Ancient War

Chapter 279 World War I caused trouble

"Ah, uh, wow..."

Agares is waving the halberd at this moment, and the extremely powerful evil energy is constantly harvesting the life of Anthony's subordinates.

"Damn, I didn't expect the strength of these outsiders to be so strong. It seems that the pattern in the whole unknown dark hall will change greatly. But don't think that killing my subordinates can become famous in the dark hall, which is really delusional. Although Cameron died in the battle, at least I can see what your strength is, and I also know what you have done and what you want to achieve. But you outsiders are waiting..."

The death of Cameron and millions of followers did not make Anthony care at all. This point is particularly obvious in the demon clan. Under its strength, everything is an ant, and even if it dies in battle, it will no longer be used. However, although he didn't care, he didn't say that he would stop this matter. And from Anthony's analysis, the matter will continue, and they don't know how many dark monarchs will besiege next time.

"Hmm, damn ants. However, the power of wandering evil in the unknown dark hall is indeed too little. With this consumption of war alone, I'm afraid I won't last long. It seems that devouring and killing need to be carried out at the same time, otherwise everything in the Dark Temple Empire will be wiped out..."

After Agares's blow, he felt more and more that the power of wandering demons was extremely rare in the whole unknown dark hall. It can't be compared with the demon land at all, although this place is gloomy, horrible and bloody. But there is no magic power that can maintain the power consumption. At this moment, Agares actually felt that his strength seemed to be somewhat limited.

"Hmm, Zizi..."

Agares immediately appeared, and the extremely powerful devouring power appeared. Tens of thousands of Anthony's troops on the battlefield poured into Agares's body. With the entry of the power of evil, the breath of Agares rose again.

"Adoya, LeBron, Davis. The three of you should not patronize leading the department to slaughter these ants. Once they have a landslide, they will devour them directly. The power of evil in the whole unknown dark hall can't be compared with the outside world at all. Therefore, when we fight against each other, we must devour these low strength, so that we can restore our own strength. Otherwise, our dark empire will not be able to continue..."

Agares's eyes are full of infinite satisfaction. Although he consumed a lot of strength after one blow. But by devouring tens of thousands of weak people, his strength was replenished.

"Listen to orders..."

Adonia no longer carries out crazy slaughter at this moment, but coexists with devouring and killing. The powerful intention of devouring began to appear, including Cameron. At this time, the remaining subordinates of Anthony on the battlefield were all controlled by strong strength. The essence in their bodies immediately turned into a Taoist energy flow and began to enter the bodies of Adonia and all the senior demon gods under their command. Because they want to maintain their strength in this way, so as to maintain the strongest combat power.

On the whole battlefield, all the subordinates under Anthony were buried here in an instant. Adonia and others immediately retreated to their sphere of influence. After Agares observed the whole battlefield, his eyes suddenly turned in one direction, bursting out with a trace of fine light.

Who the hell is he? I really didn't expect that the strength of this outsider would be so strong. Although they don't know why Anthony sent troops to attack them, they let Anthony's subordinates be destroyed from the whole army. It seems that the master behind them must want to deter all the strong in the unknown dark hall. But I like..."

In the depths of the unknown dark hall, Richardson and Raspel gathered together to pay attention to the outcome of the battle. However, at the beginning, they didn't think how strong the dragon and Agares were. However, the result of this battle surprised them.

Raspel, although I don't know what kind of situation the whole dark hall will show after this war. But I'm sure that these outsiders who dare to show off their power will definitely provoke the attacks of other dark monarchs. However, there is also one point that shows that the strength of these outsiders must not be underestimated. From the strong man holding the halberd just now, I can actually feel the breath of some upper demon gods..."

Richardson's eyes seem to be a little dignified at this moment. Indeed, his intuition is more or less felt by several other dark temple monarchs. After all, this battle is so crazy that Agares's blow that shakes the demons so much can not attract the attention of the strong in the dark hall.

Richardson, it seems that the unknown dark hall, which has been silent for a long time, will be lively again. If these tens of millions of outsiders can devour them, how much will your strength rise to us? Although they can't compare with some ancient ants. But it can definitely improve our strength by several levels..."

Raspelle seems to think more than Richardson. Does he think his strength can defeat them? If he really thinks so, I'm afraid it will be too late for him to regret in the end.

"Ji Jie... Yes, Agares, you have done it perfectly. It seems that this battle will certainly make these dark palace monarchs know that the strength of our dragon against the sky can never be slaughtered arbitrarily. The humble place is also the price you paid for encroaching on ancient times.

In the unknown dark hall, many dark palace monarchs are talking about it. At this moment, the dragon laughed in the gathering place of the clan. Because everything is as he thought, but this is also the situation set by the dragon against the sky. If he wants the whole dark temple monarchs to send troops one after another, Agares will definitely fight with them to the death. At that time, with the strength of the tyrannical legion and Agares, countless people will be killed and injured in the unknown dark hall. Once the time is ripe, the ancient people will come out, which is bound to bring heavy damage to the demon clan.

"It's true. That's really lucky for me in ancient times..."

Xing Chi and Leng Fengran and other people in this group showed a trace of joy in their eyes. After all, the more fierce the melee between demons, the more benefits it can bring in ancient times. This is also the reason why the dragon came to the demon clan.

"It seems that it won't take long. I can successfully provoke a scuffle in the unknown dark hall. The more fierce the ants of these demon clan fight, the more crazy they are, which can relieve great pressure on ancient times. If that time comes, we and other clans can take the opportunity to give the strongest blow to the demons in the unknown dark hall. It may be able to fight to death, making the demon god fall asleep again. Then in the second 'God and Demon War' in ancient times, the chances of winning will be much greater..."

This is the ultimate idea of the dragon against the sky. He wanted to use the strength of Agares to disturb the whole unknown dark hall, and lead the clan to kill the demon god to sleep again when the strength of the demon clan in the unknown dark hall was sharply reduced, so that the demon god in the recovery period fell asleep again. In this way, when the "Gods and Demon War" comes again, ancient times should have some certainty of victory.

"Again the sky, what do you plan to say? After all, although the strength of millions of people has not been greatly improved, there is still no problem if some weak demon gods are cleaned up. As long as you lead us in the unknown dark hall, everything will follow your ideas. At that time, I will not wait for the same to slaughter these humble place at will..."

When Xing Chi said about killing the demon god, his eyes were infinitely fierce. The reason why he did such a move was mainly related to the death of Simon. And if the dragon hadn't been here, I'm afraid he would have gone to the unknown dark hall to fight. After all, the master and apprentice are like father and son, and the seamless death of Ximen brings the pain of losing a son to Xing Chi. How can we not let Xing Chi be a little angry and sad...

"Predecessors, everything has its own destiny. Against the sky, he can go through all kinds of hardships and meet the people again in the unknown dark hall. It shows the fact that in ancient times, we people existed and would never be possessed and invaded by the ants of the gods and demons. So don't be impatient, everything is waiting for the opportunity..."

What a character the dragon is against the sky. His words don't want Xing Chi to fall into boundless stubbornness...