Ancient War

Chapter 194 How to Fight

Although Jidu's body has been injured, with his cultivation, his injury should have recovered at this time. The reason why we mention that Jidu's body was damaged mainly shows that even if Jidu is a quasi-god-level strongman, it is not unshakable. As long as the three of us work together..."

Long said what he was thinking about. In fact, as he thought, even if Jidu's cultivation is too strong, he still hasn't crossed the quasi-god threshold. The gap between quasi-god-level and god-level is by no means what others can imagine. Once someone can become a god-level strong man in ancient times, he can fight against the strong men of the gods and demons on their own. That is the truly unshakable existence, but the cultivation of Jidu has not yet reached that point, so it can still defeat Jidu...

"Brother, it is true that as you said, with the cultivation of the three of us. Once I fight against Jidu at the same time, as long as I can exert my attack to the extreme, I can't defeat it. When fighting against the capital, it is necessary to attack and defend together. Only in this way can we exert the greatest power, and only in this way can we defeat Jidu..."

Dao said to Tian, after all, the battle between Jianwen and Jidu is already a battle example that they can learn from. At this moment, they can only defeat Jidu by doing everything possible to unite and maximize their attacks...

"Brother against the sky, brother Xiangtian. At the beginning of the war between me and Jidu, you should also know what happened. If we find a balance between attack and defense, we will definitely be able to defeat Jidu. At the beginning, the anti-sky brother, your defense of the five elements of Taiji is amazing. And with the help of Brother Xiang Tian and me, the defense can definitely resist the strongest attack. In this way, I think I can definitely defeat Jidu..."

"Two brothers, that's true. If we fight with Jidu this time, we must find a balance between attack and defense. Otherwise, once the plan unites the power of divine punishment, we will have no way to resist his attack. When I sacrificed the five elements of the Taiji gossip, I must also ask the two brothers to do their best to help me resist the attack of Jidu. Once we can successfully resist the attack of Jidu, then we will definitely be able to defeat Jidu..."

The dragon knows the top priority of this battle. Because once Jidu condenses the power of heavenly punishment that covered the whole ancient times, I'm afraid that even if he can resist such a violent blow, he will be damaged by his body. So at this moment, he said what he thought in his heart. When he fought against Jidu, the three strong men gathered their rights to defend themselves. Once the Jidu attacked, they would each issue the strongest blow.

While the dragon was discussing how to fight against the capital, a very familiar atmosphere appeared.

"Tai Cang Venerable, I don't know what's important?"

The white-robed knife appeared, and Taicang, the descendant of the Four Heavenly Emperor, appeared in front of everyone. Although the dragon against the sky has some unexpected appearance of Taicang, it is very clear in his heart. Taicang and the sky are definitely not the same person, and their pursuits and ideas are also different. Taicang can definitely be said to be the most heterogeneous existence of the descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperors.

"Against the sky, I'm here to tell you something..."

After Taicang's eyes swept over the crowd, he opened his mouth and said. Taicang came here this time to fight against the capital together. It seems that Taicang found something.

"Againd the sky, you got the inheritance of the Wu family in the Luoxia Mountains, but Jidu's attention has turned to the Luoxia Mountains. At the beginning, when Jidu bombarded the power of heavenly punishment, except for the four holy places in ancient times, except for the Qingming in the west, only invisible power appeared in the Luoxia Mountains to resist the attack of the power of heavenly punishment in Jidu. Therefore, Jidu was very interested in the Luoxia Mountains at that time. This time, Jidu Qianqiu returned from injuries from the Luoxia Mountains. Jidu was ready to go to the Luoxia Mountains to find an unmatched existence of Jidu. In this way, I'm afraid that the ancient martial arts holy land will be destroyed..."

What Taicang said made the dragon against the sky and others confused. Although the Luoxia Mountains are ancient martial arts holy places, and there are more strong practitioners in the hidden world than those in the "Magic Martial Arts Holy Land". Could it be that there is something that is closely related to the dragon?

"What's the matter with Tai Cang?"

Dao Xiangtian is also very surprised. After all, the Luoxia Mountains are relatively high in their hearts. The Luoxia Mountains were born with the ancient times and adhere to the essence of the universe. Countless strong men came out of the Luoxia Mountains when they fought against the "God and Demon War". The reason why they were not attacked by the gods and demons in ancient times is largely related to the strong men in the Luoxia Mountains. If it hadn't been for these strong men who resisted the invasion of the two tribes of gods and demons at the cost of their lives, I'm afraid that ancient times could not wait for the appearance of the Four Heavenly Emperor. However, this time, the plan turned its attention to the Luoxia Mountains. Did it find anything?

"This time, Jidu turned his attention to the Luoxia Mountains, which is likely to find something from the extermination of the astrological Wu clan. Although I can't feel that the strong man has kicked out of the Luoxia Mountains, there is only one thing I can be sure of. Jidu must have found something, and it is likely to be related to the Four Heavenly Emperor..."

This is indeed the case. In those years, the Astral Wu clan was destroyed because of ancient times. After the "God and Demon War", in order to seal the capital, the Red Emperor did not hesitate to seal it at the cost of a seriously injured body, so that the capital was sealed in the green underworld in the west for tens of millions of years. At the beginning, a wisp of soul of the Red Emperor survived in the Luoxia Mountains, and the essence of the Luoxia Mountains slowly condensed the soul of this place. It was also the work of the Red Emperor who bombarded the Luoxia Mountains. It's just that the Red Emperor borrowed a trace of the obsession of the Wu clan when he destroyed the clan, otherwise he would have been annihilated. At this time, the Red Emperor is still the existence of soul energy in the Luoxia Mountains. Once Jidu appears, I'm afraid that the Red Emperor's soul will be erased by Jidu...

"What, it has something to do with the Four Heavenly Emperor. What should I do if I am so honored?"

The sword asked.

Tai Cang just looked at the sword and asked. The reason why Taicang has such an attitude towards Jianwen is not because of Jianwen's performance at that time. In fact, it can't be blamed. If it hadn't been for the extreme stubbornness of Jianwen in the exotic space, how could he have missed the ancient and the "key of fate"? Although the gods and demons also did not get the "key of fate", Jianwen's behavior still made Taicang angry. In addition, what Jianwen did when he came to the world, if it hadn't been for Jianwen's stubbornness, how could he have suffered so many wars in ancient times?

"The sword finally saw yourself clearly. But even if you can realize your mistakes, you can't let go of what I think of you. But ancient times is an eventful autumn. Even if there are strong people in the Luoxia Mountains, it seems that they can't pose any threat to the plan. Therefore, in order to save the ancient people, you should be able to resist the invasion of the two races of gods and demons in the 'God and Demon War'. Go and stop the action of Jidu, otherwise the Luoxia Mountains will be destroyed, and there will really be no more time in ancient times..."

Tai Cang's figure disappeared when the voice fell to the ground...

At this time, there were countless ripples in his heart. After all, Taicang once told him that he would go to the Luoxia Mountains after the matter of the capital. It is likely that what Jidu is concerned about has something to do with him, otherwise it is impossible for Taicang to appear in the "knife alliance". However, this plan is very likely to go to the Luoxia Mountains, and there should be a chance...

"The reason why Brother Taicang did this to you is not because of your original paranoia. However, everything has become a thing of the past, as long as we can see ourselves clearly and defeat the capital. Who can be free from mistakes, and I was not the same at the beginning..."

Dao Xiangtian is very clear about Taicang's treat swords like this. Because Jianwen was able to face up to his words at that time, not because he was arrogant as a descendant of the Four Heavenly Emperor, and I'm afraid that no one would despise him so much, so the Taicang vener treated Jianwen like this was also caused by Jianwen, and it is no wonder that Taicang would be like this.

"All this is actually caused by the sword asking myself, and I don't blame Tai Cang Zun..."

While Jianwen was talking, the deepest eyes showed a strange look.

"Brother Xiang Tian and Jianwen are not as good as us taking the opportunity to divert our attention and appear in the Jidu clan. At the same time, let the strong people of Jidu know our strength. After all, with the style of Jidu, after the 'Jianmen' is destroyed, the next turn will be the 'knife realm' or the 'knife alliance'. As expected, we are waiting for the attack of Jidu, thus losing the initiative on the battlefield. It is better for us to take the initiative first. In that way, we can fight against Jidu at ease. Otherwise, once the strong people of the Jidu clan start to slaughter our disciples, we will have no power to return to heaven..."

The dragon has already made a judgment in his heart. I am becoming more and more confident about the whole ancient view of the overall situation...

"Brothers against the sky, Xiangtian also has this intention. Instead of waiting for death again and losing the initiative that could have been. It's better for us to take the lead in attacking, so that we can not only disrupt the rhythm of Jidu, but also change the attention of Jidu. Therefore, I think this is feasible..."

Dao Xiangtian very much agrees with the idea of dragons against the sky, because the ancient situation is indeed the same. Instead of waiting for the arrival of Jidu, it is better to take the initiative to attack. Disturbing the audio-visual of the capital, making him have no time to take care of his left and right for a while. In this way, it can compete with Jidu. After all, the cultivation of the strong Jidu clan cannot be underestimated.

"Jian Wen also agrees with your proposal very much. Jidu is not paying attention to us now. Therefore, this time, we will follow this plan and take the initiative to seize the initiative of the whole battlefield. In this way, we can fight against the capital at ease..."

Jianwen seems to have changed after Taicang left. Although he cooperated with the dragon against the sky and the knife to the sky at this time, I'm afraid that Jianwen will no longer be the same as he is now after their plan. However, the things in front of him made Long unable to think too much. Although he sensed a slight change after the departure of Jianwen, the Jianwen in front of him did not show anything. Therefore, the current focus is still on battle plans.

"Two brothers, the three of us must work together this time. We must successfully fight against the capital. For the sake of the ancient world, and in order to successfully fight against the invasion of the gods and demons again in ancient times, we must stop the matter of the capital..."

In the eyes of the dragon against the sky and the knife to the sky and the sword, there was a boundless war. At this time, Jidu led Chiba to the Luoxia Mountains with him, but he did not know that he would soon face the time of life and death...