Ancient War

Chapter 324 The world is errare

"There is no need to be courteous. Although I and the four heavenly emperors, including Qingdi, worked together to be your master and passed on the Tianxuan Emperor Law to you, in the end, we didn't teach you much. Your current achievements are inseparable from the relationship between the Qing Emperor, so it is really a little ashamed to be my master. But now you are the emperor of heaven and have the same status as me, so don't go too far in terms of status. The name of master and apprentice is just an illusory thing. Everything should be taken as its own responsibility. This time, the Qing Emperor has passed away. Everyone should turn grief into strength and deal with the things that will be faced in ancient times. The two tribes of gods and demons and ancient times are like water and fire. We must lead the ancient people to successfully resist their invasion during the war between gods and demons..."

Jianwen had incomparable respect in the face of Yan Leng. But now that ancient times are full of crises, the etiquette between teachers and apprentices can also be ignored, and everything should be taken as its own responsibility. Although he and Jianwen all appeared as the emperor of heaven, the death of the Qing emperor and the other two emperors of heaven have not yet appeared, and the knife to heaven should still be in latent practice this time. Therefore, everything is still uncertain now. Only when all the emperor of heaven appears and all the ancient strengths are integrated together can he calmly face the invasion of the gods and demons.

"Brother, after Luo Hu appeared. I searched all over the sky and didn't find your existence. When I was in the Luoxia Mountains, I met my uncle, and he told me something. Moreover, I also met the master Taishang Laozu, who told me that you would give me an unexpected surprise. Is it such a surprise to become Emperor Yan? This surprise came too timely. Brother, you have returned to your original strength this time. How powerful Emperor Yan is. With you and Jian asking the two emperors of heaven, the rest depends on when Brother Tian and the other two emperors will appear. After all the strong men in ancient times appear, we will gather together to discuss how to deal with this war.

While being surprised by the appearance of Yan Lion as Emperor Yan, his heart was also full of countless surprises. After all, he has been looking for fire everywhere for millions of years. He didn't find any whereabouts of Yan Lion. Although he knew that Yan Lion had not been killed by Luo Hao, he had no idea in his heart. Now the appearance of Yan Lion in this way has given him a great surprise. However, at the same time of surprise, the pressure in his heart is also increasing. Seeing that there will be a "war between gods and demons" in ancient times about 3 million years, not only did I not send back any news, but now there are only two heavenly emperors, and the other two heavenly emperors have not disappeared, so he is not sure that he is really with the gods and demons. There is a lot of strength.

"Againd the sky, after the war, my master was sealed at the fire in Nanming due to his heavy injury. The master promoted the performance of what I suffered in ancient times, which made my obsession turn into a fire, and led millions of knives from Nanming to help establish a 'knife realm' with you. After Luo Hu appeared, I fought against him. I didn't think it would be a disaster this time. His blow bombarded me into the Nanming fire, and finally I Combined with this respect, under the operation of the skills handed down by the ancestors of Taishang, I was finally able to appear in ancient times three million years ahead of schedule. This time, I also established a new communication with the rosefinch, and now I am waiting for the appearance of the cold emperor. The only thing that is uncertain is whether the Red Emperor still survives in ancient times. At the beginning, he sealed everything of the Jidu clan with the last trace of blood as his incarnation. I'm not sure whether he is safe this time..."

Yan Lion's words surprised both Long against the sky and Jian Wen, because they couldn't imagine that they really couldn't escape this disaster in ancient times? In the Qingming in the west, the Red Emperor was likely to die on the spot in order to seal the strong men of the Jidu clan. Is this really inevitable in ancient times? Or is it really the number of days of freedom in the dark, and ancient times could not escape from slavery no matter how hard they tried? Countless unwillingness appeared in the eyes of the dragon against the sky and Jianwen.

"Brother, is this true? The Red Emperor, like the Qing Emperor, will not be able to escape the entanglement of fate, and there is no doubt that he will die. In that case, there were really not enough top strong men in ancient times to fight against the strongest of the gods and demons.

The dragon's eyes are instantly changeable, because he can't be sure whether all this is true or not. Is the Four Heavenly Emperor a fixed value? Only the change of the new and the old, but there can be no other emperors in ancient times. It seems that this sword question has replaced the Qing Emperor, and it seems that the knife to the sky is also very likely to replace the Red Emperor, so in the end, there were only four emperors guarding the dragon against the sky.

"Master Red Emperor, has he already passed away? Why didn't Master Qingdi tell me? I didn't get any news about all this after taking charge of the sky in the east. All this is really unimaginable. If you really can't escape from a fixed number of things, then the position in ancient times will be more dangerous. In this war, the gods and demons will attack ancient times with all their strength. I'm afraid that ancients really has no chance of winning. However, in this case, it has become a fact that cannot be changed, so we must work hard to protect the ancient times, so that the ants of the gods and demons know that it is better to be broken than the tiles, and the worst thing is to die together..."

Jianwen can't believe this is the truth, but the number of days of freedom in ancient times. Everything is fixed. In ancient times, there were only four holy beasts and four heavenly emperors. Each of the emperors of heaven would establish a perfect fit with the holy beasts. Now that the strong man of the Emperor of Heaven appears again, it seems that except for the strong man who became the Emperor of Heaven and succeeding the Emperor of Heaven again, he will definitely replace the deceased Emperor of Heaven. No one can change the principle of new and old.

"The two of them went to the west with me. See if you can find a trace. If there is really no sign of the fate and existence of the Red Emperor, then everything can only place hope on the sky. If he really reaches the level of the Heavenly Emperor, he will definitely replace the Red Emperor to establish communication with the Xuanwu Holy Beast, although in ancient times after gathering all the strong men such as us , and there is no chance of winning, but at least there will be a fight. Death is not terrible, as long as we ignore him and fight against the death of the two races of gods and demons..."

The dragon flashed against the sky and broke through the air, because he wanted to go to the west to see if he could really find the whereabouts of the Red Emperor. After all, one more strong man at the level of Heavenly Emperor is more hope for ancient times. Although he is not afraid of death, it is valuable to die. In ancient times, he could never be attacked by the gods and demons at will.

In the green and underworld in the west, the three strong men's consciousness did not find any whereabouts of the Red Emperor. However, in the deepest part of the underground, the dragon found a huge thing with the strength of his god-level strong man, and this huge thing is establishing communication with the knife to the sky. Xuanwu, the holy beast, is communicating with the soul of the knife to the sky this time. It seems that it is inevitable that the knife to the sky will replace the Red Emperor.

"To the sky, there are hundreds of millions of knives left by the master at the fire in Nanming. At the beginning, only one million knives could be mobilized. Now all the strong men in the Holy Land can be mobilized, and they are the backbone of the army against the gods and demons..."

As soon as Yan Lion's words came out, the dragon's face was much better than just now. After all, the current situation is no longer comparable to what was expected. Now the addition of hundreds of millions of Nanming's fire knives make the dragon feel unexpected, but also more surprising. Although he doesn't know why there were such strong people suddenly in ancient times, in his opinion, the gods and demons have hidden strength. The Four Heavenly Emperors will also leave some hidden strength for the ancient, otherwise the ancients may have been attacked and swallowed by the gods and demons in this period, otherwise the strong men of the gods and demons will not have waited safely for hundreds of millions of years. Everything is impermanent. It seems that victory or defeat is only in one thought. In ancient times, the strong man's single strength is super strong. There should be no problem with fighting against the ants of the gods and demons. As long as they can contain the army of the gods and demons, and in the war that affects the whole war, they will use some strategies and then defeat each other. This time, there are still Some chances of winning.

"The Red Emperor died early. Wait for Brother Xiang to become the Emperor of Heaven and take charge of everything left by the Red Emperor. The greater the strength, the greater the responsibility. After all the strong people gather together, integrate all resources and strength to prepare for the ancient war against the gods and demons..."