Ancient War

Chapter 419 Corpses are everywhere

The strong breath, the strong men in the Luoxia Mountains come out. The leading old man in gray exudes a terrible atmosphere from time to time, and his strong cultivation makes the ancient sentient beings present look sideways. Including Yan Zhan, he did not expect that his comrades-in-arms who thought had died in battle hundreds of millions of years ago would appear at this time. In fact, the strong men of both gods and demons did not expect that there would be hundreds of millions of strong men who could touch the edge of becoming gods in ancient times.

"I am a psychic family, and I will never let go of such humble people this time..."

As soon as this word came out of an extremely strong breath, it immediately attacked the place of the demon clan. If the dragon is against the sky, you will find that the breath emanating from the psychic family will exude the same breath as the star like the Wu family. In fact, it is true that the psychic family can be said to have been inherited from the Astral Wu clan. If the gods and demons had not been too strong at the beginning, and the star Wu clan could not escape the fate of the whole clan, I'm afraid that the psychic clan would not have been able to continue.

The annihilation of the witch clan has endured the psychic clan for nearly billions of years. If it hadn't been for the witches who forced the psychic king to appear, I'm afraid the psychic clan would have come to the end of the whole clan. However, in the current situation, the whole clan of psychics has come out in order to completely kill the ants of the gods and demons. Even if the whole clan died in battle and followed the star Wu clan, they had no regrets. After all, hundreds of millions of years of hatred have been suppressed for too long. If it hadn't been for the original Wuzu, the psychic king would never have been able to tolerate it until now. Now the two clans of gods and demons have once again suppressed the situation, and ancient times are also in danger. In order to save ancient times and avenge the destruction of the whole clan of the witch clan, the psychic clan appeared from the Luoxia Mountains under the leadership of the psychic king.

"Hmm, humble ants, even if Sarnaga and Aino come at the same time, don't expect to be able to cross the thunder pool. My psychic king will never step back..."

The old man in gray led the psychic family to appear, making the elders of the four ancient races look sideways. Because at the time of the first war, the psychic clan did not appear, but I didn't expect that the psychic clan that appeared now was almost the same as that of the witch clan. When the ancient sentient beings felt the fighting spirit emanating from the psychic clan, they were excited for a moment. Not only is morale high to the extreme, but also the fighting spirit is rising sharply. In this regard, the ancient side began to occupy the ancients again. In contrast, the strong men of the gods and demons began to show signs of retreat because of the appearance of the psychic clan. Because the strength shown by the psychics is really beyond what they can resist. Because at the beginning, the star Wu clan was able to resist the attack of the two armies of gods and demons with the power of the whole clan. However, the psychic clan appeared again on the ancient side. Under such circumstances, the army of the gods and demons began to shrink a little.

"Well, don't think that your appearance can stop the attack of our demon army. Jackson will never allow the glory of the demon clan to be destroyed by you and other ants..."

Jackson's tall demon body appeared in the ancient space, and as soon as he appeared, he threatened the psychic family and ancient sentient beings with an extremely strong attitude. However, when Jackson saw the psychic king, fear suddenly appeared in his eyes. Jackson never thought that he would be able to meet such a strong man again in ancient times, because the breath emanating from the psychic king was too similar to that of Wuzu.

"Hmm, ignorant ants. Jackson, you will pay for your arrogance..."

The old man in gray just hummed softly, which made Jackson's eyes look extremely apprehected. He never thought that now there were stars like the Wu clan that were destroyed at the beginning, and they could see where they could use the power of the stars for themselves. You know, at the time of the First World War, if it had not been because of the existence of the witch clan, the whole ancient world would have been occupied and enslaved by the demon clan. However, it was because of the existence of the astrous witch clan that the plan of the gods and demons did not succeed. Now that the strong man of the same kind has appeared again in ancient times, Jackson, as a pawn, has already felt the strength of the star-like Wu clan. However, after he feels the same breath again, fear continues to spread and sprout in his body for a while. However, Jackson forcibly got rid of his fear in an instant.

Huh? How can I feel this way? It's really damn. No one can scare me for a long time. Why is the breath emitted by the ancient ant, which claims to be the psychic king in front of me, be so strong, and why can't the fear in my heart be eliminated..."

Although Jackson led the Purgatory Demons and many upper demons into ancient times, he still felt great pressure in the face of the psychic king. The psychic clan in front of him and the stars that have been exterminated are as strong as the Wu clan, and he is not sure that he can defeat each other. However, as a strong man of the demon clan and the patriarch of the purgatory demon god clan, even if he really can't fight against the psychic clan, he will not think that he can't defeat the other party. After all, the army of the demon clan is still swarming, and the breath of the upper demon god is constantly condensing. This time, he believes that even if the single strength cannot be against Anti- psychic family. But among the billion upper demon gods and hundreds of millions of purgatory demons, he does not think that the psychic family can defeat them. Thinking of this, the fear of the psychic family disappeared.

"Humph, go to hell..."

The hot knife suddenly burst out, and the fear that had been lost in Jackson's eyes actually appeared again. Although the psychic clan in front of them is almost the same as the star Wu clan, their attack method is different from that of the star Wu clan. They not only have strong cultivation in their bodies, but also can use the power of stars they feel. Unlike the stars like the Wu clan, the simple main spiritual power is to fight against the gods and demons.

The hot knife light, with incomparable combat power. The psychic king seems to be a simple blow, and the energy contained in it has exceeded Jackson's imagination. Because he felt that the energy contained in this blow was really beyond his resistance, Jackson instantly retreated into the army of demons to avoid such a crazy attack.

However, even so, the strong and upper demon gods of the purgatory demons have launched the strongest attacks to resist the blow of the psychic king. However, the knife light swept by in an instant, and countless explosions kept coming. After the attack of the psychic king, the cannon fodder-level army and the backbone of the demon clan. Hundreds of millions of dollars were lost under one blow. Nearly 10 million of purgatory demons were killed with one blow. What a divine power this is. Jackson began to sweat coldly for no reason, and his fear was also rising. After all, under such circumstances, Jackson's strength could not be compared with the psychic king at all. Jackson, who hid behind the army, trembled violently all over.


Countless bodies fell from mid-air and fell heavily to the ground. For a moment, the black magic blood kept pouring out, and the remains of the limbs also scattered, and the tragic situation was extremely horrible. However, the morale of the ancient side rose instantly because of the attack of the psychic king. The ancient sentient beings led by the Zhu Rong clan and the Gonggong clan were madly resisting the attack of the Protos. Because of the appearance of the psychic king, Protos and his army paid attention to the behavior of the psychic king. With the terrible blow from the psychic king, the Protos were in a state of emergency. Because of this, the ancient sentient beings seized the opportunity, countless hot swords and swords came out, and the Protoss army fell from the void one after another, falling to a vague end. The pale golden blood blended with the black magic blood, presenting a scene of incomparable fear. Like purgatory.

"Damn it, the strength of this psychic king is too strong, and my sinful demon god is not his opponent. Look at the side of the Protoss. After all, the Protoss will not see that the psychic family is extremely strong.

The sin demon god looked at the army of the two groups of gods and demons who were constantly killed in battle, and he did not appear to fight against the psychic king. Because the hand of the psychic king just now has made him feel threatened. He didn't think he could defeat the other party easily, so he was still holding back. After all, he knew that the Protos would not give up easily, and the billion upper demons under his command did not all enter the ancient times. In other words, it was just some cannon fodder-level demons who died in battle, which was not a loss at all for the demons, so now he is still paying attention to it. After all, his task is to fight against the ancient emperors with the seven most powerful demon gods.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that there would be such a strong existence in ancient times, and the damage of our pros army began to intensify. I, Protos, can't make you happy..."

Protos appeared holy light in an instant, like a dazzling ball of light in ancient space, and the dark golden light seemed to purify everything. The holy light kept condensing, and the space showed signs of collapse.

"The Purification of the God of the Holy King's Fury..."

The power of horror holiness keeps rising, and the energy of the Protoss rises to the extreme in an instant. The huge energy beam then roared in the ancient camp. Even if the Zhurong clan and Gonggong clan are extremely strong, many other ancient strongmen still can't resist such a crazy attack. The descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperor led by Tianqiong were bombarded and killed by tens of millions. At the same time, the energy column swept by and countless ancient sentient beings were killed. In the ancient void, countless ancient strong men lost their vitality, or turned into limbs and corpses scattered in ancient parties, or were directly bombarded into flesh and blood. In this case, Protos's such a fierce blow was not weaker than the psychic king.

As the ancient strong men and the gods and demons bombarded each other, the three armies died in battle one after another. For a while, it became a battlefield of death, full of blood and corpses, and death was constantly condensing.