years of trapped in the demon clan, living in deep water and fire day and night. The yearning for the hometown is buried in the bottom of everyone's heart. When the dragon told everyone the hope of returning to ancient times, many ethnic groups could not control their deep excitement, and tears immediately flowed down...

"Gentlemen, please listen to some details..." Long against the sky began to slowly tell everyone the information obtained from Feng Xingzi.

"Senior Xing Chi, during the period of leaving against the sky, how about many people understand the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra? Has the strength been recovered correspondingly because of the understanding..." Long against the sky asked, because at this time, Long against the sky had been thinking about some things Feng Xingzi told when he was about to leave. Once the power of evil is full of the body, it may cause changes in the body. Although the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra can use external forces for its own purposes. But after all, everyone's qualifications are not different, and their understanding and deduction will also be different. At this time, the most worrying thing is that some of the clans in the gathering place will be eager to achieve success, and in the end, the cultivation in the body will not reach a balanced state, resulting in the body full of evil power. Although the cultivation will be restored in a short period of time, once the power of evil accumulates more and more. At that time, it may bring a great crisis to everyone. Will the ancient people in the gathering place become alien beings like the mute people?

"For good, through this period of understanding and deduction, the cultivation of the people has been restored, and the restrictions of the soul shackles have also been loosened. However, I felt that while the cultivation in the body was constantly recovering, I felt that something abnormal was filling the body. While my cultivation is constantly recovering, sometimes my mind will often have some inexplicable irritability and a bloodthirsty impulse. At this time, I don't know if all the people have such a feeling..." Xing Chi was asked by the dragon against the sky and said some of his feelings when he understood the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra and restored his cultivation during this period...

"Senior Xing Chi, while I was understanding the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra, while my cultivation in my body is constantly recovering, there seems to be an unspeakable impulse in my heart. Tyrannical emotions fill this sea of knowledge, and from time to time there will be some impulses to slaughter thousands of demon gods..."

"I also have this situation. What the hell is going on? I thought this situation had happened to me, but I didn't expect that even the predecessor Xing Chi felt the same way. Is it because I have been suppressed for too long in these tens of millions of years, in order to wash away the shame imposed by the demon clan? Leng Fengran said with surprise that he had found some unusual things during this period when he understood the Tiandao Heart Sutra and restored his cultivation.

Leng Fengran has always believed that these abnormal situations in the body are all due to the confrontation with countless large and small demon gods in the unknown dark hall for tens of millions of years. The shame imposed by the demon god is so unforgettable. At that time, many clans could not resist the demon god in order to preserve their strength. However, now my cultivation can not only be restored, but also no longer have to be limited by my cultivation because of the loss of the battle. You can fight against the demon god. Therefore, although Leng Fengran found this abnormality in his body during practice, he thought it was a normal appearance...

"Yes, seniors, I have also had this situation. When I read the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra, the speed of cultivation recovery began to slowly accelerate. However, whenever the speed of recovery is too fast, there will be a mass of anger in my heart, and the anger will burn more and more. It seems to swallow everything. Because I can't control it, my recovery is slower than at the beginning..."

"Senior Xing Chi, my recent cultivation has recovered quickly, but every time my cultivation recovers to a certain extent, I am more and more unable to control my emotions. If I hadn't strongly restrained my violent bloodthirsty desire, I will probably leave the clan the next time I recover quickly. The gathering place of people has been blooded on our existence for tens of millions of years, the ants of the demon clan..."

"I have also had abnormalities, but I not only have a bloodthirsty impulse, but I often feel that there seems to be a trace of other energy in my body..."


A moment of inquiry was heard. Some clans keep talking about some of the strange things that happened to their bodies during their practice. Although the differences of each ethnic group are different, this has happened to all the ancient people in the gathering place, including Xing Chi. Everyone is because when practicing, while the cultivation is constantly recovering, it leads to the accumulation of too much evil power in the body, although this situation temporarily occurs at that time. But once the power of evil accumulates to a certain extent, the consequences will be unimaginable. At this time, the most worried thing happened...

However, although it has happened, there are still opportunities to make up for it. If the dragon hadn't saved Feng Xingzi and let the people in the gathering place continue to recover their lost cultivation, the consequences might be more serious. Moreover, before Long Fengtian learned this information from Feng Xingzi, he had also noticed that there seemed to be some differences in his body. Now he has found the root cause. After rushing back to the gathering place, although everyone had such a similar situation. But in the end, there is still a chance to make up for it...

"The predecessors, it is not a shame to ask each other this time. It's all because Feng Xingzi's predecessor sent me a message about the mutiny before he left. Because this news has a lot to do with the future survival of our people. Therefore, I came back to discuss and work together with everyone to solve this problem..."

"What is the problem that is so serious and will affect the survival of our people? And everyone has the problem you mentioned. Is there something wrong with this?" Although Xing Chi also found this problem, he didn't care too much. However, the tone of the dragon against the sky this time seems to be very serious. Many people, such as Xing Chi, have thousands of thoughts for a moment.

"I learned from the predecessors of Feng Xingzi. When the muted clan competed with the demon god, while restoring the consumption of cultivation in the body, the power of demons and evil will accumulate more and more in the body due to the recovery of cultivation, but the cultivation that was originally hidden in ancient times is less and less. Many mutable clans have uncontrollable divine consciousness and behavior because of the increasing power of evil in their bodies. Until one of the clan was completely filled with the power of evil in his body. Only the predecessors of Fengxingzi and others really know that although they can temporarily control their behavior to resist the demon god, as long as they are in the space of the demon clan, under the cycle of continuous battle consumption and the recovery of cultivation, the power of demons will eventually fill the whole body. At that time, he can't control himself and eventually become a real demon god. Always driven by the demon god Aino until his death. As soon as the dragon said this, everyone's face changed. But it returns to nature in an instant...

"Againd the sky, the problem you said. I have already realized it, but I didn't think much about it. Because my and other people were trapped in the unknown dark hall, and countless people fell in this tens of millions of years of battle. There are also several strong people who want to try to change the trajectory of the power in the body to see if they can restore their cultivation in the space of the demon clan. But no one succeeded. In the end, it only turned into Zhenyuanzhu to retain a glimmer of life for the ancient people. Since we entered the demon space, we have been using the cultivation in our own body to resist the erosion of the power of demon evil in the demon space. But how can we help the passage of time, and the Zhenyuan beads transformed by those clans who died in the war contain incomparable obsessions. Therefore, this obsession will appear in the people who accept Zhenyuanzhu. Due to the continuous cycle, many people have accumulated irresistible and uncontrollable obsessions in their bodies. The power of evil and the obsession of Zhenyuanzhu. In the end, it will make the clan become a bloodthirsty existence and a killing machine that can't distinguish me from the enemy. Until he finally died..." There is infinite sadness in the words of Xing Chi.

"Although Xing Chi's predecessor, although the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra has been passed down to everyone, due to different personal qualifications, it is impossible to know exactly how far it can be understood. Although the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra can restore everyone's cultivation. But if you can't fully integrate the evil power of the outside world, it will turn into your own cultivation. I'm afraid that the power of evil will invade the body and become the existence of the demon god... However, I don't think it will be so serious. After all, there is no magic blood of the nine demon gods in the bodies of many races. But too much power of evil in the body is also likely to change the mind of others..." At this time, the dragon already knew what the current difficulties the people were facing.

"Againing the sky..." Xing Chi also seems to be much more lonely.

At this time, the dragon's consciousness sensed some signs in the body, which was caused by the absorption of true magic beads. The power of evil contained in the Zhenyuan magic beads is too strong. And because the Taiji five elements of gossip in the dragon's body were running too slowly at that time. For a while, it did not fully integrate the power of evil. When the dragon went out to visit the unknown dark hall, the demon energy in the body was a little powerful due to too much slaughter of the followers of the dark temple monarch and too much killing. From time to time, it will cause some bloodthirsty pleasure. However, the Tiandao Heart Sutra and the five elements of the eight trigrams of Taiji accelerated. This bloodthirsty pleasure will disappear. As a result, the dragon has a fixed number in his heart.

"Senior Xing Chi, don't panic. Although we may face many difficulties, there will eventually be a solution. Besides, it has been experienced for tens of millions of years. What about life and death? Today, there is a legend about how to deduce the five elements of Taiji. Let's see if the power of evil can be integrated with the cultivation in our bodies. And there is no soul shackles and detention energy in the body against the sky. If this is possible. Then everyone will try to integrate the energy of the three..."

"Easy to have Taiji is to give birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four elephants, and four elephants give birth to gossip. The five elements are the quality of yin and yang, and yin and yang are the qi of the five elements..." The dragon condensed countless proverbs into countless Taoisms, such as the divine consciousness from silk to pass on to everyone. The method of participating in the five elements of gossip has poured into the sea of knowledge of many ethnic groups with the divine consciousness.

The dragon inherited some things from the star witch clan. After sorting out, he selectively passed on the method of participating in the five elements of the Taiji gossip to the ancient people in the gathering place. However, all this is still uncontrollable. After all, the trend of Taiji five elements gossip is not so simple to participate in the performance.

The momentum of Taiji five elements of gossip performed by the star-like Wu clan with the strength of the whole clan, and work together to deduce how to become a god. However, even if the whole clan is completely destroyed, there is only a trace of it. The biography of the Wu clan and the dragon against the sky is just a seed of how to become a god. Everything also requires the dragon to slowly understand in all kinds of twists and turns...

wu ji and Taiji. Taiji moves and is born with yang, moving extremely quietly, quietly and born yin, and static extremely re-moving. One movement and one silence are each other's roots; yin and yang are divided, and the two rituals stand. The yang turns into yin and creates water, fire, wood, gold, earth, five elements of cloth, and four hours. Five elements are one yin and yang, yin and yang are also Taiji, and Taiji is infinite. ...Two qi sympathetic, all things are born. Everything is born and changes endlessly. These provebs are the true meaning of how to deduce the trend of the five elements of Taiji.

The ancient people in the gathering place of the unknown dark hall can really understand the mystery. In that case, the abnormality caused by the recovery of cultivation will definitely disappear. At that time, the ancient people in the Unknown Dark Hall will not only recover their cultivation, but also improve their cultivation. This time, the dragon against the sky also passed on the trend of how to participate in the five elements of gossip of Taiji. In addition, the previous legend and the Heavenly Knife Heart Sutra, which can accept everything without dispute, the two will definitely make the energy in everyone's body reach a state of attack and defense balance, and will not make themselves change because of the accumulation of the power of evil in the body.

However, all this depends on everyone's own creation. After all, these things are not what the dragon can do. At this time, the dragon has done everything he can do. Everything depends on how many ethnic groups understand these skills and sayings.

Looking at everyone constantly understanding the motto they had just got, the dragon fell into boundless meditation for a moment. At this time, the dragon no longer considers whether everyone will change due to the accumulation of the power of evil. After all, the skills handed down by the dragon against the sky and everyone are one of the lifelong efforts of the Astral Witch clan.

The dragon is constantly searching in the sea of immersion and knowledge at this time...

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