Ancient War

Chapter 149 Approaching Crisis

"Longsu senior, Yan Lion and against the sky felt a trace of strangeness from the exotic space to ancient times. What happened in ancient times? And where did the horrible laughter just now come from? Could it be that the two clans of gods and demons have advanced the 'war between gods and demons'?

At this time, Yan Liao wanted to know what happened in ancient times, and who was the owner of the horrible laughter?

"When the two of you left ancient times and entered a foreign space, the things predicted by the sky really appeared. After the ancient strong came out, the ambition and desire of the 'Magic Hall' opened in an instant. Moyou sent eight of the ten elders of the 'Magic Hall', and the soldiers led millions of disciples in two ways to attack the 'Sword League' and the 'Sword Gate'. The two of them were very surprised by the deeds of the 'Magic Hall'. And I don't know why Moyou didn't enter the exotic space..."

Huang Yin sent Mo You's disciples to attack the "Sword League" and "Jianmen" and began to come out one by one.

"Brother, I didn't find Moyou's figure in the exotic space. Moreover, the actions of the demon devour and the 100,000 disciples of the 'Demon Hall' are very strange. They actually attacked my ancient people directly. After the door of exotic space was opened, I waited for the ancient strong to come out, but only Moyou did not enter the exotic space. Moyou took this opportunity to raise troops and intend to annex the whole ancient times in one fell swoop..."

Yan Lion said the speculation in his heart. After all, when he bombarded the demon devour and demon decision, he already felt a little wrong. Because the cultivation of the disciples of the "Demon Hall" is not as strong as he thought. These disciples of the 'Magic Hall' who entered the exotic space seem to have been sent by Moyou to achieve a certain purpose. Although there are a large number of people entering, the single and comprehensive combat power should be the lowest existence of the "Magic Hall", that is, the so-called cannon fodder level.

"Moyou's action is so secretive and fast that it seems to have been premeditated. Moreover, all the strong men of the 'Demon Hall' in this battle are willing to directly take down the 'knife League' and the 'Jianmen'. However, what Moyou did not expect was that the elders of the 'knife League' and several venerable men of the 'Jianmen' appeared one after another when the war was most fierce. As soon as the strong forces of the two sides came out, the war situation was reversed. When the elders of the 'Magic Hall' confronted the strongguards of the 'Sword League' and the 'Jianmen'. Unexpectedly, there was strange and horrible laughter from the ancient Qingming. After this laughter, the disciples of the 'Demon Hall' quickly retreated..."

While Long Su was talking, there was a trace of fear in his eyes. Is the owner of this horrible laughter really so frightening and unshakable?

"This horrible laughter seems to contain a trace of soul-shocking energy, but after that laughter, there is no more life. Ancient times returned to calm, but I didn't know that this laughter would come out from time to time, and every time it came out, it would shock the whole ancient times. It's just that the laughter is not as horrible as when it first appeared. The two of them searched with divine consciousness but did not find anything strange. Only when the divine consciousness swept through the west, they felt a trace of strangeness. Because my two divine spirits could not sense any movement in the west, and it seemed that there was an invisible position to block the exploration of my divine consciousness. Now the only doubt is where the Qingming in the west..."

Huang Yin said his speculation with Long Su. After all, the situation is very strange now, and the horrible laughter that appears from time to time has already indicated that ancient times will encounter major changes at any time. I just don't know what it will be. However, at this time, it was already clear in the heart of the dragon against the sky that the hopeless catastrophe was about to come again...

The two predecessors, Huang Yin and Long Su. A trace of crisis has been detected. This time entering the exotic space, although we and other ancient strong men have exhausted, we still have not received the 'key of fate'. If it weren't for the sword question. I'm afraid it could have been hundreds of millions of years in ancient times. Damn..."

Long is very annoyed with everything about Jianwen, and everything is not because of Jianwen's own extreme and stubbornness. How can he face such a situation? In ancient times, he will face the 'war between gods and demons' again in tens of millions of years. Although he doesn't know what terrible it is at this time, he has felt in the horrible laughter, a trace of arrogance and arrogance.

"What?' Didn't you get the key of fate? Could it be that it was obtained by the ants of the gods and demons? If it was obtained by either of them, I'm afraid that ancient times would not have been able to wait so long..."

Huang Yin and Long Su were shocked after hearing that they did not get the "key of fate" in ancient times. After all, the powerful people of the ancient parties all entered the exotic space, and the dragon's own cultivation was also extremely strong. In addition, he considered the problem so carefully and predicted so rigorously. Unexpectedly, the ancient party did not get the "key of fate". So once either of the gods and demons get it, I'm afraid that ancient times are really in danger...

"None of the three parties got the 'key of fate', and everything is because of the sword question. If Jianwen could listen to the advice of the knife to the sky, or if he was not too arrogant and extreme, he would not have been in such a situation. I don't know why Jianwen behaves like this, and what is the energy contained in the last hit of Jianwen in alien space..."

The dragon was surprised by the energy contained in the strong hit at the last moment of the sword question. After all, such a powerful power can swallow the world, and there is no lack of solidity.

"Brother, I feel that there seems to be a trace of holy beast power in the sword light of the sword question..."

After all, as a disciple of the ancestor, Yan Lliao still knows something about the power of the four sacred beasts in ancient times. Although he doesn't know why Jianwen has the power of the holy beast in his body, he believes that Jianwen's performance must be related to the power of the holy beast.

"In that case, I understand..."

The dragon finally knew why he behaved like this when the Venerable Heavenly Sonned the "Kword Realm" at the beginning. When the sky reached the "knife realm", the breath and cultivation of the dragon against the sky were all sealed in his body, and only appeared in the ancient body as an ordinary swordsman. Tianqi doesn't seem to pay attention to the dragon against the sky. Because at that time, the dragon realized that what happened in ancient times was too strange. If the Venerable Heavenly Lord represented the Four Heavenly Emperors, then why not stop the ancient killings and let the boundless killings take place in ancient times. All this makes the dragon counter-genius have a once...

When the Heavenly Sky Venerable was in the "knife realm", he looked at the dragon against the sky, as if he was a stranger. All these signs indicate that the sky is because it knows that the cultivation of Jianwen has increased several times, and it can also borrow the power of the four sacred beasts. Being able to borrow the power of the holy beast is the performance of the ancient emperor of heaven. Although Jianwen can only use a little power of the holy beast at this time, even so, Tianqiong, as the descendant of the Four Heavenly Emperor, will respect Jianwen extremely respectfully. The dragon thought about all the problems for a while.

"Jianwen can be so arrogant because of his own cultivation, and it seems that the Heavenly Master and others have done something to make Jianwen so arrogant, and there are some extremes. Otherwise, ask the original performance and behavior with a sword. Against the sky, he was originally full of infinite gratitude for him, but this time it is not difficult to see that Jianwen fell into his stubbornness for some reason..."

The performance and behavior of the dragon against the sky have been very clear. However, for the dark place in the west, the existence of terror made him fall into endless confusion for a moment. After all, in his memory, ancient times did not seem to have such a strong existence. Is it true that the strong men of the gods and demons entered the ancient times ahead of schedule?

"Ji Jie..."

The gloomy laughter spread all over the ages again...

"Brother, two seniors. I'm going to explore..."

The figure of the dragon against the sky disappeared in the "knife realm"...

"No beauty, why is it so..."

In the extremely cold place of Xuantian in the North Sea, Bing Wuyan is sitting alone in the night sky at this time, looking up at Qingming. The guqin in his hand actually contains infinite sadness...

"Master, nothing is fine, maybe it's just melancholy for a while..."

"Child, don't fall into it. After all, you still have to bear the 'Bingqiong Pavilion'..."

Beautiful and beautiful, so cold...

At this time, the dragon did not know that in the extremely cold place of Xuantian in the ancient Beihai, his figure would often appear in the sea of ice Wuyan, the owner of the "Bing Qiong Pavilion".

The dragon is rushing to the west at this time, because he wants to know what is going to happen in ancient times. Is it true that the ancients will face the slaughter again as they speculated? Moreover, in the exotic space, the threat contained in the words of the strong men of the gods and demons, as well as the breath emanating from the disciples of the "Demon Hall", all made the dragon doubt against the sky. After all, the ancient times at this time need to recuperate...


The dragon accelerated at this time...

"Hmm, the hateful ancient ants dare to do so. Ilben's soul enters the dark blood pool and recovers..."

The angry voice of the demon god Aino spread throughout the demon space. At the same time, tens of thousands of ancient humans who were being enslaved to build the demon god's palace all exploded and died, and their souls instantly integrated into the blood demon temple.

"Huh, it really makes me angry..." A powerful evil force came out...

"Ah, er..."

At this time, countless wailings appeared in the blood demon pool of the "Demon Hall". As the wailing became weaker and weaker, the power of horrible evil became stronger and stronger. All the disciples of the "Magic Hall" are trembling...

"The humble ant dares to disobey my will. But Augustine, your move is the right move. Not only will I not punish you, but I will personally improve your strength..."

King Sarnaga emitted infinite light all over his body. Under the light of God, Augustine's body gradually took shape.

"Thank you, the great god king..."

"Enter, the tower of faith is easy to absorb the power of faith. When you recover, listen to my call..."

Augustine's soul returned to the Protoss space, but under the light of God, his body recovered in an instant. He was also ordered to enter the tower of faith to restore his strength. This is the highest honor of the Protoss.

"Ji Jie..."

"My Lord's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and it will be done in another 100,000 years. At that time, the glorious era of the capital is coming. At that time, the whole ancient times will be the world of the Jidu people..."

Thousands of knives in black knelt down in the west. From time to time, there is a little red light in the deepest part of Qingming in the west. Horrible laughter comes from here from time to time, and at the same time, the powerful breath is constantly condensing. With the continuous condensation of the atmosphere of this place, in another 100,000 years, ancient times will face a huge crisis...

"Ji Jie..."

At this time, the same horrible laughter came from the "Demon Hall", and the demon ghost at this time unexpectedly changed...