Ancient War

Chapter 155 Destroy

"The knife has no phase, the knife has no me..."

In the depths of the "Kword Pavilion", the divine consciousness came out, and more than a dozen figures broke out in an instant.

At this time, the knife has sensed the abnormal situation in ancient times, and the soul of the abyss demon king in his body has already occupied his body. And at this time, the abyss demon king not only occupied the invisible body of the knife, but also devoured all the invisible memories of the knife.

At the moment when the abyss demon king was bombarded, the "sea of death" condensed for thousands of years. At the most critical time, he abandoned his body and hid his soul in the depths of the "unless sea". However, when the knife broke out of the alien space, the death contained in his body made the soul of the abyss demon king begin to move. Finally, the abyss demon king took the opportunity, and a wisp of soul entered the depths of the invisible soul of the knife under the condition of invisible arrogance of the knife.

The cultivation and death in the invisible body of the knife is like substance, making the soul of the abyss demon king become active again, and the invisible soul of the knife is also slowly being swallowed up. Finally, in 100,000 years, the abyss demon king finally successfully swallowed the invisible soul of the knife and took over everything he had at the same time. At this time, the knife can also be said to be the demon king of the abyss.

"Lord, I don't know what to call me? Is it for the burning flames that suddenly appeared on the ancient earth? Or something else? ......โ€

More than a dozen strong men, such as Dao Wuxiang and Dao Wu Wu Wu, exude a strong sense of death all over their bodies. After receiving the divine consciousness from the invisible knife, he appeared one by one. After returning from exotic space to ancient times, they did not care about the strange things that happened in ancient times. Because of their strong sense of death all over their bodies, they have already identified themselves as alien beings. Only the knife at that time felt a trace of surprise, but at this time, the strong man of the Jidu clan began to send troops to the "knife pavilion" to flatten the "knife pavilion" in one fell swoop. In this way, the knife occupied by the abyss demon king was invisible and felt the strong murderous intention.

What a powerful and horrible existence is. The divine consciousness swept through the ancient times, except for the discovery of some strong men hidden in several major forces that existed in ancient times. The rest of the most disgusted and disgusted are the "magic hall" and the "knife pavilion" far away from the free forces. And after Jidu sensed everything in the "Magic Hall", the breath of anger rose in an instant. He wanted to pour all his anger into the "Demon Hall". The death of his brother was an eternal pain in his heart.

"The knife has no phase, and I never thought that the power of the green underworld in the west would send my 'knife pavilion'. However, now that we have returned from exotic space, the cultivation in our body has already increased several times. I want to annex my 'knife pavilion' in one fell swoop, and I am delusional. My knife is invisible and will not be what he wants. Phaseless and selfless, please lead my ten personal disciples and two million 'knife pavilion' disciples to prepare against the strong men who are about to invade. Humph..."

The knife invisibly did not care about the scars of the capital and the "eight madness of the capital" and led millions of people to attack the "Dife Pavilion".

"Hmm, I am the demon king of the abyss, the most powerful existence in foreign space. You and other ant-like lives are like grass mustard in my eyes. Jie Jie... Let's fight. I am full of yearning for war. As long as there is war, there will be killing. At that time, such a new death and resentment can improve my strength. In this way, I will become the most powerful existence in ancient times. I want to let the boundless catastrophe appear in ancient times. At that time, I can become the death of ancient times..."

The soul in the invisible body of the knife is too arrogant. In ancient times, the existence of such an alien would never be tolerated. Moreover, the strong men of the gods and demons will not tolerate the strong people who divide their interests with him. The demon king of the abyss is condensed by the strong man who died in battle. There is great resentment and hatred for the ancient and the gods and demons. Therefore, the demon king of the abyss does not belong to any of the three forces. However, the abyss demon king has guarded the "key of fate" for tens of millions of years in exotic space. In the end, he died. All these grievances have long made him resentful.

Today's abyss demon king has everything invisible with a knife, and his desire and ambition are equally rising...

"Brothers against the sky, come to the sky..."

The knife to the sky has long been different from ten thousand years ago. The spirit of a king has already been all over the body. However, the knife to the sky at this time seems to be more ancient than 100,000 years ago. After all, he integrated all the sealed information. Everything hidden in the sea changed him qualitatively. With the heart of ancient times, there is no complaint about death. Dao Xiangtian finally became one of the most powerful helpers in the "God and Demon War"...

"Brother Xiang Tian, I haven't seen you for 100,000 years. I finally saw the most authentic you..."

The dragon seems to be able to see through everything from the knife to the sky. Now the breath of the knife to the sky and the firm eyes. At this time, the knife to genius is the most real existence. Firmly believe in ancient times, tens of millions of years ago, for the sake of the ancient people, they did not hesitate to stop the capital alone. At this time, he integrated everything in the sea. Dao Xiangtian is no longer the arrogant man who killed and arrogantly at the beginning. It seems that everything has become the past. Everything is free in the dark, and the knife appears to the sky in such a posture, I'm afraid it is also a causal cycle...

"Brother against the sky, Xiangtian finally integrated all his memories. The power of the green underworld in the west. We have to find a way to stop it anyway. When going to the sky, the first thing to consider is to discuss with you. Jianwen has long been different from the past, and Moyou seems to be the most strange existence in ancient times. From the time I came, everything I felt, with his actions, the life of Moyou will soon come to an end..."

When Dao Xiangtian came to the "knife realm", he had already sensed the changes that had taken place in ancient times. The smoke of war has spread to the whole ancient times. Jidu soldiers divided into two ways and directly attacked the "Magic Hall" and the "Sword Pavilion". The understanding of the sky with a knife to the capital is likely to be the existence hidden by the "magic hall" and the "knife pavilion" that is unfavorable to the ancient times, or the existence he hates. Otherwise, the plan will never attack the two forces first...

"What? Will the devil die? Humph, it's really good. Even if he doesn't die, I will wait to go to the 'Magic Hall' in person after solving the matter of the Qingming place in the west. I have already sensed the difference of the 'Demon Hall', such a strong demonic power, the existence of absolute aliens in ancient times. I just don't know why the Venerable Heavenly Heavenly let the devil go so much..."

The dragon does not seem to be surprised by the death of Moyou. And he also planned that if Moyou did not die, he would go to kill Moyou in person. At this time, his words were filled with a trace of disdain for the Vener of the sky. After all, when they entered the exotic space, the ancient demons ignited the unprovoked war, but the Venerable Heavenly did not stop it at all. In this way, the dragon has countless views on the sky.

"Brother. Come to heaven and tell you everything..."

At this time, Huang Yin, Long Su and Yan Lion appeared in the "Kanajing" hall one after another. The knife arched his hand to the sky. Huang Yin and Long Su felt the difference between the knife to the sky, and there was joy in Yan Lion's eyes. After all, in ancient times, they and others assisted the dragon to resist the sky, but they could not help the ancient times resist the invasion of the gods and demons. Now that Dao Xiangtian can change like this, Yan Lion also has a layer of confidence in his heart.

"Two seniors, Brother Yan Lion..."

After the knife arched his hand to the sky, Huang Yin and Long Su hurriedly signaled. At the same time as Yan Lion signaled, a smile appeared on his face for no reason.

"Brothers against the sky. In the period of 100,000 years of retreat, I am like a thousand years of reincarnation. I know everything in the past, and I know more about how powerful the Westland is. Now I can't resist his anger with Xiangtian's strength. I'm afraid I can't stop everything against the sky?"

The sword showed the majestic posture of the capital in the sea of knowledge.

"What? Unexpectedly, Brother Xiang's cultivation has been improved several times after you fused the sealed information in the sea of knowledge. And the divine consciousness has also improved. What a powerful existence is that you can't resist? ......โ€

At this time, the sea of knowledge is full of countless questions, because he doesn't know who Jidu is.

"At the beginning, the strong man who was on the verge of becoming a god, the emperor of the Jidu clan..."

"What? It turned out to be him..."

The words of Huang Yin and Long Su are full of fear.

"Brother, I'm afraid I can't help you in this battle..."

After hearing the name Jidu, a lot of information gushed out of his knowledge in an instant.

"Yan Lyan, all this must be faced in person. Because there is a more horrible existence waiting for him. The road to becoming a god must face extremely difficult and bumps, and only he is determined. Only then..."

The words of the ancestors appeared in the sea of knowledge.

"Brother, I know it against the sky. All this is fixed against the sky. How can the road to becoming a god be so simple..."

The dragon seems to have been known for a long time...

"Jidu can feel the edge of becoming a god. How can such a strong man be sealed in the dark place of the West? Why did it rise to ancient times when the seal was unsealed tens of millions of years later? Since he is a quasi-god-level strongman, should he keep in mind the ancient times? Why do you treat ancient people like this?

When the dragon was surprised and full of doubts, the crazy explosions on the ancient earth kept coming out, and the earth was unknown and shocked thousands of times...


The remnants of Jidu led millions of people to reach the periphery of the "Sword Pavilion" in an instant. The Jidu people don't make any rest at all. Holding a huge capital sword, countless hot knives instantly bombarded the location of the "knife Pavilion".


The hot knife cracks the sky and the earth. The ancient land was full of countless wounds in an instant. The strength shown by the Jidu people is really appalling. Wherever the knife passed, everything was razed to the ground.


I can't resist such a strong attack. My body broke through the air in an instant and returned to the depths of the "knife Pavilion". Two million disciples of the "knife Pavilion" were killed by this attack.

So destroying and shaking the power of heaven and earth makes everything in front of you a floating cloud. At this time, it seems that no strong man can resist the attack of the Jidu clan. Where Dao Mang passed, the disciples of the "Sword Pavilion" who were originally hidden in the dark to prepare for a sneak attack have become countless limbs flying ashes, and blood sprinkled on the ancient earth.

"Jidu Tianzhan..."

The hot knife light appeared again, and the Jidu sword once again emitted infinite power.


Under the leadership of the remnants of millions of capital people, the second wave of attacks was bombarded again. The intention is to destroy everything in the "Kword Pavilion".

At this time, the "Magic Hall" has a dazzling light in the night. Countless corpses were scattered on the periphery of the "Demon Hall". Millions of "Demon Hall" disciples led by Mo Ming and Mo Ce resisted the attack of the Jidu clan, but nearly half of them were killed by this horrible attack...

Blood war, straight to the ancient Qingming...