Ancient War

Chapter 330 Joint Strike Blocked

"Such a humble place, do you really think you can resist the army of our demon clan? Although you have four emperors and a strong guy, it is really delusional to resist us. If you want to cultivate the joint attack of the Four Heavenly Emperors, hum, let's wait for your reincarnation in your next life. The ancient times will soon be at my feet..."

In the space plane of the demon clan, there are four major empires to communicate. The blood demon temple unexpectedly under its social place. It turned out that in order to speed up the awakening of the two most powerful demon gods, Aino, the demon god, broke through the space channel in the unknown dark hall and returned to ancient times. Then disappeared and let the land of the demons be devastated by the civil war. Among them, the purpose is to accumulate super death and fighting spirit through war, so that the two demon gods who died in the war can recover quickly, and also see if the statues of the 72 demon gods can be integrated into the eighth strongest demon god through war.

The ancient emperor tried the art of joint attack for the first time, which not only failed, but also made the ancient Qingming vision burst out. Such a strange movement has long made the masters of the gods and demons who pay attention to the ancient plane begin to move. Although they could not destroy and destroy the ancient times in person before the war, they could consume the power and death of faith and create opportunities for the four emperors to invade. This time, the demon god Aino began to brew how to block the joint attack of the Four Heavenly Emperor.

In the demon space, a horrible demon knowledge directly passes through countless space planes and flows directly into the space of the gods. When the magic knowledge entered the Protoss space, two distinct energies began to collide. The reason is that the demon clan represents the evil side of darkness, which is more evil and horrible than the dark god. However, after a brief collision, there was no obstruction at all, and he directly entered the "Temples". In an instant, the voice of the demon god Aino sounded in the temples.

"Sarnagar, based on your performance, you should also find the ancient situation. As the party that dominates this war, what do you think about it? I'm afraid you won't watch the ancient four emperors cultivate the method of joint attack to fight against the armies of our two races, will you? If you are really like this, then you are not qualified to share a piece of the pie for ancient times. Jie Jie, compared with you who have experienced such a long period of accumulation and preparation, you will never miss this opportunity, will you? In this battle, I have long decided to give everything I have and let the ancients be enslaved at my feet forever.

There are not only provocations, but also boundless jokes. The purpose of this demon god Aino's knowledge and the god Sarnagar is self-evident. The main purpose is to let Sarnagar know that if Sarnagar is indifferent to everything that happened in ancient times, then once the ancient war is defeated, all the interests will have nothing to do with the Protos.

"Humph, Aino, are you here to provoke me? Let me tell you that not only you will lead the whole family to occupy the whole ancient war, and I will never let go of the ancient ants. And you, Aino, no matter what the outcome of this war is, don't act rashly. In ancient times, the gods and demons each accounted for half. If you want to have any movement, don't blame me for not informing you in advance. The development of the Protoss to today is not what you saw at the beginning. I already know what happened in ancient times. You don't have to worry about what to do..."

In the "Temples", Sarnagar's angry voice came out. At the same time, a dark golden consciousness directly bombarded the space plane of the demon clan. Judging from the current situation, the two clans of gods and demons are not monolithic. For their own interests, it is also essential for them to fight with each other. This time, Sarnagar was furious with the behavior of the demon god Aino. For his own interests, he would never let the demons share the interests in his own eyes.

"I want to unite with all the strong men in the Protoss space and reconcile with my brother, the dark god Erebus. In the face of interests, I believe he will not refuse..."

Salnagar disappeared into the "canles" and appeared in the territory of the dark god in the exiled place the next moment. At the same time as he appeared, the breath of Erebus also appeared.

"Do you really think you can kill me? At the beginning, I was deprived of my divine dignity, and this time I became the main god of darkness again and fought against you. Isn't this a cycle of cause and effect? Why on earth did you come here? If you want to fight, Erebos will definitely let darkness and light collide to the end. I think you will never be stupid. At the moment when the 'God and Demon War' is about to start, you will fight with me and lose your vitality, right? Hey..."

Erebus seems to have caught Sarnagar's weakness. In the arrogant laughter, Sarnagar's face did not have any expression.

"Erebus, you and I are a place of coexistence, and in the face of interests and honor, you and honor should be part of me. Now the war between the two races is about to begin. If you want to get the greatest benefit from this war, you must fight against the demon god Aino with me. Otherwise, once our Protoss occupies the upper hand in this battle, I'm afraid that not only will it not be able to gain a foothold in ancient times, but will also be taken advantage of by the demon clan in the end. Your grudges have long been written off with you. The reason why we are brothers coexist, isn't light and darkness opposite? There will be darkness where there is no light. I came here in person to lead the army of the Protoss with you. At the beginning of the war, we will work together to obtain the greatest benefits in ancient times and let the devils know the power of us. After this war, the Protoss will have half of your country..."

Sarnagar's words also fell into Erebos's weakness. In the face of huge interests, Erebos no longer has a high attitude at the beginning. Instead, the arrogant breath calmed down a little. After his changeable eyes, considering the gains and losses of his own interests and the status of the Protoss, Erebos' eyes tightened, and his heart was already fixed.

"Brother Sarnaga, don't worry, I promise you. But what you promised me must be done. This time, I also know why you came here. I will work with you to use the power of darkness and light to make the four ants in ancient times fall into boundless difficulties.

Erebus then disappeared into the depths of exile. Sarnaga also disappeared immediately. Just after ten breaths, a powerful holy force of light gushed out of the "temples", and then a terrible dark force also appeared from the exiled place. The two energies collided in an instant, and then began to merge with each other, becoming a combination of holiness and darkness, directly bombarding the ancient space plane.

The combination of light and darkness will definitely plunge itself into a trace of confusion under the condition of joint participation of the Four Heavenly Emperor. If you are not strong-minded, I'm afraid you will not be able to participate in any joint attack at all. Moreover, the demon god Aino will not let the Four Heavenly Emperor easily participate in the joint attack method. After all, the four sacred beasts and the Four Heavenly Emperor, once they participate in the joint attack method, they may be several times stronger than the first war.

"Jie Jie, damn ancient ants, I will let you fall into the forest demon realm and prevent you from entering the boundless magic barrier. How can my opportunity be realized?"

Aino, the demon god, gathered the horrible death through the ghost blood pool in the "Blood Demon Temple" and directly broke through the limitations of the space shackles. Horrible evil energy, mixed with the pressure that confuses all sentient beings, rushes to the ancient space plane. This time, the strong men of the two clans and demons have made such a move one after another. It seems that it is more difficult for the ancient emperors to easily promote the method of joint attack. Originally, there was no effect in the first attempt, and the current situation is likely to be more troublesome.

"The first way we tried the joint attack just now was because we didn't let ourselves calm down. And because the four holy beasts have not made any kind of communication and contact for tens of millions of years. So first of all, we should try to make contact between the holy beasts, and then start trying to drive the holy power with the Tianxuan Emperor Law to see if we can push the method of joint attack..."

The Cold Emperor and Yan Lion considered the reason why the first joint attack was unsuccessful just now. The four emperors of heaven gathered together and were discussing with each other. Suddenly, a confusing force appeared. The Four Heavenly Emperor fell into trouble for a while.

"Everything depends on themselves. Now I arrange the map of the stars of the universe in my sea of knowledge. If the four emperors can wake up from the difficulties, then the method of joint attack will be achieved. The ants of the gods and demons, do you really think that your actions can succeed? Well, don't even think about it. In this way, this also allows the four emperors to face difficulties at the same time, and then as long as they can break through the difficulties, the tacit understanding will also reach a perfect level. At that time, the Four Heavenly Emperors will create an unimaginable method of attack..."

The strong man of the two clans of gods and demons has already noticed the action made by the Four Heavenly Emperor, but now he is trying to arrange the map of the stars of the universe in his sea of knowledge. And he also knew that if the Four Heavenly Emperors wanted to participate in the performance of the method of joint attack, they would definitely suffer certain difficulties and setbacks, otherwise it would be difficult for them to reach a perfect tacit understanding.

"Damn, what's going on? Now we are all trapped in the magic barrier at the same time. It turned out to be so difficult and confused about everything. What the hell is going on? How could ancient times be so devastated and enslaved? My sword question absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen in ancient times, and absolutely does not allow..."

At this time, all the Sifang Emperors were in boundless difficulties. The four of them seem to have entered an independent space environment, and in this space environment, they not only see many changes in the space, but also appear in front of them one by one for all the bad things in ancient times. The brutal slavery of the ancients and the strength of the gods and demons made them unable to extricate themselves for a moment.

"What the hell is going on?"

Although Yan Lion is also in trouble, he is very clear about the outside world. Two powerful external forces are preventing them from deduce the method of joint attack, which is why they made such a move. However, there is no way to deal with it for a while.

At the same time, the Four Heavenly Emperor, who is in trouble, is constantly struggling at this moment. Once they get out of trouble, they will achieve a perfect tacit understanding, but if they can't, they will never be able to fight together...