Ancient War

Chapter 415 Fury and Crazy

In order to achieve the minimum cost, the ancient sentient beings plunged the gods and demons into the abys and quagmire of war, and did not hesitate to put the ants of the gods and demons into ancient times. Because only in this way will the masters of the gods and demons not be angry in foreign space, so that the ancient party will not be directly under the pressure brought by the masters of the gods and demons in a short time.

"What's the matter? Why didn't the ancient army bring back any news? Could it be that the ants on the ancient side were really afraid of the supreme power of our demon clan and chose to kneel down here one after another? Humph, how about it? It's really delusional for you to compete with our demon clan for the leadership of the ancient times. Once our demon clan occupies ancient times, they will immediately go to war with you. At that time, Protos will let you know that Jackson will definitely make you pay the price. Such a humble place, I also want to be compared with my demon clan. You should know that the majesty of our demon clan is all over the universe. If it hadn't been for you stupid Protoss, our demon clan would have occupied the whole universe and become the real master. You will pay for everything you do..."

At this time, Jackson did not know that the first demon army in ancient times had all been killed. It's just that the ancient side did not make any resistance, and was waiting for the crazy dispatch of a large army to enter, watching Protos madly drive his army into ancient times. Jackson's anger rose to the extreme for a moment. In his eyes, if it hadn't been for the order of the demon god Aino, he would never have wanted Protos to show weakness. With the strength of his patriarch of the Purgatory Demon God, it can be said that there is no problem to be equal to Protos. So this weakness is a shame for Jackson. That's why he is extremely looking forward to a real war with Protos.

"Accelerating the speed of entering ancient times is to put the strongest pressure on the ancient ants, so that they have no room for response at all. In the end, they will always be slaves to us. Attack me, hurry up. If you encounter resistance, you must kill the ancient ants by any means. If you have the opportunity, don't let go of the ants of the Protoss. Because they don't deserve to be compared with our demon clan.

Jackson's eyes showed an extremely gloomy color. At this time, he desperately urged his army to enter ancient times. However, at this time, Protos, who saw that the demon clan was so crazy, began to send his mixed army into ancient times. This time, he did not only compete with the demon clan for the initiative in ancient times, but also to make the glory and glory of the Protoss and his future status.

"Well, damn demon ants, as long as I can take the lead in this war. At one point, my Protoss occupies ancient times, and Jackson will definitely make you pay for your arrogance and arrogance. Death will be your final knot. Once the gods and demons go to war, I will definitely fight with you. If you are not convinced, come here. I would like to see how the patriarch of the Purgatory Demon God of the Demon Clan has made progress in the past ten thousand years..."

Protos actually despised Jackson. It seems that he has a strong confidence in his own strength, but he doesn't know what happens next, which will put all the armies of the gods and demons into a stagnation. The ancient sentient beings set a trap for them to completely fall into, and there was no chance to react at all. However, what the ancient side did also completely led to the craziest situation of the two armies of gods and demons.

"Well, ancient times, you want to protect ancient times again after hundreds of millions of years. It's really delusional. This time, our demon clan has gathered eight powerful masters, and it is absolutely not a problem to deal with your damn existence. In ancient times, under the iron hooves of our demon clan, there will never be a place to turn over. Even if you are given hundreds of millions of years, you still can't escape the fate of slavery. Delusion to change his fate through the passage of time, Jiejie... is like being kicked in the head by a donkey, thinking nonsense. Our demon clan will not allow any chance to turn over in ancient times. After this war, the demon clan will depict the glory and glory to the extreme..."

Jackson began to send the strong men of the purgatory demon clan into the army, because the pross army had entered. In order to kill all the army of the Protoss in ancient times, Jackson has begun to do whatever it takes. However, in today's situation, ancient times were not like this, because all the armies of the gods and demons entered first were completely killed by the ancient strong. However, with the emergence of the strong man of the Purgatory Demon Family in the demon army, the situation on the battlefield quickly returned to the exotic space.

"What? The damn ancient ants actually bombarded all the army of our demon clan. Damn it, pass on the situation to the patriarch, or it will be too late..."

Just as tens of thousands of mixed armies composed of purgatory demons entered ancient times, they suddenly found that the army of demons that had entered earlier had been killed. Only some corpses can be seen, and none of the ancient sentient beings have been seen. This situation surprised the strong men of the Purgatory Demon Family. Just as they were preparing to send the news back to the exotic space, the ancient sentient beings suddenly came out and launched the strongest attack on them. Even if the strong men of the Purgatory Demon God clan are among them, they can't withstand the sad and angry attacks of so many ancient strong men. It seems that the ancient party has been at all costs in this war.

"Damn it, damn it. The humble ancient ants actually conspired..."

Although the strong man of the Purgatory Demon God clan was angry, he faced such a strong attack launched by the ancient party. He also began to gather his own strength and prepare for a defensive counterattack. However, the hard attack of the ancient party will not leave any room for the ants of the demon clan. Just as the demon clan was besieged and suppressable, the army of the Protoss began to enter ancient times. However, what awaits them is also the head-on attack of the ancient sentient beings. As soon as the mixed army of the divine arbitrators and messengers of light entered ancient times, it was attacked by the descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperor led by the sky and the disciples of Jianmen. After all, the number of Protos forces entering ancient times was relatively small. Therefore, the ancient side also made a targeted defense plan. However, on that day, they bombarded the dome and found that their expectations were wrong. Because the arbitrator of the Protos and the strength of the Legion of Light Messenger are several levels higher than that of the ants of the Demon Clan, and they did not receive much good results under the same blow. Instead, the Protos army, which had not yet come out of the space channel, returned again. However, none of them has run away.

"Damn it, my ancient sentient beings must leave this group of damn Protoss ants at all costs. Because when the next attack comes, there will definitely be strong people of the Protoss. The pressure on the ancient side began to increase. The people kill..."

The sky never thought that things would go to this point. In fact, he did not suffer such a situation. Together with many ancient strong men who blocked the demon army, they also did not expect that the mixed purgatory demon god would forcibly bombard one of the strong men of the purgatory demon god family back to the transmission channel at all costs. Under the current circumstances, even if ancient times destroyed all the enemies in front of them, they could not stop the next crazy attack of the gods and demons.

"Damn demon ants, I didn't expect them to be so crazy. In ancient times, all sentient beings listened to the order, hid their breath, and waited for the arrival of the army of gods and demons. Because the leaders of the gods and demons must have fallen into a crazy rage at this time, because all the situation did not appear as they imagined. Next, the two clans of gods and demons will inevitably increase the strength of the army, and it is time for the strong men in their clan to appear. People, death is indispensable for war. We will protect the ancient times at all costs. It doesn't matter if you die..."

The voice of Taiyi spread throughout the ages. All the ancient sentient beings then disappeared and hid themselves. Because under the current situation, since the army of gods and demons suffered great losses in ancient times, this Jedi will not make ancient times better. Next is the cruel beginning of the war...

"What? The ancient ants were so rampant. Humph, the purgatory demon family obeyed the order and sent tens of millions of strong men of the purgatory demon god clan, plus hundreds of millions of upper demon gods to form a 200 million army. Immediately, the troops will be sent to ancient times. After you enter, the army of demons and gods will come next. Don't let go of these damn ancient ants. I'm going to frustrate them..."

Jackson came back from serious injury to tell him the ancient news when he heard that he was under his command. For a moment, anger filled his mind. The intention of killing exploded in an instant. At this moment, he began to eliminate the purgatory demons and the upper demon gods to form a mixed army. 200 million troops were dispatched at a time, and then the army followed up. Under such circumstances, I'm afraid that the war of attrition could not be sustained in ancient times. After all, the strength of the purgatory demons and the upper demons cannot be underestimated.

"Damn ancient ants, give it to me." The strong in the Tower of Faith will listen to the order. All of you will enter the ancient times, and I will send hundreds of millions of strong men with divine dignity to follow, and the army of arbitrators will march into hundreds of millions. I don't believe that this war will not cost you and other ants..."

Protos is actually crazier than Jackson. Not only does the number of troops exceed that of the other party, but the strength of these departments is also much higher than that of the other party. The ancient side will be under terrible pressure under the fury of Jackson and Protos.

"If you flatten me, an ant can't let me go. I want to kill the ancient ants one by one to let them know that the majesty of our god clan is absolutely unprovocable. Damn demons, you can't imagine that ancient times were not easy to deal with..."