Ancient War

Chapter 350 New God

"Brother Sarnaga, what kind of heart is this demon clan that provokes our Protoss so much? Does the demon god Aino think that their seven demon gods can resist the majesty of our god clan? However, I really didn't expect that the two demon gods who died at the beginning could be reborn so quickly. What's going on? And this time their magic spirit is coming, which contains much stronger and bloody power..."

Beast Godbia made great contributions in the confrontation between the gods and demons. Most of the time, if it weren't for the come forward of the beast god, the demon clan would have taken great initiative. Therefore, he still knows more about several of the strongest demon gods of the demon clan, and he will say these words. After all, if several of the strongest demon gods of the demon clan gather together, it will also be a big threat to the divine clan, so Bia will say these words.

"Damn demon god Aino, if it weren't for them, how could my god clan be so far? Ugly and despicable existence, I Erebus must not let them go. Since they dare to provoke our Protoss, Aino and others must think that the existence of the supreme seven demons will pose a great threat to us, and the ancient demons have taken the initiative, so they want to put pressure on us, and then let our Protos retreat after the beginning of the war? Humph, does he really think that ancient times are so easy to deal with? As long as St. Martin can successfully stand out, the light of the Protoss will definitely shine on the whole universe..."

Erebus is still angry, because after the war between the Protoss and the Demons, he was sealed in exile because of a dispute with Sarnagar. Now he has become the master of darkness and the main god of darkness, and in the face of the great interests of the Protoss, he has already released his quarrel with Sarnagar and the beast god Bia. If it hadn't been for the demon clan, the Protoss would have been several times stronger than now. Now that the demon god Aino has provoked the Protoss again, how can he not let Erebus's anger deepen? Everything that happened between him and Sarnaga has turned into a cloud. This time, for the benefit of the Protoss, they will do whatever it takes to let the demons know that whether in ancient times or in space, the light of their Protoss will shine on any dark place, and all evil will disappear.

"Two brothers, what the demon god Aino has done this time is to demonstrate to us, and the second is to tell us that their seven strongest demon gods have gathered, and the demon clan has made all the preparations before the war. But I always feel that there is another reason, because although the demon god Aino is arrogant and domineering, there has been a competition between the two races. The strength of the two sides is basically the same, otherwise it will not reach the point where the gods and demons work together to attack the ancient times. Now he dares to suffer like this, which is absolutely something to rely on, otherwise the demon clan will never dare to do this. Even if the Protoss temporarily lost power in ancient times, they would not act so rashly. It is likely that they have mastered the potential core strength and can fight against our Protoss. Otherwise, with Aino's insidiousness and cunning, they will not be able to come to provoke us..."

Sarnagar led the Protoss to compete with the Demons for countless years, and had a deep understanding of the demon god Aino. Aino, the demon god, is a combination of the sinister, cunning and evil of the demon clan, and his grasp of things, like Sarnagar, as the master of a race, it is impossible to make such a move because of the gains and losses of the situation. After analysis, Sarnagar is more and more determined that there is a great trick in this matter.

"It's true, Brother Sarnagar, your analysis is true. It seems that I was so angry that I ignored this point. But my brothers, even if the demons have hidden strength to compete with us, we are trying to make St. Martin fuse our three different energies. If these three energies are refused into a new god, then our god clan also has hidden strength and endless letters in the tower of faith. Isn't the power of remiration saved to create new gods? Without the backing of these faiths, what ambition does our god clan have to fight in ancient times and unify the whole universe..."

How can Erebus, as another master of the Protoss, not know what Sarnaga is thinking? Although there may be some powerful existence in the demon clan, which makes the demon god Aino rely on him, the Protoss have no hidden strength. Once the new gods are created, the Protoss will no longer be afraid of any race, and even if they fight with the demons will be fearless. Because their purpose is to rule the whole universe.

"Two brothers, don't say too much, because of the sudden provocation of the demon clan, we can't continue to instill divine power. Now St. Martin in the Tower of Faith does not know what the situation is like. He must create a new divine resistance. As long as he can integrate the energy of our three, he will definitely bring a devastating blow to the demon clan and the ancient ants..."

Beast Godbia, at this time, is thinking that since the demon clan has something to rely on, the divine clan is the same. After all, when two different energies merge together, they have burst out beyond imagination. So what will happen if the three different energies merge together? I'm afraid it will bring them a great surprise. At this time, only when you return to the tower of faith can you know whether such a move will succeed or not. The infinite power of faith is what the Protoss rely on most.

In the Tower of Faith, a wisp of spirit and broken divine spirit of St. Martin suddenly integrated into three extremely powerful energies. If it weren't for the package of the power of faith. I'm afraid that St. Martin has already turned into an energy turbulence and disappeared. When the three gods of Sarnagar, Erebus and the Beast Godbia returned to the Tower of Faith, St. Martin's breath was extremely weak.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? Why did this happen?"

The three masters of the Protoss actually felt that St. Martin's problem was beyond their imagination at the same time. Originally, they thought that once St. Martin had integrated all the energy of the three, a new god would definitely appear, but this time St. Martin had such a situation, which was indeed very different from what they thought.

"Damn, is it because of the sudden rupture of our energy that caused St. Martin to fall so much? Demon god Aino, you are so abominable..."

Sarnagar was angry at this time, because the situation of St. Martin's situation is indeed like the subsequent energy that it is unsustainable. After all, three different energies pay attention to it. Sarnagar's holy divine power plays a neutral role. Due to the invasion of the demon god Aino and their magical knowledge, Sarnagar first carried out divine power to fight against it. As a result, the other two energies are too strong, which makes St. Martin so weak.


Salnaga began to carry the extremely powerful divine power again, combined with the power of infinite faith, and began to pour into St. Martin's broken deity again. At the same time, Erebus and the beast god Bia also carried their own divine power and began to inject divine power into the Trinity to see if St. Martin could become a new god from the edge of collapse.

"If the Protoss can really integrate the two energies together, then I must sacrifice the power of the five elements of Taiji to fight against the Protoss. But if there is no way to achieve the balance of attack and defense, then there is really no chance of winning in ancient times. And the ants of the demon clan will not let go of this opportunity..."

I am constantly understanding and deferring in the buried dragon wall. Because after he went to the Protoss space and confronted the god king Sarnagar and Erebus, he was shocked by the horrible energy generated by the compatibility of the two energies. But now he also considers everything in the beast god space. After all, Beast Godbia is also an existence that cannot be underestimated.


The three masters of the Protos began to forcibly inject their own energy into St. Martin's broken divinity. The howling sounded again. Because the energy was too powerful, St. Martin's broken god began to repair and complete it quickly. However, it expanded to reach the edge of the broken again in an instant. If it hadn't been for the support of infinite power of faith, I'm afraid he would have turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Three brothers, I really can't stand this pain. Now I might as well die. I can't bear such a painful price. The repair and fragmentation of the divine body, as well as the fact that my body has just been reshaped in half and collapsed again. This pain and fear are beyond your imagination. My brothers, give me a good time..."

At this time, St. Martin roared in pain in the broken deity. With such repeated repair and fragmentation, no matter how strong he is, he can't bear such painful torture. So he is constantly begging Sarnagar and the three of them, because the pain has exceeded the limit of his patience.

"St. Martin, don't give up. Have you forgotten the humiliation you suffered in ancient times? If you can't bear this pain, I will give you a happy relief. But now you have to bear this pain. Only if you survive this level, then you will show the ancient ants with a brand-new look, and you still shoulder the heavy responsibility of fighting against the demon clan. Do you really want to be the place that my god clan spit on?

At this moment, Sarnagar and Erebus and Bia began to constantly inject energy into St. Martin's repeatedly broken deity. However, the more they injected energy, the frequency of repeated fragmentation of the divine status has slowly changed more and more from the short period of time. However, the atmosphere of St. Martin is also increasing and improving. At this time, St. Martin's divine deity has begun to present three different lights, the power of light and darkness, plus the divine power of the beast god. The combination of these three energies will be a new god long ago.

"If St. Martin can't bear this pain, let him die. There are countless people who want to be superior in the space of the Protoss. As long as they want to be strong, they must bear the pain of body fragmentation and remodeling. Otherwise, if you want to become a superior, it's really delusional. My god doesn't need the weak..."

While Sarnagar's performance on St. Martin is angry, he has been looking forward to success, because once successful, the Protoss will have an extra weight against the demons.


The infinite power of faith wraps St. Martin into a ball. However, in this energy body, St. Martin seems to be showing the last madness, the instantaneous rise and collapse of the body, and the reshaping of the body. This made St. Martin suffer incompetrated pain.

"Three brothers, St. Martin will insist anyway. I am lucky to become the leader of the Protoss for the glory of the Protos. I will insist that I will recover everything from the demon clan and ancient ants on behalf of the Protoss..."

St. Martin is holding on at this moment. The breath contained in the divine grid is also becoming stronger and stronger. At this time, St. Martin, wrapped in the power of faith and the divine grid, is constantly absorbing three different energies. These three energies are dominated by the divine power of light. After repeated collision and fusion, they are like a sticky shape, constantly reshaping St. Martin's body. As time goes by, an extremely strong breath is constantly rising.

"Hey hey..."

Horrible laughter kept ringing, and a hot light suddenly burst out in the tower of faith, and a new strong man was born, representing a strong and belligerent spirit of the Protos.