Ancient War

Chapter 389 Killer

"What? How dare you say that I am a beast? The damn ancient ants are undoubtedly looking for death. My Spentes is the supreme place of the demon clan. Even the demon god Aino dare not say so. You little ant dare to provoke my majesty so much. I will definitely not let you go. I want you to know what is the most horrible. I want you to try endless horror and torture before you will eventually die. The place to be buried..."

Taicang's disregard made Spentus furious for a moment. As the place of the purgatory demon god, he has been in the demon clan for countless years and has never encountered such a provocation wherever he goes. Now he appeared in ancient times and was directly insulted and ignored by Taicang, which made him angry for a moment. The powerful murderous intention rose in an instant, and the huge demon body was shrouded in a mass of evil energy. But Spentas also looks too highly of himself. Although he is the embodiment of the "Nether Blood Pool", his strength is naturally strong. However, he was in ancient times. Even if countless demons behind him kept pouring out, he still could not bring too many threats to all sentient beings in ancient times. Unless a strong man like him appeared on a large scale in ancient times, Spentus would die.

"Hahaha... Such a beast is still talking nonsense again. You should know that Wu Taicang, as a descendant of the Sitian Emperor, has been waiting for ants like you to appear. Even if you are strong, it is really delusional to change the situation of the demon clan in ancient times through you. We and other ancient people will not let you get what you want. All sentient beings will defend the ancient times with their own blood. Dignity. Your only end is death, and I will let you know how careless all sentient beings were between life and death. Ancient will bring the greatest shock to your demon clan..."

Taicang had nothing to say, and the hot light of the long knife immediately burst out, giving Spentes no chance to condense his strength. The power of the broken void is unparalleled and strong and boundless murderous. At this time, Taicang's body is shrouded in dark golden light. Of course, as a descendant of the Four Heavenly Emperor, he relies on it. His profound cultivation attracted great attention from the strength of the two groups of gods and demons as soon as he fought with Spentus.

"Damn it, it's like this. I won't let you go..."

Spenters waved his magic wings, and the demon body instantly suspended in the void, and a powerful evil force appeared. A terrible evil energy bombarded.

"Purgatory Tyrannosaurus Rex Bullet..."

The black evil energy ball, with unmatched murderous intent and combat power, instantly roared at the place of Taicang, but the energy of the broken void bombarded with the energy ball in an instant. The huge explosion came, and the shock wave of energy added countless wounds to the ancient land. The energy impacted, and the ancients present retreated thousands of feet. However, the army of the gods and demons kept entering, but under the impact of energy, millions of cannon fodder directly turned into flying ash and disappeared.

Sfants' huge demon body was also impacted by energy and retreated thousands of feet. Under the impact of such terrible energy, Spenters's demon body was uncontrollable and direct body like sea duckweed for a while. In this way, Spentus was a little angry, but he also began to face his opponent in front of him, because he had never met such a powerful opponent in nearly billions of years, but when he appeared in ancient times, he encountered such a strong place. How can this not let him pay attention to it, because under the impact of energy, Taicang's body still stands proudly on the battlefield and does not take a step back at all. Such a difference between high and low is immediately clear.

"Hum, arrogant ants, I will let you know that in ancient times, you are nothing, and the only thing that greets you is death. In the name of killing gods, I will become the biggest killer and give you the strongest blow to the ants of the demon clan at the time of life and death in ancient times.

Tai Cang didn't allow Spentes to breathe at all, and the long knife in his hand burst into a terrible attack again. The hot knife light actually began to show a dark gold color, and the violent attack made Spentus feel some fear. Because he couldn't imagine that the ancient human in front of him could have such a super strength, not only so strong that he could not compete with him, but also his fearless playing style also made him start to retreat.

As purgatory demons, even if they have super strength, in the eyes of ancient sentient beings, their strength is to enslave ancient times. As ancient sentient beings, they were not tolerated at all, waiting to fight against them one by one. Such existence and situation have not been encountered by the strong men of the gods and demons hundreds of millions of years ago. Nowadays, all sentient beings work together to defend the ancient times and maintain it with the strongest killing moves in the most dangerous times in ancient times. Such fearlessness is the most admired place in ancient times. From this battle situation, it can be seen that it is impossible for the gods and demons to occupy ancient times easily.

"My people, now the Venerable Taicang is trying their best to fight against the strong people of the demon clan, and we can't be idle to kill all the ants of these constantly emerging gods and demons to let them know that no matter when and where they are, the ancient beings will work together to fight against them. Their idea of trying to invade the ancients will come to nothing. No matter how strong it is, as long as you want to annex my ancient times, you will die to defend the dignity of ancient times..."

He shouted with a sword and led all the ancient people on the battlefield to wildly surround and kill the ants of the two emerging gods and demons. Because of Taicang's strength, the army of the gods and demons did not dare to act rashly for a while. While paying attention to the war situation, the ancient sentient beings did not give them any chance at all, and the crazy attack began to intensify. The hot knife light and sword light, with incomparable anxiety, kept devouring their lives, and the death knell of death opened.

The strength shown by Taicang brought boundless shock to the masters of the gods and demons who always pay attention to the war situation on the whole battlefield. Because in their eyes, after hundreds of millions of years of rest and recuperation in ancient times, the evil seeds planted by the demon gods for the ancients could not exist so strong. However, the strength shown by Taicang has exceeded their imagination.

"Brother Aino, I really didn't expect that there would be such a strong existence in ancient times. In the current situation, I'm afraid Spenters can't resist this crazy attack. It's better to send the Purgatory Demon God on a large scale to exert stronger pressure on ancient times. However, although this ancient ant showed such a strong posture, I feel that this ant seems to be burning its soul power. I'm afraid it won't be long before he can't stand it. In this way, as long as more Spentus' strength is sent, ancient times can't resist such a strong attack.

Fear Demon God observed Tai Cang's behavior. Although Tai Cang's strength is extremely strong now, there is one thing that shows that Tai Cang's strength has exceeded his own strength, so it won't be long before Tai Cang can't support it.

However, the fear of the demon god is not real, and Taicang has no action to burn his soul at all. He made his cultivation greatly improved through the Heavenly Sword Heart Sutra, otherwise he would not have appeared in front of Spenters with such a strong posture. This is also not considered by the fear of the demon god. At the beginning, the dragon went against the sky and passed on the Tiandao Heart Sutra to all sentient beings in ancient times for the sake of ancient times. The cultivation of all sentient beings in ancient times has been substantially improved during this period. It's just that the degree of personal qualification is different.


The ancient Qingming was full of wind and thunder, and the situation of Spenters was very awkward at this time. A pair of magic wings behind him were still broken, and black magic blood kept gushing out. At this time, Spentus' ugly face showed many strange expressions. Although the demon body was severely damaged, evil energy kept appearing all over his body, and such strong performances made Taicang stare at him.

Yan Zhan led the ancient sentient beings to keep killing the ants of the gods and demons with the help of Huang Yin. Taicang's main opponent is Spenters. Now under the continuous attacks, Spenters still behaved like this, so Taicang began to be careful.

"Humph... Damn the ancient ant, you forced me. I will double what you have done to me. I will let you die without a burial place, and let you die tragically after suffering the maggot-like pain of metatars. Jie Jie..."

Spenters laughed crazily, shrouded in a layer of evil energy like substance. The demons that appear in the eyes of energy all turn into a flow of evil energy into the mask. Spenter's breath is also constantly improving. In this way, Taicang's eyes began to show the long-lost solemnity, and his breath kept condensing, because the other party seemed to want to reveal his cards. Taicang must be careful, and there is also a bloodthirsty fighting spirit in Taicang's eyes. My cultivation has already increased several times. This time, in order to show my strongest strength in ancient times, I have to do what I have to do in the name of killing gods. Slaughtering these humble people is where the demon clan is located.

"Well, no matter what strength you have, the only thing that greets you is death. You can't escape the fate of death, and I won't let you go..."

Tai Cang walked forward with a knife again. The whole body was shrouded in a dark golden light. The power of the broken void was run to the extreme, and Taicang showed the biggest killing move at this moment, and his extremely strong fighting power and killing intention condensed to the extreme. This time, in order to kill Spentes, he actually sacrificed a killing move beyond his own strength, and the victory or defeat was divided under one blow.

"The strategy of the Emperor of Heaven is speechless. Broken void, war against the world..."

The terrible divine power appeared in an instant. At this time, Spentus was still immersed in the pleasure of absorbing energy, but he didn't know that he was dying now. Taicang condensed super energy and used the Tiandao Heart Sutra to improve his strength again. The essence of the Heavenly Emperor carried by the descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperors was also shown in him.

"Kah... miso..."

Countless knives appeared in an instant, constantly fused with mysterious operation traces, and bombarded Spentes in all directions. Such a violent energy is bound to kill the other party with one blow. Spentus roared for a moment when he felt that his death was approaching.


The powder spilled into the void, and the extremely strong Spenters finally fell into Tai Cang's hands. A blow of divine power is like injecting a strong needle into the ancient beings. The crazy shouts are constantly improving, and the ancient gods are as powerful as ever.

"In the name of killing the god, I vowed to be the biggest killer in ancient times. There is no regret in death..."