Ancient War

Chapter 103 One Knife

Abdullah has long been alive. Now his demon body in the war is that their Lord kills the demon gods.

However, the dark monarchs who kept daring to come looked at Abdullah in front of them, but did not know what to do. Because they don't know that Abdullah in front of them is their Lord. They just felt that Abdullah's breath was different. The real strength and faint pressure has shocked their hearts. Supreme magic power, supreme magic power...

"Ji Jie... We servants, what you have done makes me very dissatisfied. Humph..."

The horrible supreme magic power attacked the monarchs of the dark temple...

"Lord, my subordinates know the crime..." Louis Hunt's tall demon body trembled faintly.

"My Lord is angry, and Field will definitely do his best to be satisfied..." Field knelt on the spot at this time and didn't even dare to say a word.

At this time, Field's supreme magic power was the strongest, because everything he did with Ivanov was known to kill the demon god. However, Ivanov was dead at this time, but his anger against Field was still unsipate. Now that Field appears here, how can he kill the demon god without a small punishment...

"Hmm...field, I know everything you have done. At this time, I will look at your performance..."

"Field will definitely do his best..." Field knelt down, and his demon body kept trembling. The supreme magic power, although it is only that wisp. But it made Field frightened...

"Hmm, Jiejie... I must slowly torture you to death. In my territory, my demon clan can come and leave as soon as you want. Jiejie... The purpose of your visit to my palace this time. I already know that I want to find a way back to ancient times from me. Jiejie, do you think you can return to ancient times alive? Everything I do is waiting for you to come and die. I let you go to the hell of Shura and bear the pain of purgatory..." Kill the demon god and laughed crazily.

At this time, the dragon, which was firmly locked by the demon knowledge, was not convinced by the supreme magic power of killing the demon god, but showed a more resolute look in his eyes.

"Well, it's just a wisp of residual magic knowledge. My divine consciousness has long felt that it was just forcibly devouring Abdullah's demon body. In order to stop killing me, the superior of the demon clan is really cruel. As long as there is no usable value, everything can be sacrificed. In fact, all this is nothing to the demon gods of the demon clan. Because this is the reason why the demon race is so tyrannical. The brutal killing and conquest of slavery are the true portrayal of the demons...

Huh? Abdullah..." Richardson saw Abdullah in the palace and saw Crane and Louis Hunt kneeling at Abdullah's feet. All this makes Richardson, who appeared late, have something to do with.

"Humph..." The supreme magic attack on Richardson in an instant.

After Richardson sensed the supreme magic power, the demon body completely knelt down. At the same time, Rasper, who followed, also knelt down.

"Raspel, this is the breath of the Lord..."

Richardson no longer hesitated after feeling the supreme magic power. Because in front of him is no longer Richardson, who is also the monarch of the Dark Temple, but the killing demon god with Abdullah's body. The question just now has already angered the Lord. The supreme magic power made him feel the murderous intention.

In fact, these so-called dark kings are just slaves in the eyes of the strongest demon gods. It can be discarded or erased at any time. Except for the seven most powerful demon gods, the whole demon clan can change at any time. Once it angers any of the seven strongest demon gods. Then death will be inevitable...

"The Lord's anger... Richardson came a step late, so he couldn't feel the majesty of the Lord. Please calm down, Richardson knows his guilt..." Richardson knelt down, and his body kept trembling. Once he provoked and killed the demon god, his life and everything else would turn into powder and disappear...

"My Lord, I have no intention of angering your dignity..." Raspel immediately agreed.

At this time, Rasper also knew that the demon god in front of him, who looked like Abdullah, was actually the owner of this palace, that is, their master, the supreme demon power. A pressure made all the dark temple monarchs present kneel down. Only the dragon looked coldly at what happened in front of him at this time.

"Well, come on. I'd like to see what kind of strength you have. It's just a body supported by a wisp of consciousness. I must smash you, and I want to step on your body and return to ancient times..." Long against the sky is very disdainful of the behavior of the monarch of the dark palace. In his eyes, everything shown by killing the demon god at this time is nothing more than that wisp of supreme magic power. Even if it devoured Abdullah's soul and occupied his body. What can we do? It's just that the strength is much stronger than these dark monarchs in front of us. If it is not the support of the supreme power. I'm afraid that the dragon has already broken free from the lock of magic knowledge and began to attack...

"Ji Jie, humble existence. Your murderous intentions have been moved. I have already felt it, Jie Jie. The way back to ancient times is there, and I want to see how you get there..." With a wave of the claws of the demon god.

In the depths of the palace, a huge wall highlights a gate formed by an energy body. And from time to time, evil energy will be swallowed up, which seems to be like a black hole. Moreover, there are two huge statues of demons on both sides of the gate formed by the energy body. At the same time, there are countless gray-black energy chains pulling the energy gate. On the opposite side of the gate, it is dark and seems to be bottomless.

In fact, this is the space portal for the unknown dark hall to return to ancient times. However, if you don't know how the demon energy works, even if you enter, you will be strangled by the energy blade formed by time and space.

When the dragon appeared at the gate of the formation of a huge energy body. A strong vitality and obsession rose from him in an instant. The way back to ancient times is still clearly in front of him, and the strong desire to return is getting stronger and stronger in the heart of the dragon against the sky.

The hope of returning to ancient times is close at hand, but it is extremely simple. Although killing the demon god is a wisp of residual magic knowledge at this time, it is still extremely strong. And the monarchs of the Dark Temple besieged the dragon against the sky together with the killing demon gods. The action of killing the demon god is really too smart. It not only makes the dragon against the sky because of the way back to ancient times, but also makes the dragon against the sky have to be distracted to think about how to approach the gate formed by this energy body while facing the crazy bombardment.

At this time, the dragon's anxious mood suddenly emerged. He was too eager to return to ancient times, but all this was in the full set of killing the demon god. What is to kill the demon god is to completely kill the dragon against the sky on the spot.

When the dragon created chaos in the unknown dark hall, he ordered all the dark temple monarchs to find him and promised unimaginable benefits. However, these dark kings made the dragon escape against the sky again and again because of their own selfishness. Because the killing demon god has been sleeping in the huge coffin in the palace, only this wisp of supreme magic power is constantly driving the monarchs of the dark temple to obey his orders. However, this supreme magic power can only bring spiritual pressure to them and dragons, but it can't cause substantial damage to them. After all, there is no body, just a residual wisp of consciousness.

However, when the dragon caused more and more movement, this wisp of magic knowledge has already sensed his purpose. Therefore, while ordering the remaining dark monarchs to rob the dragon against the sky, the demon spirit summoned Abdullah to the palace of killing the demon god. Abdullah entered the palace with joy. A tragic scene occurred, when Abdullah's soul was swallowed up and his body was occupied. Abdullah, who was extremely strong, made such a humble curtain call...

The strength of killing the demon god at this time has only reached the critical point that Abdullah's body can withstand. Because after all, he is a remnant of magic, and now the energy in Abdullah's body has already reached a saturated state. Killing the demon god appeared in front of the dragon against the sky and many dark temple monarchs in such a posture. But in this posture, the posture of the upper demon god still makes many dark temple monarchs kneel down, and such strength also makes the dragon unable to be underestimated.

"Humph... humble ants, what do you want? Is it kneeling? Or was it killed by me? Jie Jie..."

"My servants have all carried out your strongest strength. Otherwise, I will definitely wipe out all of you. Humph, there is no value to use. Death is the most perfect portrayal of you..." Kill the supreme demon god, mixed with an extremely tyrannical atmosphere. He roared and ordered to many dark temple monarchs.

At this time, all kinds of weapons appeared. The horrible skeleton scepter, the "unforgiven" three-pointed evil blade, the bone jade dement, the soul... The dark temple monarchs present showed their strongest side.

The strong evil energy hits the whole palace. From time to time, there will be black lightning, violent pressure, and horrible energy, which will greatly change the dragon's feelings against the gods.

At this time, the strength shown by many dark kings has exceeded the imagination of the dragon. He never thought that the strength of these dark monarchs would burst out beyond his own strength under the shock of killing the demon god. Because this battle of these dark temple monarchs is also related to their survival, once they seriously lose the value of using them to kill the demon gods, then death will also be their end...

"Ji Jie, not bad..."

The fallen blade is waved in the claws of the demon god. The fallen blade will pass through the void and can cut through everything in space. I didn't expect that the fallen blade could show such a powerful power when killing the demon god. It really brought an incomparable shock to the dragon against the sky.

"Cock, Boom..."

Count to the black beam of energy, with the momentum of destroying heaven and earth, exterminate the power of life of all things, and madly bombarded the dragon against the sky.

Such a violent blow made the dragon in the array feel the unshakable killing intention and murder. If you don't act, you will definitely be killed by such a blow. And there is still a demon god behind him.

Suddenly, the dragon moved against the sky. Countless knives broke through the air, and countless knives in the space kept integrating and pressing, and every change in the fusion of knives was so clear, as if writing the mind with a knife. But the power of inclusion is the power of killing the stars and the power of connecting the cloud top...

"One knife..."

The earth-shaking ghosts are shocked. Countless knives are mixed with the power of destruction, including infinite killing, and instantly bombarding all the dark palace monarchs. At the same time, there are countless hot knives and lights to kill the demon gods.

"Puff..." The essence blood in the dragon's counter-celestial body is constantly integrated into the sacrificial knife light. Countless swords are constantly transforming and combining, and the violent murderous intention is not weak at all with the attack of the monarch of the Dark Temple...



Just when the dragon's body fell into the back and returned to the ancient energy gate. A black lightning hit him in the back. The fallen blade hits the dragon fiercely with the power of cutting through the space...

Although the dragon successfully entered the space portal back to ancient times. However, what will happen if the powerful blow of killing the demon god makes the dragon go against the sky?