Ancient War

Chapter 271 Annihilation

"Brother Atisian, now that we have entered the unknown dark hall, we need to quickly clear out a sphere of influence. Because the appearance of us will definitely attract the attention of the strong in the unknown dark hall..."

Agares said to the dragon against the sky at this time. After all, now he has entered the unknown dark hall, and what happened on the land of the demon clan has nothing to do with them. If you have to say it has something to do with it, that is, the dark temple empire has been subverted and divided by other empires.

"At the beginning, my brother was lucky to come to the unknown dark hall and knew that there were more than ten strong demon gods here, and the killing of the demon gods was still sitting here. It's just that he is still sleeping. These more than a dozen upper demon gods are known as the monarchs of the Dark Temple. However, I haven't been here for a long time. I don't know what has changed in the dark hall. However, we have such strong strength, so let's occupy one side for the time being. The corridor here is deep. Compared with these dark palace monarchs, they will come to us first..."

After entering the unknown dark hall, the dragon against the sky, except for the pain of the death of hundreds of thousands of ancient people such as Ximen Wuhen at the beginning, now he noticed everything in the unknown dark hall. In the dark corridor of the unknown dark hall, the wandering evil energy is no longer as strong as before.

"Okay, we are just forcibly opening up a sphere of influence..."

Agares ordered Adonia, Leblanc and Davis to lead the senior demons to open up the sphere of influence. The dragon looked at the current unknown dark hall. At this moment, there was a piece of collapse, and there was no sign of repair. This makes the dragon very surprised. After all, the power and death of the unknown dark hall in the past are extremely strong. Even if the corridor wall of the dark hall collapses countless, it will slowly recover as before. However, there is no past situation now.

"What the hell is going on?"

The dragon was surprised for a moment, but it was all because of him. At the beginning, he caused the unknown dark temple, and "killing the demon god" began to condense in his palace in order to invade the ancient and violent demon power with the demon god Aino.

If it is really divided according to the level, even if Ilben is counted as the upper demon god. But these so-called upper demon gods, except for the 72 demon gods on the statue of the demon god, few others can compare with the strongest demon gods. Even the 72 demon gods on the statue of the demon god can only save their lives in the face of the seven strongest demons at most, and they can't really fight with them head-on.


Adonia, Leblanc and Davis, led the senior demons under their command, and began to build a huge palace using the collapsed cloister walls in the unknown dark hall. While countless palaces stood, the depths of the unknown dark hall also began to move. However, it seems that the strength of the dragon against the sky is too strong, and after a short **, it disappears without a trace. Just as the dragon led his subordinates to establish his own sphere of influence in the unknown dark hall, the battle of the dark temple empire against the four empires on the land of the demon clan was in fierce anxiety. The collision of killing and energy makes the whole battlefield a place of slaughter.

Hundreds of millions of senior demon gods fight against the legions of the four empires at the same time. Not only is the numerical gap irreparable, but also unable to compete with it in overall strength. Although with the help of hundreds of thousands of ancient people such as Simon Wumu, the fate of death was inevitable after a brief outbreak.


At this moment, Ilburn and several kings of the Nine Empires such as Wallif are like joking about some ants. From time to time, an energy ball is bombarded, and the violent energy is harvesting the subordinates of the Dark Temple Empire from time to time. At the same time, Osiris had already killed the real fire. He led the "Seven Demon King" to attack the senior demon army of the Dark Temple Empire while killing the weak in front of him crazily. More than half of the 700 million Nether Legion have died in battle at this moment. However, there are still tens of millions of the Shura Empire. More than two-thirds of the divisions of the Solomon Empire died in the same battle. Only the subordinates of the Jiuyou Empire seem to have died in the battle of only about 200 million mixed armies of low-level and low-level demon gods.

"At this level, why haven't Artesian and Agares yet appeared? Have they always been willing to be a shrinking turtle? Jie Jie..."

Irburn and Wallifer laughed crazily. At the same time, the whole battlefield has been under the control of the four empires. In addition to killing or killing, the whole war has begun to be a one-sided situation. At this time, there are only more than 10,000 ancient people who have changed. Ximen Wuhen no longer has the majestic posture at that moment, and the sword in his hand also has spots and cracks. The blood constantly spilling from the corners of his mouth has illustrated the cruelty of this war.

"Damn, I didn't expect the strength of these ants to be so strong. Traceless senior, what should I wait for? More than 100,000 people have been killed in the battle, and we are afraid that we are unable to change any situation with our current strength. How about..."

A big man is waving a short knife in his hand at this moment. Countless wounds on his body are constantly gushing blood. In the face of the current war situation, there is a dead intention in his eyes.

"Feng Wuji, I'll go with you later..."

After Ximen Wuhen saw the big man's eyes, he already knew what Feng Wuji had to do. At this moment, the remaining 10,000 ancient people also showed the same look.

"Ji Jie... Damn ancient ants, do you submit to Atisian? It seems that Atisian is really powerful and can turn you ancient human beings into a member of our demon clan. But even so, I'd like to see that after I killed you like ants one by one, Artisian and Agarez still don't appear..."

Solomon is a crazy roarer at this moment. The main reason why he is so nervous is that he wants to find Agares and then let Agares belong to the Solomon Empire. After all, it is the second place on the 72 Demon God statue, and once all the demon gods on the 72 Demon God statue are gathered. They can merge into one and become the place where the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan are not weak, and can independently control a space. However, this matter is by no means easy.

"Senior Ximen, Feng Wuji went first..."

The broken knife in Feng Wuji's hand showed a strange light. The momentum around him soared to the extreme. At this time, he had run all the cultivations in his body, and he actually chose to blow himself up.


Feng Wuji rushed to Solomon's place like a red meteor. The huge light appeared in the void, and Feng Wuji walked through his long and painful life with his strongest posture.

"His Majesty Atisian has ordered that even if we die in battle, we can't give them half a step into the Dark Temple Empire. Even these so-called ancient people can die for the Dark Temple Empire. Why can't we..."

In the endless war, there are only tens of millions of advanced demon gods left. At this moment, after seeing such a strong act by Feng Wuji, they can no longer be angry with patience. Even if you die, you will die in the right place.

After following the dragon against the sky, tens of millions slowly improved their strength to the demons of the senior demon gods. At this moment, they can no longer stand the anger in their hearts. Originally, they were just cannon fodder. If they can do so this, it is not in vain their status as senior demon gods.


Tens of thousands of senior demon gods, at this time, unexpectedly went forward and began to expose themselves to the four empires. At the beginning of the self-detonation, Ilburn and Wallever, who had always been joking in the void, changed their complexion for a moment. Because the self-explosion of the senior demon god must not be underestimated. At the same time, the ancient people led by Simon Wumu also gave the greatest slaughter to the four empires in the same way.

"Even if we are crushed to pieces, we will let you and others know that I was definitely not so aggressive in ancient times..."

The sound of huge explosions keeps coming, marking that everything has disappeared...