Ancient War

Chapter 111 Abnormal Traces

"Taiji five elements, yin and yang intersect. Everything returns to the original, and the soul is immortal..."

The cold power and burning power in the dragon countercelestial body are constantly running along the trajectory of the Taiji five elements gossip. And at this time, the balance in his body is constantly repairing the mutilated soul in his body. The soul is constantly repaired and improved, and the power of the divine consciousness and soul is also increasing. At this time, if the dragon does not control it, it will definitely be noticed by the ancient strong.


The dragon instantly sensed his strangeness against the sky. Because the continuous improvement of the soul makes the power of one's consciousness increase, once the energy of the divine consciousness is not controlled. Soon, it will be discovered by ancient strong men such as Dao Xiangtian and Moyou, and the things that they do not hesitate to hide their breath and return to ancient times will be exposed. At that time, everything will be in vain.

In an instant, the dragon sealed the power of divine consciousness in his body. As long as it does not exceed that specific limit, there will be no problem. However, he did not expect that the divine power produced by the intersection of cold and scorching was so powerful. Countless seals seal the power of divine knowledge in the sea of knowledge. The soul is also becoming more and more complete.

At this time, even he doesn't know how far the dragon's cultivation has reached. All thoughts return to one, one mind, the mind is motionless, and the breath is about to go out..."

At this time, the dragon is constantly sealing his rising consciousness. Because he can't show the power of these divine consciousness. After a long time, the dragon finally sealed the soaring divine power in his body. However, it's not that he can't use it, but because he doesn't want other strong people in ancient times to know that he has returned to ancient times. After all, I'm afraid that for hundreds of thousands of years, some people have forgotten his existence. But he wants to appear in another gesture. He has to secretly figure out everything about the original "knife realm" and all the plots behind the knife to the sky and Moyou's final slaughter of his disciples. Otherwise, once the "God and Demon War" is faced again, and these hidden problems are not solved, then there will definitely be a great crisis in ancient times.

However, the dragon didn't know that during the period when he repaired his soul, more than ten thousand years had passed...


After a slight explosion, a figure appeared from the underground of the extremely cold place of the North Sea. After ten thousand years of hard work, the dragon finally repaired and perfected his soul. At this time, he once again reigned in ancient times, and everything in ancient times will change with his appearance...

Although 'Bingqiong Pavilion' is not related to me. But the time has not yet come..." Long against the sky seemed to look at everything in the extremely cold land of Beihai Xuantian with some nostalgia. However, after staying for a moment, he disappeared.

Because at this time, the dragon can still appear as a strong man, let alone as a demon god. Although he can change his breath, and the soul is also repaired at this time. But there are still more important things to do in his mind. He must appear as an ordinary knife man to not attract the attention of other strong people. Otherwise, everything done today will be in vain.

"Oh, it's him..." In a palace in the depths of the extremely cold land, a woman in a white robe sensed the vision when the dragon appeared against the sky. After all, the mysterious sky in the North Sea is extremely cold, and there is no other vitality except the "Bingqiong Pavilion". Therefore, the sudden appearance of the dragon against the sky attracted the attention of the cabinet owner of Bingqiong Pavilion.

"I didn't expect him to appear again. Why does this palace have his shadow in my heart? Why?" Bing Wuyan's consciousness unexpectedly moved, and there seemed to be countless ripples in his heart.

The extremely cold place of the North Sea, and in the palace built by ten thousand years of ice. Bing Wuyan has already cut off her seven emotions and six desires and turned into the trace of Bingqing fairy. She can't ripple for a man she has never met before. There is no way to know why she is so against the dragon. However, all causes and effects are predetermined, and there is a fixed number in the dark. Nothing will escape from fate...

Huang Yin, the two predecessors of Long Su, Brother Yan Lion. Back against the sky..." At this time, the dragon against the sky appeared in the "knife realm" hall.


After the sound of breaking the air, the familiar figure appeared in front of the dragon against the sky again.

"Againd the sky, has your soul been repaired?" Huang Yin sensed the change of the dragon against the sky at this time. It seems to be different from usual. The only difference is that he feels the strength of the dragon in the celestial body and the tenacity of the soul...

"Against the sky, I can't see through you more and more..." Although Long Su sensed the strength shown by the dragon against the sky at this time, it was just the strength of an ordinary swordsman in ancient times. However, the breath of the superior seems to be natural. People can't underestimate him. And once someone despises the dragon, it must be the person who despises him.

"Brother, in these ten thousand years, your soul has finally been repaired. Now you are unscrupulous and can face everything in ancient times. Brothers and predecessors, as well as all the disciples of the 'knife realm', still rely on your leadership. Everything that should be done for the ancient world..." Yan Lion has sensed the change of the dragon against the sky at this time, and has also been very optimistic about the future of ancient times. Because I hope to rise...

"Brother, when I went to the Xuantian in the North Sea, after you were in my message, I have been paying attention to the ancient trends. However, I dare not expose myself too much, which will cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, I also asked the two seniors and seniors to tell me one or two..." Long against the sky also noticed some changes in ancient times. However, hundreds of thousands of years of trapped in the demon clan and repaired the mutilated soul within ten thousand years, we do not know about some changes and changes that took place in ancient times, as well as some movements of the ancient three forces.

"Well, when I go back to ancient times this time, I must explore what the knife did to heaven and Moyou that day. Because the sudden appearance of the two clans and demons on that day seemed to be related to the forces of the 'knife League' and the 'Demon Hall', and the two of them also personally slaughtered all the disciples under the family, all of which was too abnormal. If you really can't find out the truth behind it, I'm afraid that it will bring unnecessary losses to ancient times when the 'God and Demon War' comes..." Long Against the Sky has been recalling the scenes of the day's war at this time.

"It's not just that. It has been hundreds of thousands of years since you disappeared. However, in hundreds of thousands of years, ancient times seemed calm and impermanent. However, when I and Long Su often used their divine knowledge to explore ancient times, they found many abnormal places. An unusual force seems to have emerged in ancient times. Long Su and I found that there were some corpses of knives in black, and there were also some corpses of disciples of the "Sword League" and "Demon Hall" disciples. Moreover, when the gods searched, they also found some miserable dead bodies of ancient fierce beasts, all of which seemed abnormal. The seemingly ordinary existence seems to be hidden behind the infinite crisis..." Huang Yin told the dragon some abnormal situations that had happened in hundreds of thousands of years.

"Againing the sky, I also found that there was a violent movement in the green underworld in ancient times, but it disappeared in an instant. The two of them always felt that there was something strange. However, the divine consciousness can only sense some signs and cannot enter too much. After all, it is one of the four holy places in ancient times..." Long Su told some abnormal situations in the west.

"When the two predecessors returned from hiding thousands of years ago, they had found some abnormal situations, and many miserable corpses were randomly discarded there. After all, hundreds of thousands of years have not been in ancient times, and I don't want to expose myself too much at this time. I want to hide my breath for a while or change to another identity. As long as chaos is provoked, some things hidden behind it will continue to emerge. At that time, we can grasp the root cause of the matter..." After combining some of the situations found when returning that day with what Huang Yin and Long Su said, they thought about it.

"Brother, I sensed that the 'Magic Hall' seemed to be shrouded in a bloody force. Because I found the bodies of some disciples of the 'Magic Hall', the remaining breath in their bodies turned out to be the same as the breath emitted by the demon at that time, the smell of evil and blood. Although the 'Magic Hall' is led by demons. But there can't be such a evil and horrible skill..." Yan Leng told the dragon some things about the "Demon Hall".

"What? The smell of evil and blood, is it?" After hearing what Yan Lion said, Long seemed to notice something. Reminiscence of the breath emitted by the demon on that day and the same breath when the demon Nagadek appeared. It seemed to remind him of something, but he was not sure.

"What on earth did you think of?" Huang Yin, Long Su and Yan Lion looked at the dragon against the sky and seemed to find something, so they asked in unison.

"Is this true and impossible? After all, being trapped in the demon clan knows more about the breath emitted by the demon god. At that time, the breath emitted by the demon and the breath emitted by the demon Nagadek when he appeared in the end were almost the same. It's just that the magic breath is relatively weak. But the power of evil and blood is so clearly visible. From this, it is speculated that the people in the 'Demon Hall' are practicing some demon skills under the leadership of Moyou? But this is impossible. The way the energy of the demon god works is completely different from that of ancient humans such as us. Moreover, the improvement of their strength is mainly by devouring the essence of the same or alien body to improve their strength. There is no possibility of practicing skills at all. Therefore, I can't be so sure that the people in the 'Demon Hall' are practicing the skills of the demon clan.

After all, the dragon against the sky can carry the breath of the upper demon god, and can also condense the strength of the upper demon god. So he knows more about demons. But why is the "Demon Hall" shrouded in bloody power, and the evil and bloody smell emitted by the demon ghost at the beginning is so similar to the demon god. All this puzzled the dragon.

However, the dragon forgot about the ancient people at this time. The mutiny ancient people can not only practice skills, but also use the power of evil.

After the dragon told his own speculation, he immersed himself in the sea of knowledge and kept searching for information. He wants to see if there is any information about the "Magic Hall" in the sea. After all, it is necessary to minimize all unknown crises in ancient times.

Huang Yin, Long Su and Yan Lion looked at the dragon against the sky. At this time, they knew that he was aware of it, so they were all waiting quietly. After a long time, I saw that the dragon also exuded some evil breath.

"Why is it against the sky?"

"Brother, you..."

"Againd the sky, how can your breath be so evil?"

Huang Yin, Long Su and Yan Lion condensed their strength at the same time. In case of accidents. After all, the dragon against the sky showed that it was stronger than the demon at this time, like the low-level demon god of the demon clan, which made the three of them confused for a moment.

This breath disappeared in an instant.

Two seniors, seniors. Don't be nervous. This is the way of how the demon god runs the energy obtained in the demon space and how to compare it with the breath of the demon god. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid I wouldn't have come to ancient times..." The anti-sky breath returned to normal and relieved the doubts of the three people.

The dragon began to slowly say what he thought about to the three people...