Ancient War

Chapter 101 Death Cut

At this time, the dragon against the sky once again exudes the breath of the upper demon god. Because around the palace of killing demon gods, there are many guardian demon gods sealed by petrification. Moreover, the strength of these guardian demons is not much weaker than that of the dark temple monarchs. The only thing they lack is that they have souls and the ability to think.

"I will enter that palace soon, and I will go back to ancient times no matter what. Even if the crisis of death is added, I will go back. Otherwise, everything I have done will be in vain..." At this time, the dragon can clearly feel the way back to ancient times. However, his consciousness could not feel the existence of supreme magic power, and the incomparable silence seemed to contain a trace of conspiracy.

In fact, it is not that the dragon thinks too much about it. The wisp of supreme magic power has appeared many times in the unknown dark hall, and it seems that the appearance of this wisp of supreme magic power is for the dragon to come out against the sky. In this way, the dragon at this time could not feel the supreme magic power of killing the demon god. And the huge palace seems to be like the big mouth of an evil demon god, devouring everything in.

At this time, a huge energy whirlpool is forming above the huge palace of killing the demon god. The energy absorbed by the whirlpool continues to pour into the palace, and the gloom and horror outside the palace is more powerful. The devil's head on the gate of the huge palace changes in various shapes from time to time. One of the evils and killings enveloped the whole palace.

"Damn ancient ants, don't want to escape. I didn't expect that you would have such a strong strength. Ivanov was bombarded by you. Humph, I really underestimated you, but how can the majesty of the Lord allow you to provoke..."

Clane's magic has locked the dragon's movement against the sky. He was very surprised by the strength shown against the dragon, because he never thought that an ancient human being, in the space of the demon clan, was not only not limited by the position of the demon clan, but also had such a strong cultivation. It seems that the shackles of the soul did not work well for him, and this ancient human had the breath of the upper demon god. Klein was puzzled why all this was all this. Because when the dragon against the sky was shrouded by the breath of the upper demon god, he always thought that the dragon against the sky was the new king of the dark temple. How can he think that the existence of the new king of the dark hall turned out to be the ancient human beings that the Lord asked them to find and kill...

"Abominable..." After sensing the lock of Crane's magic, there was a trace of anger in his eyes. Because he didn't expect Crane to be so persevere, but it was not Crane, a dark palace monarch, and the rest of the dark palace monarchs followed closely. The order to kill the demon god forced them to do their best, otherwise all of them would be erased between waving their hands...

All the dark temple monarchs such as Crane and Louis Hunt have nothing in the eyes of the seven strongest demon gods. Cortina is just an alien existence. At this time, she sealed herself, between some special restrictions, and killing the demon god could not do anything bad for Cortina. However, when he poured his anger on Ivanov, Ivanov turned into ashes and became the dust of history.

At this time, the killing demon god has occupied Abdullah's body, and even Abdullah's soul has been swallowed up by him. Although these dark temple monarchs are extremely strong in the unknown dark temple, in the eyes of killing demon gods, they are just like ants and can be wiped out by him arbitrarily. And in the eyes of the strongest demon god, everything in the demon clan is their slaves. They are the supreme and powerful place of the demon clan. Everything must obey them, otherwise death is the only end...

"What on earth is this ancient human being going to do? How could he rush to the palace of the Lord? Does he want to provoke the majesty of the Lord? Jiejie... Such a great opportunity, I must show my strength in front of the Lord and kill this ant on the spot, so that I will get my strength and rights..." After Mourinho sensed the trend of the dragon against the sky, the first thing he thought of was how to get benefits. However, he did not know that when the dragon entered the palace of killing the demon god, a war of destruction was about to begin. When the war ended, the monarch of the dark palace would fall again, but at that time, the dragon had long disappeared.

"Well, I have raised my strength to the strongest state. We must block this ancient human being. I killed him with several other dark monarchs. Although I don't know how strong your strength is, I like everything you show now. Tens of millions of years of cat-and-mouse games have long been tired. Finally, there are ancient ants that can fight against me head-on. This time, I will definitely smash you and make you become powder and annihilate under my attack. I will also devour your soul, but you will be destroyed and will never be reincarnated. Jie Jie..."

At this time, Louis Hunt has raised the demon body to the extreme. At the same time, his strength has also reached the peak. The huge demon body has chased all the way, and the violent breath alone has caused the space to continue to shake.

"Richardson, what should we do? I have been thinking that the strength shown by this ancient human being seems to be beyond my imagination. Did he devour the real magic beads? Raspel suddenly thought of something.

"What? Only in this way can it be explained, otherwise this ancient human could not be limited by the space of our demon clan. However, tens of thousands of ancient ants appeared in the unknown dark hall, and their leaders turned into a true magic bead scattered in the unknown dark hall after a war. At that time, our dark monarchs were still attracted by the energy contained in this true magic bead. Because once you get it, your strength will be doubled. However, after a brief appearance, the Zhenyuan magic bead disappeared again. Is it really absorbed by this ancient ant?

Richardson's eyes suddenly glowed strangely after hearing what Raspelle said about the real magic beads.

"Raspel, we must take down this ancient human being. If your analysis is correct, the strength of this ancient human can be so strong, all because of the absorption of Zhenyuan magic beads, then we must take down this ancient people. Because the energy contained in his body must be able to greatly improve our strength. And at that time, the Lord is giving us some rewards..." Richardson said, and Rasper's long-suppressed desire rose again.

As the monarchs of the Dark Temple, how can they not aspire to have strong strength? If, as they analyzed, once they succeed in taking down the dragon against the sky and devour all the energy essence in the dragon against the sky, the strength of Richardson and Raspel will definitely improve substantially. However, they couldn't imagine that the dragon against the sky not only absorbed the Zhenyuan magic beads, but also the Tiandao Heart Sutra in the body was also running continuously, and the cultivation in the body was not irreparable due to the loss of the battle. At the same time, there is also the soul imprint of Cortina in the dragon's body. All this is unknown to these dark temple monarchs.

"I must kill this ancient human being, and I must become the strongest among the monarchs of the Dark Temple..." Obis's eyes were full of infinite murder.

"Damn ancient humans, I must erase you, or it seems that it will be me..." Field brought him a great shock because of Ivanov's death, because he sensed a strong magic knowledge that limited Ivanov's strength. Otherwise, he would not be so timid. At this time, he roared crazily and rushed in the direction of the dragon against the sky...


The original hot knife light has already turned black at this time. At this time, the dragon against the sky is killing the demons sealed by petrification. When the dragon sacrificed a hot knife light against the sky, the unique breath of the ancient skills made these sealed demons wake up from the seal in an instant. However, when the dragon began to use the power of evil in his body, the black knife came out. All the awakened demon gods were petrified again. Originally, the dragon against the sky was the breath of the above demon gods, and these petrified demon gods did not untie the seal. However, in order to minimize the crisis, the dragon did not hesitate to waste some time and kill these demons in the truth one by one.

"Damn, if you treat my guard like this, I will definitely make you powerful..." The demon god roared angrily.

Although the dragon is killing the guardian of the demon god, it is not that the demon god does not want to kill the dragon directly. Because he occupied Abdullah's demon body at this time, he had only one wisp of demon knowledge in Abdullah's demon body, and his wisp of magic knowledge can only be supported by far-reaching energy in this palace. Otherwise, once you go out and run out of energy, the huge coffin will sleep for thousands of years. All this is not what the demon god wanted.

"Alas, now Stuart, Zambik and Ivanov, three dark temple monarchs have died one after another. All this is really incredible. I have already felt that this ancient human being is not simple, and I still planned it early. Otherwise, it is likely that the next one is me..." Smith has been following Louis Hunt closely at this time. In fact, Smith did not make friends with Louis Hunter, and on the contrary, there seems to be some conflict. At this time, Smith followed Louis Hunt because of Louis Hunt's huge demon body, which can stand in front of him. Once there is an attack, the huge demon body is definitely an excellent shield.



Clane bombarded a black energy ball against the dragon from afar. However, Crane's bombardment this time turned out that he came from continuous compression and injected the energy of the "Skull Sea Enclave".

The black energy ball, mixed with unparalleled lethality, instantly bombarded the dragon against the sky.

At the same time, the black energy flow also bombarded the dragon against the sky. Several dark monarchs all felt that the violent attack arrived in an instant.

"Damn, so fast..."


The dragon against the sky did not sacrifice the five elements of Taiji in time this time. His body was directly repelled.

Blood spewed out again. At this time, the dragon could not imagine why this attack would be so strong. And it seems that the breath of all the dark temple monarchs present is more violent than before.

At this time, the dragon's eyes against the sky showed an extremely solemn color.

"Ji Jie..."

There was a gloomy laugh from the huge palace, and at the same time, the supreme magic power appeared again. There was a strange color in the dragon's eyes at this time.

The shadow of death began to cover the dragon against the sky...

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