Ancient War

Chapter 376 Hysterical

"After they fight against the monarch of the dark hall, we are ready to go to the deepest part of the unknown dark hall. When we die in battle, the 'God and Demon War' will also begin. Everyone, be ready. We must get back the new hatred and old hatred from the ants of the demon clan and let them know that ancient times are definitely not where they slaughtered arbitrarily..."

Xing Chi and the evil three killings, as well as many people in the gathering place, were already known at the moment when they met with the monarchs of the dark palace. The monarchs of the Eighth Route Dark Hall led their subordinates to encircle and suppress Leng Fengran. This cold front and the fierceness of the two million people were finally diverted and won them time to breathe, so that Xing Chi's plan could be realized. Although I don't know what the result will be, it is certain that all these ancient people hidden in the demon space will all die in battle, thus making the last effort for the ancient times.

"Brother Xingchi, let's put up with this for the time being. No matter how strong the demon god is, we can't even be compared with it. But we can give him the strongest blow with the intention of self-destruct. This time, let the ants of the demon clan know that when the ancient sentient beings are not afraid of death, no matter how strong their opponents are, don't think that they can pinch the ancients at will. Because all sentient beings will protect the ancient times at all costs.

At this moment, the evil three kills and many ethnic groups feel the sound of explosion. The eyes can spit out the flame of anger. Even if these generous people choose to die, they are doing their best to give the strongest blow to the demon clan. With their self-explosion and where the energy passed, countless demons and gods immediately turned into flying ashes.

The grief in the gathering place is gradually rising. After all, their own people are dying one by one, but there is nothing they can do. Such pain is indescable. They are also constantly improving their slavery. Even if the demon god is stronger, even if Abdullah is his split to stop the attack of the ancients. But they didn't know that when the ancient people gathered their whole body and went to bombard the demon god at the cost of self-explosion, they really felt the madness of the ancient sentient beings.

"Brother Fengran, I'll wait for my brothers to show some colors of the ants of these demon clan. Everything left will be handed over to you. Brothers, let's go first..."

About 100,000 mutees are now divided into eight groups and escape in eight different directions. At the same time, they were all shrouded in red-black light, and their strong breath was self-evident. In order to give the greatest trauma to the demon clan and prevent the clan from sacrificing in vain. These clans did not launch any attack, but condensed all their own cultivation and went madly towards the army of the monarch of the dark palace. This time, they will give the monarchs of the dark palace a power at the cost of self-detonation, and it is also an extremely strong shock.

"Rumble... click..."

There were eight different directions in the unknown dark hall, and huge explosions broke out one after another. The collision of energy also caused thunderstorms in the unknown dark hall. Horrible energy hanged the ants of countless demons. As soon as such a situation appeared, the monarchs of the dark palace burst into an angry roar. Like hysteria, the howling resounded throughout the unknown dark hall. It can be seen that although the attack methods of these clans have gone back, the effect can make the dark palace monarchs burst into angry roars, which shows that the dark temple monarchs have suffered relatively heavy losses.

Originally, there were 100,000 people, and at the cost of self-explosion, Louis Hunt, Richardson and four other dark temple monarchs were suddenly attacked. They, who had been extremely angry, now roared wildly again. Because their subordinates have received slaughters one after another, but they don't even see the shadow of each other.

"Damn ancient ants didn't expect to be so crazy, if they follow this way. Even if they are all strangled, they will definitely pay a painful price. Well, I can't control so much. If the Lord's order is not completed, I'm afraid that the monarch of the dark palace in the whole unknown dark hall will be punished, which I don't want to see..."

Cline's department has been hit from a sudden attack. If it hadn't been for his timely response, I'm afraid that his subordinates would have been hit hard. After all, it was just a self-explosion of about 10,000 ancient people who had killed millions of his subordinates. Such a proportion of casualties made him feel a little shocked and also felt the pressure on his body. After all, the anger of killing the demon god is not what he can compete with. Moreover, the killing of the demon god is now in a critical period of recovery. If there is any change in the killing of the demon god due to the fault of his leader, then his Klein's end may be worse than death, and the end of other dark kings will not be much better than him. Crane's murderous intention is also constantly improving.

"Damn ancient ants, I will definitely frustrate you..."

Louis Hunt's "magic transformation" started at this moment, and the horrible demon body was raised again and again. His subordinates have been seriously injured since now, and he, who had been attacked once, is now attacked again. Today's situation is not as simple as he thought. Not only did he not see the appearance of the ancient ants, but he also lost nearly 10 million followers for no reason. Such a huge loss made him unbearable for a moment. However, the same situation happened to several other dark temple monarchs such as Richardson. Fury and roar resounded throughout the unknown dark hall for a moment. It seems that the self-detonation of these 100,000 ancient people has hurt these dark palace monarchs. Otherwise, they will never see the arrogion of the monarchs of the dark palace.

"Ji Jie... Let you damn ants roar. I like to hear your hysterical roar. The more so, I can feel the anger in your hearts and how much trauma my brothers have caused to you at the cost of their lives. I am waiting for your arrival. When you surround me, I will let you do it. I will lead my brothers to prepare a gift for you..."

Leng Fengran and the remaining more than one million people are quietly waiting for the arrival of the monarchs of the dark palace. Many clans have already made it clear in their hearts that if such a small wave of self-detonation alone can bring trauma to the ants of the demon clan and slaughter some of their subordinates, it will not play any substantial role. If you can give them the strongest blow when all the monarchs of the dark temple arrive, it will not only make the monarchs of the dark temple suffer heavy damage, but also make their death more valuable.

"Brother Feng Ran, we don't want to be born on the same day of the same year, but hope we can die on the same day of the same month of the same year. It's worth it if our brothers can die together for the ancient times..."

More than one million ancient people did not have any fear. Instead, his eyes were full of flames of anger and expectation. They have endured for nearly billions of years, and now they have such an opportunity to make their own classics, even if they are shattered. Their death was also extremely valuable, and it was precisely because of their generosity to die that they finally gave Xing Chi a chance to kill the demon god, and finally let the demon god only exert about 60% of their strength in the "God-Demon War". This made the demon aunt Nuo never expect that she had calculated for hundreds of millions of years, but what she got was almost the end of the whole family.

"Well, damn ancient ants, you humble place have repeatedly provoked the majesty of our demon clan. You have to pay for what you have done..."

Three strong breaths appeared, and tens of millions of demon troops appeared behind them. The monarch of the dark temple appointed by the demon god rushed to the scene first, but they were a little surprised by the current situation. Because Leng Fengran only had more than 1 million people, but dared to confront them again. From the attack they suffered, they had found that the strength of the other party could not be underestimated. Now they seem to be a little cautious at this moment.

Clane's breath also appeared immediately, and then a strong breath appeared from four directions in a row. The eight dark kings finally gathered again. They seemed somewhat embarrassed, because the self-explosion of the clan gave them a big blow, which also caused their subordinates corresponding losses. Now they have finally surrounded Leng Fengran and other ancient people. But he did not see a trace of fear from the momentum of this million ancient people. This is also one of the reasons why they dare not take action for a while. Just as the monarchs of the dark palace looked at each other. However, there was a 360-degree turn at the scene, which also dealt a devastating blow to the monarchs of the Dark Temple.

After this battle, four of the eight dark palace monarchs remained, and Louis Hunt's body also suffered a boundless heavy damage. This situation made the remaining dark temple monarchs such as Crane burst into an extremely crazy roar. The roar on the verge of collapse resounded throughout the unknown dark hall.

"Ji Jie... I've been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come here until now. Isn't the gift just now good? That is a gift carefully prepared by our people at the cost of death. Now that you are all here, I will play a wonderful melody for you ants..."

After saying that, he immediately led more than one million people to condense his whole body. Bang to the place with the largest number of monarchs in the dark hall. Crane, who was originally surprised, had just reacted, but it was too late. Leng Fengran, they have already prepared, how can they let Crane crack it easily? The huge explosion sounded, and the terrible energy actually made Crane retreat tens of thousands of battles.

When Crane returned to the battlefield, everything at the scene gave him a deep deterrent to his bone marrow. Tens of thousands of troops died in the battle, and black-blooded corpses were everywhere. Klein finally couldn't stand the depression in his heart and began to howl crazily.

Killing the three dark temple monarchs appointed by the demon god. At this moment, there is no sign of life except for the remaining parts of the body, and their subordinates also killed and injured tens of millions of them. However, Richardson turned directly into flying ashes and disappeared. If it hadn't been for the "magic change" body protection, it would have been worse than now. Although he is not dead, he will not have any power to fight again in a short time. The remaining two dark monarchs were saved from death because they had been hiding behind the army.

Leng Fengran, after they gathered together with the monarchs of the dark palace, they had already made all the preparations to give Crane the biggest blow with timely self-explosion.