Ancient War

Chapter 317 Taishang Ancestor

"To heaven, in the past five million years, there is nothing special except the sudden appearance of the ocean. Seeing that the war between gods and demons is still millions of years away, there must be a strange place in this ocean..."

Several elders of the "knife League" such as Jiye and Greedy Wolf all appeared in the hall, because the sea that suddenly appeared in ancient times is indeed too strange, and from the perspective of the ancient situation, there are too many crises hidden behind the calm. Although the whole ancient times were like a piece of iron, as ancient strongmen, they still vaguely felt a strange place. Although they didn't know what was special, they always felt that there was something wrong.

"It's true. Xiang Tian has felt some strange things. I don't know if Jianwen has felt it for five million years. I don't know what the 'Jianmen' has developed now. If you go out to explore the ancient times, you can't make the ancient backyard catch fire. Otherwise, ancient times would really not be able to compete with the gods and demons. Elders, please wait a little longer. Xiang Tian will be back soon. The situation in ancient times is becoming more and more complex and changeable. We must pay attention to some unusual things in ancient times..."

In five million years, the dragon has not returned to ancient times, and at the same time, there is no movement in the four ancient holy places. In ancient times, except when the dragon fought against Luo Hu, he integrated part of his strength. During this period, all the strong men in ancient times have no movement except for cultivation or practice. Because of the absence of the dragon against the sky, as a strong man in ancient times, he still has to make his own contributions to ancient times.

The knife walked to the sky in ancient times. In five million years, great changes have quietly taken place in ancient times. In ancient times, there was no trace of war on the land that was originally devastated by the war. Although there were countless weeds in the ruins of the original "Jianmen", they eventually covered up the traces of decadent. At this moment, Dao Xiangtian finally felt that in ancient times, in peace, everything would flourish. It seems that killing is the source of evil.

"Brother Jian, are you all right? Although the ancient situation is much better than before, the sudden emergence of the ocean seems to indicate something. I don't know what Brother Jianwen thinks about this?

Dao Xiangtian appeared in the "Jianmen", and the current Jianwen also woke up from the latent practice. Because at this time, he was only one step away from becoming a strong man at the level of the Heavenly Emperor, but at this time, Dao Xiangtian seemed to be expected to become the fifth Emperor of Heaven.

"Brother Xiang Tian, my divine knowledge feels the existence in this ocean, and it seems that there are many dark sides in it. Although I don't know what exists in it, it is when the dragon has not returned to ancient times. We must not put the ancients in a dangerous situation. After all, the "God and Demon War" will start millions of years away. So why don't we go to this ocean to have a look? I dare to conclude that there is definitely something in it..."

Jianwen finally discarded the original extreme obsession. After Luo Hu's incident, he finally realized that as long as he had an ancient heart, everything could be discarded at will. Both desire and greed can be abandoned, and everything is regarded as its responsibility to fight against the gods and demons in ancient times. In ancient times, if people die in ancient times, everything will die. Therefore, Jianwen has already realized something.

"Okay, my two brothers will go together and let the ants of the gods and demons know that ancient times were definitely not so easily occupied by them. It is really delusional to invade the whole ancient times. We will never let you ants enslave our ancients. After this war, the ancients will completely wash away the shame imposed on the ancients.


The dragon that has been feeling the chaos of the universe finally came out of the situation, and a long-standing sense of familiarity and intimacy immediately appeared. The dragon against the sky is so clearly sensing the power of the vigorous stars all over his body and the chaotic power that can be used casually. The real god-level strongman will appear soon.

"Kid, come and see me. If it's too late, be careful that I will punish you..."

In the universe, the words of such an arrogant old man suddenly appeared, which made the dragon angry for a moment. However, in a flash, he was relieved again, and he was surprised and shocked by the old man's arrogant voice. God found out that he felt the old man's place. The same gray coat, but the breath emanating from his body is so clear and familiar.

"Hee hee... I didn't expect to reach such a situation in tens of millions of years. Without Mr. Fei's intention, it seems that ancient times can always stand in ancient times under your protection. You must do your best in this war between gods and demons. I'm still waiting for you to chat with the old man. After this war, there will be someone to guard you in ancient times, and you just need to be a protector. Hey, old man, I have been lonely for countless years, and finally someone played with me..."

The old man in gray is like an old urchin, but this old man is the master of the dragon against the sky and the burning fire, and the great ancestor who controls the whole universe.

"Master, meet the master against the sky..."

The dragon knelt down in front of the old man in gray. Because he has felt the familiar feeling from the Taishang ancestor, the master is such a kind father.

"Ky, it was so difficult in ancient times that the old man couldn't stop it. Because as early as when I created the gods and demons and ancient times, it has been calculated that ancient times would suffer this disaster. However, the ancient people were able to rise up to fight against the gods and demons in such a fierce battle, and did not hesitate to create the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra and pass it on to ancient times. Yan Lion is also a great help I left you. After this 'God and Demon War' in the future, he will take you to wait for the whole ancient times, but you will have to accompany the old man. In ancient times, when there was a crisis, you were the protector of ancient times..."

Taishang Laozu seems to have arranged everything properly. And he also had plans for what the dragon would do in the future. However, it is also uncertain whether the ancients could successfully resist the invasion of the gods and demons under the leadership of the dragon against the sky.

"But you should know that this ancient battle was attacked by gods and demons, and this battle was several times more intense than the first war. Although you have sensed the power of the stars of the universe, the overall strength of ancient times is still relatively weak. So you must do your best to preserve the whole ancient times. Although this battle can be saved, there is one thing I want to tell you that when you become a strong man who shelters ancient times and ascend to the throne, all your emotions must be abandoned. This is also unchangeable..."

It is inevitable and unchangeable to give up all your feelings. People have feelings, and Long has feelings, although he is deliberately avoiding it. However, the deepest softness in the heart is unavoidable. However, for the sake of ancient times, the dragon is willing to give up everything, and the emotion is not worth mentioning compared with the ancient times.

"Master, don't worry, as long as you can successfully protect the ancient times, you will definitely give up everything against the sky. Even if I die, I will not hesitate to die. So I'd rather throw away my feelings."

The dragon's eyes show boundless perseverance. For his own emotions and ancient times, ancient times are the most important. Nothing can be compared with it. He is also very wise about this, and he knows which one is more important in his heart.

"Ky, I can't participate in all this, all of which is the result of the universe that cannot be changed after a certain period of time. What I can do is to give the ancient seed to become a god-level strong man, but now I can finally rest assured. In ancient times, when fighting with the two clans of gods and demons, you can only win or lose. No matter what method you use, let the ants of the gods and demons know that ancient times can never be easily slaughtered.

Taishang Laozu didn't seem to have enough fun. With a wave of one hand, a starlight dim star instantly turned into ashes and disappeared...