Ancient War

Chapter 405 Spear Tip Shield Thick


From time to time, there are five-colored Thunderbolts, and the breath of evil and holy breath are constantly intertwined. The sense of seal that the gods and demons intend to break through the exotic space is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, as the energy contained in the Thunderbolt continues to increase, the sealing power of the four ancient sacred beasts also began to loosen. At this time, the ancient side showed unprecedented pressure. In the absolute trust of the Four Heavenly Emperors, they firmly believe that even if the seal is broken, they will successfully fight against the gods and demons in ancient times.

"Emperor Yan, I didn't expect the gods and demons to be so crazy. For such a long time, I'm afraid it's good to maintain up to half of the power of the holy beast that could have been sealed for ten thousand years. Now the ancients are likely to fall into a state of panic, which is extremely unfavorable to the morale of the ancient party. It seems that we want to increase the power of the holy beast again, or how about us leaving the customs ahead of time? After all, there is no backbone in ancient times, and people often make sacrifices for nothing.

The Cold Emperor feels the change of exotic space at this moment, as the power of the holy beast continues to weaken. The situation in the whole exotic space has also become sharper and sharper, and the originally extremely strong space barriers have also shown signs of loosening. In this way, the power of the seal will all disappear. At that time, the whole ancient times will be exposed to the attack of the gods and demons. I'm afraid that even if the ancient party can successfully defend the ancients, it will pay a painful price, and the masters of the gods and demons will not appear. Once they all appear, , the pressure on the Four Heavenly Emperors can be said to be huge. After all, there is no sign of the dragon's return now. Is it so difficult and profound to understand and deduce the star map of the universe?

"Handi, now Qingdi and Reddi are still in their understanding. If we get out of the customs ahead of schedule, I'm afraid we won't be able to fight against either side of the gods and demons in the end. Although we have come to understand the method of joint attack this time, I always have a vague feeling that the reason why the two races of gods and demons are so crazy to start the war can start in advance. It seems that the two tribes of gods and demons absolutely rely on it. Otherwise, with the nature of Sarnaga and the demon god Aino, we will never and unwilling to suffer any losses. Therefore, this time, the Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor are still increasing some tacit understanding. Otherwise, if there is a loss, the pressure against the sky will be greater, and in the end it is likely to become a burden against the sky. Once this happens, our gains will outweigh the losses..."

Emperor Yan's grasp of the situation is no worse than Emperor Han, and as a disciple of Taishang's ancestor, he also knows how to deal with the fierce gods and demons. Although he did not know that the two tribes of gods and demons had each added an absolute strong man, he judged that the two tribes of gods and demons were absolutely relied on by the early start of the war. It is precisely because of such caution that the ancient people were able to successfully resolve it when facing extreme crisis.

"Well, everything is a causal cycle. After all, there will be casualties in this war. Whether it is the ancient party or the ants of the gods and demons, they can't escape the choice of fate in the end. At the beginning of this war, my ancient party was under unprecedented pressure, but for me, the law of the jungle was an eternal law. If I wanted to become a powerful race in ancient times, I had to rely on my own efforts. The beginning of this war is also a reshuffle for ancient times, which is not only a threat but also an opportunity. If ancient times finally wins, it will eventually become a powerful and harmonious race for ancient times, but once many changes eventually occur, ancient times will no longer be able to gain a foothold in the universe. This war has already overwhelmed the ancient capital. Then all sentient beings in ancient times will certainly do their best. We and other emperors just need to do what they should do.

The breath of the Cold Emperor dimmed again. In fact, what he said is very competitive. In this era of the law of the jungle, the original conservatism and infighting of the ancient side made the two powerful foreign races seize the opportunity. If the ancient side did not have so many infighting, it would become an absolutely powerful race. I'm afraid that at that time, the ancient side would exchange with the roles of the gods and demons and become the role of an invader rather than a defender. After all, everything is a cycle of cause and effect. Nowadays, ancient times have suffered endless pressure, and the two races of gods and demons are extremely crazy in exotic space.

"Damn ancient ants, we will soon break the seal, and then you will bear the incomparable anger of our pronomy. Humph..."

Protos began to attack unintercessantly with the emergence of strong men with divine dignity. In order to break the seal of space barriers, this time with the continuous attack and the passage of time. The holy power of the four ancient holy beasts finally began to show signs of loosening due to the passage of energy. At the same time, the strong men of the demon clan are also led by Jackson, constantly attacking over the exotic space. The energy balls bombed by the upper demon god are all equipped with earth-destroying energy. With the increasing attack, the impact of the explosion of energy is just around the corner to break the seal of the exotic space.

"Brother Erebus, let Protos work harder. In any case, it cannot be restricted by this seal. Damn ancient ants think that relying on the sealed turtle shell is like resisting the army of our divine clan outside the ancient space? Humph, it's really delusional. You should know that our Protoss has more than 1 billion strong men with divine dignity, and they will show the sharpest offensive in exotic space. I'd like to see how long the turtle shell sealed by the Four Heavenly Emperor can last..."

King Sarnaga was a little embarrassed and angry at this moment, because he never thought of it. The divine army will have no more progress in the exotic space. Originally, it had always been thought that when one billion strong gods with divine dignity entered the exotic space, they would be invincible and invincible all the way. However, it is now sealed in the land of bullets in exotic space. It's not that they, as the masters of the Protoss, are unwilling to appear and break the seal. Mainly because they are also waiting, and the life and death of the clan are just the consumables of this war for them. As long as they can win this war, everything can be sacrificed to them. As long as there is a "tower of faith", the whole Protoss will have endless strong men to support this powerful race.

"Don't worry, brother, now that Protoss knows how to break this seal. When the billions of troops are all in a foreign space, the endless holy power will be the weight to break the seal of the other party. They will use the sharpest offensive to break the seal condensed by the Four Heavenly Emperor with the help of the power of reptiles..."

Erebus has several powerful spirits everywhere. At this moment, Protos, who is in an exotic space, feels the pressure from above. So he began to combine with all the armies of the Protoss and prepare to launch a joint attack on the space barriers in exotic space.

"Damn ancient ants, four villains, do you think this can stop our demon clan? Jiejie... How about as the energy cancels each other, soon the seal of the exotic space will crumble. At that time, the iron hooves of our demon clan will** pound the yellow dragon. I want to see how your ancient ants resist..."

At this moment, Jackson is commanding the army of the purgatory demons and gods, who are constantly pouring into the demons' camp, and have also launched the strongest attacks. This time, breaking the space seal has become the top priority, but now the ancient emperors can only sit back and watch the power of the seal be slowly exhausted because of some of their own limitations. However, with the continuous roar of the ancient Qingming, the sacred power of the four holy beasts to maintain the power of the seal also began to slowly show signs of loosening. When the power of the seal disappears to an unsustainable extent, the whole ancient times will face the invasion of light and darkness. If ancient times fall into panic, then everything will be instantaneous. Intermediate into flying ash.

In an instant, one side attacked to defend, and the competition between the spear and the shield was still 3,000 years. At this time, the power to seal the exotic space on the ancient Qingming began to show a straight downward situation. Nowadays, although all sentient beings are waiting at the seal of the exotic space at this moment, the evil energy and holiness power in the exotic space have become stronger and stronger. It seems that the sealing power was consumed faster than the expectation of the Four Heavenly Emperor.

"What should the two masters do? Now the holy power is still about to disappear. Although we use the method of joint attack to turn the power of the holy beast into the power of sealing, as the energy of the gods and demons continues to impact, the seal will soon be broken. I can still feel the madness and arrogance of the strong people of the two clans. Now all sentient beings in ancient times are in a state of panic. Once the seal is opened, I'm afraid that ancient times will suffer. We can't watch the people die in vain..."

Jianwen and Dao Xiangtian appeared in front of Emperor Yan and Emperor Han. Because of the great pressure in ancient times, the power of the seal will soon be broken. If they don't make any reaction now, once the seal is broken, the ancient danger will be imminent. For the sake of all sentient beings in ancient times, as the sword of the Qing Emperor and the Red Emperor's knife to the sky can no longer stand it.

Just when the ancient party was worried, the vision resurrunged above the ancient Qingming. At this time, the colorless Thunderbolt is intertwined into a horrible and evil practice, constantly walking on the ancient Qingming, with bursts of roaring, which seems to indicate that evil and crazy desires will soon break the barrier of exotic space.

The eyes of the ancient sentient beings showed hesitation. Now that the crisis is coming, even if they sacrifice themselves to defend the ancient times, the strength of the other party is beyond the scope they can bear, so that a battle that is not directly proportional is about to begin. As for whether it is the loss of life or success, the success or failure will be on the four heavenly emperors and the divine supreme dragons who turned the war.

At this time, the Four Heavenly Emperor was anxiously considering how to deal with it. However, suddenly from outside the universe, a powerful star force integrated into the sealing power in the exotic space. The sealing power of the four sacred beasts was strengthened to the peak in an instant, and it was twice as strong as the sealing power of the Sifang Heavenly Emperor.

"What's going on? Is it against the sky..."

When the Sifang Tiandi was surprised why the sealing power suddenly increased, at this time, Emperor Yan thought of the dragon against the sky. It is true that the dragon is against the sky. The Buddha buried in the dragon wall in the depths of the universe borrowed the power of the stars to increase the power of the seal. The purpose is to delay the seal for a period of time. Although this period of time will not be too long, it can at least persist until the official exit of the Four Heavenly Emperor.

A battle between spear and shield, no one has the upper hand for a while...