Ancient War

Chapter 83 Pointed to the spear

When several dark temple monarchs of the unknown dark hall fought together, a soft hum came out, and at the same time, a magic power that many dark temple monarchs were afraid of suddenly appeared.

The soft hum seemed to contain incomparable anger. Is it disdain for the dark palace monarch in the melee or something? Just looking at the performance of the monarchs of the Dark Palace, it seems that things are not as simple as we think...

"You have launched such a scuffle because of my promise. Don't you know that my promise to you is to find the ancient human being as soon as possible? You have fought so much for each other's desires. Don't you know that my order cannot be violated? ......”

The incomparable magic power firmly suppressed many dark temple monarchs. Even Louis Hunt, whose strength has increased sixfold, can't compete with it. One of the seven most powerful demon gods in the demon space is a horrible and powerful existence. The magic power alone has shocked the dragon hiding in the distance. The gap in strength made the dragon know that if he wanted to return to ancient times, he had to bypass the master of this magic power. Otherwise, even if you find a way back to ancient times, it seems difficult to go back to ancient times...

"My promise to you is to find the ancient human as soon as possible. That ancient human was the biggest threat to our demon clan. Humph... You are just like an ant in my eyes. If it weren't for the value of your existence. I have already killed all of you on the spot... A group of brainless ants, don't you know how many chances your melee will leave for the ancients to survive? Now I order you to go together to find the ancient human. I will give you what you want... Humph..."

The strong and unshakable magic power disappeared in an instant after it appeared. However, when Mowei disappeared, he also accidentally skimmed through the hidden position of the dragon against the sky. Just this trace of

The magic power made the hidden dragon break out in a cold sweat. Although facing many dark monarchs with the current strength of the dragon against the sky, it should not be a big problem to retreat completely. But in the face of such an unshakable existence. Long still has some scruples in his heart. After all, the gap in strength cannot be made up overnight.

The anger of many dark monarchs in the melee disappeared at this time. After looking at each other, they dodged. At the same time, the strong magic knowledge keeps coming out. The unknown dark hall, which was originally crazy and chaotic, began to become orderly. Thirteen dark kings, including Stuart, Orbis and Smith, were no longer fighting at this time, and their subordinates kept searching within their own sphere of influence. Just to find the existence of ancient humans hidden in the dark.

After the dark temple monarchs who had been fighting together were swept away by this supreme demon power, they stopped fighting. The monarchs of the dark temple fought together, and the strength they showed and the way they used energy made the hidden dragons feel against the sky. From Cortina to Louis Hunt's "magic change", it is the boundary of the fate sacrificed by the monarchs of the dark temple at the table. The strength of strength is its special energy operation mode, and there is also a special position due to different energy operation. It makes the dragon seem to feel something.

"Search the whole sphere of influence, be sure to find the ancient human..." Crane's order came out, and all his followers were constantly searching in his sphere of influence.

The unknown dark hall is extremely large. Although the monarchs of the dark hall have their own sphere of influence, the sphere of influence cannot be searched for a while. Moreover, the breath deliberately left by the dragon against the sky seems to be unusually weak.

"Hmm, damn it. If it hadn't been for Stuart's obstruction, I might have found the ancient human. At the beginning, I had already sensed his trace. Damn, his appearance seems to have changed the whole situation..."

Cortina's hatred for Stuart is unspeakable at this time. Becoming his wife and becoming the eighth strongest demon god of the demon clan, although the powerful existence in the depths of the dark hall is still guaranteed his promise. But at this time, Cortina had countless thoughts in her mind.

"As long as you find the ancient human, the promise I gave you will definitely come true..." Does it mean that no matter which of the thirteen dark temple monarchs find the dragon against the sky, these thirteen dark temple monarchs will get what he promised? This doesn't seem normal.

Cortina, who combines appearance and wisdom in the unknown dark hall, seems to have noticed something from that magic...

"Search for the ancient human quickly and find him at all costs. Ancient ants, I must step on the soles of your feet, let you bear my boundless anger, and then hand over to the Lord..." Abdullah also kept ordering his subordinates to search everywhere within their own strength. At the same time, the powerful magic knowledge is also divided into countless paths and scattered in the unknown dark hall, looking for all possible signs...

Richardson, although you and I have formed a temporary alliance for profit. But I will remember what you have done when confronting Zambik today. I would like to form a permanent alliance with you. How about advancing and retreating together? And now I have been very shocked by the strength shown by the other ten dark temple monarchs. Although you and my respective strengths will not be defeated, it will definitely be a tragic victory. So I'm willing to have a permanent alliance with you. What do you think?

When Raspel confronted Zambik, Richardson was willing to fight against Zambeak with him instead of sneaking him behind his back. Although he slaughtered some of Richardson's subordinates, and the alliance between the two was only temporarily united for the sake of interests, they had other intentions when forming an alliance. However, Richardson stood with him abnormally. In this way, although he is the monarch of the Dark Hall, he is one of the strong demons. I can't help but apologize for Richardson's behavior.

"Since Raspel said it so clearly, I won't hide it anymore. When you slaughtered my subordinates, I really wanted to fight with you. However, for my benefit, I would rather reach a temporary alliance with you. Although I could do it behind your back when I confronted Zambik just now, I also know that none of you alone can beat Zambik. That's why I didn't attack you. Now that you intend to form an alliance with me. Then I no longer consider that our alliance must have the strictest blood oath of the demon clan. Otherwise..."

Richardson seems to have known that Rasper would have said this. Of course, Richardson knows that although he is now the monarch of the Dark Temple, he is not the strongest, and this time he is looking for the ancient human. The strength shown by the dark monarchs for the greatest benefit is beyond his imagination. Although he is one of the monarchs of the dark temple, he is also an ant-like existence in the eyes of the horrible existence in the deepest part of the unknown dark temple. Nowadays, the situation of the unknown dark hall is uncontrollable. The alliance with Rasper still has certain benefits. As long as you make the strictest blood oath of the demon clan, you will not be afraid of Rasper's little actions behind his back...

"The strictest blood oath of the demon clan? ..." After Rasper heard Richardson's words, the colors in the devil's eyes changed from time to time.

How can Raspel not know the strength of the blood oath of the demon clan? As long as he makes this oath, once it is violated, he will definitely suffer eternal suffering and turn into powder and ash.

"Well... Richardson, let's make the strictest blood oath for the alliance..." Raspel kept searching in the sea of knowledge, after weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he made up his mind to make a permanent alliance with Richardson.




Richardson and Raspel each spewed out a mouthful of blood essence, and at the same time, the claws of the two dark temple monarchs kept waving the mysterious trajectory.

The two strands of blood merged together in an instant. Countless free demonic forces are constantly integrated into these two strands of blood. The two strands of blood unexpectedly merged into substance, and became more and more condensed into a special demon rune. Special demon runes shine strangely from time to time in the dark space...


Suddenly, the special demon rune split into two and instantly poured into the sea of knowledge of Richardson and Rasper...

"Raspel, we must not break our alliance vows in the future and send our subordinates together to find the ancient human..." After Richardson left a magic knowledge at this time, the demon body has disappeared...

"Richardson, don't break your oath... From then on, we will advance and retreat together..." Raspel's evil eyes showed a trace of grimness. But it returned to normal in an instant.

Now that the blood oath of the demon clan has been issued, it can no longer be violated. Although Raspel was reluctant to make a bloody oath, Richardson could not break the blood oath. That's why Rasper decided to form an alliance with Richardson.

"Oh..." Horrible howls came out of a huge palace in the unknown dark hall...

Although Louis Hunt carried out a "magic shock", just as Louis Hunt was about to kill Ivanov and Field, the existence of the strongest in the depths of the dark hall made Louis Hunt no longer able to maintain his "magic shock" state. The gap between strength and level has made Louis Hunt feel countless fears in his heart.

Louis Hunt kept howling at this time, and his anger made Louis Hunt unable to control himself. After the terrible howling, the screams kept ringing.

Some of Louis Hunt's powerful underground attendants can't withstand the sound wave energy mixed with howling. One by one, they exploded and died...

"Well, hateful ancient ants, I will definitely find you and then devour you..." Louis Hunt's magic knowledge keeps spreading. The low-level demons knelt around the palace and began to disperse in the unknown dark halls that disappeared and dim. Everything is to look for signs of the existence of dragons...

"Hurry up and find the ancient human being, and remember not to clash with the followers of other monarchs of the dark palace, otherwise the consequences will not be imaginable..." Obes' orders continued to be issued.

The only subordinates left by Orbis are already less than ten thousand. Now he has also sent out more than 10,000 troops. In order to find the dragon against the sky. Because the unshakable power seems to be just to find the ancient human, the promise does not seem to be as ** as at the beginning. But once he disobeyed his order, it seems to turn into flying ashes in the next moment...

"Looking for the edge of my sphere of influence..."

Ivanov's breath is still violent...

"Ah Jie Jie... Go and look for that ancient human. Let me enjoy talking first..." Stuart didn't seem to have changed because he was attacked by Cortina. Instead, he continued to indulge in the joy of his harem.

"I must find you. Zanbiqwu will definitely avenge you... sneak attack me." At this time, Smith led his subordinates to constantly look for signs of being against the sky. At this time, his hatred for Zambik seemed to reach an unparallable level.

At this time, in the unknown dark hall, countless demon gods followed their monarchs, constantly searching for signs of dragons and ancient humans. However, the dragon is waiting for the opportunity to move.

"Humph... I'll give you an operation later..."

At this time, the divine consciousness has captured the movement of Zambik and his followers. It seems that Zambeak and his followers are about to appear near the Dragon Against the Sky. The next moment, the dragon's anger against the sky will begin to explode...