Ancient War

Chapter 459 Heavenly Emperor's Power


The ancient sentient beings finally burst into amazing roars again with the appearance of all the Four Heavenly Emperors. After all, in the current situation, the strong men of the gods and demons appeared one after another. Although the gods and demons have become the same, they still aim to occupy or divide up ancient times. There will be no civil war for the time being, but after all, there is one thing that can be explained that if the ancient emperors do not appear, I'm afraid it will be really dangerous. With the emergence of Emperor Yan and Emperor Han, the situation on the ancient side changed again. In ancient times, all sentient beings are determined to form a city. At this moment, they must protect the ancient times. No matter whether they live or die, they have already been thrown away. What they have to do now is war.

"Are you and other ants of the gods and demons, do you really think that I would be willing to be occupied or enslaved in ancient times? It's really a delusion. You know that even if all my ancient beings die in battle, they will not easily give up any opportunity to protect the ancient times. You must also know that during the first war, our ancient side was brutally slaughtered, all because our ancient sentient beings only cared about their own internal struggles at the beginning of the war, and ignored the possible threats from outside. However, the two races are originally fighting with each other. For the sake of each other's selfishness and desires, they put me to death in this way. Is my ancient times really so easy to bully? In the First World War, I lost a lot in ancient times. This time, I also tried my best to protect it. I don't believe that the fish is dead and the net is broken. What can you get from ancient times?

Red flames appeared in Yan Lion's eyes, and the murderous will and fighting spirit kept rising. The million Nanming swords and Yan Feng who followed Yan's battle appeared beside him at the same time. At this moment, as Emperor Yan, one of the ancient emperors, his personality is getting hotter and hotter. Everything he said is indeed so. There is no doubt that it would have been possible to suffer such a big loss if the ancient party had ignored the external threat at the beginning of the first "God and Demon War". However, it was also because of the lesson of the first failure that Yan Lion felt the same way. The same is true throughout the ancient times. He has to fight to save the ancient times.

"War... Now that the four heavenly emperors have gathered, and all my ancient sentient beings, even if all of them die in battle, these damn gods and demons and ants of the two races are absolutely unforgivable. Such a disregard for the lives of my ancient sentient beings, want to deprive us of our living space, and seize my ancient homes. All these ancient sentient beings absolutely cannot Tolerance, all this will cost you the damn place. Even if the whole family died in battle, they would not lose their dignity, because their humble and ugly desires made our ancient sentient beings feel sick. If you want to occupy my ancient times, you are delusional. Since you want to fight, all sentient beings in ancient times will not give in to you..."

Many ancient strong men such as the domineering emperor Yin appeared on the battlefield one after another, but now they look a little embarrassed. Tianqiong and Taicang led the descendants of the Four Heavenly Emperor, and they all appeared behind the Four Heavenly Emperor. After all, they are not the four emperors or the capital, and the gap in strength is inevitable. This can be seen from their embarrassed appearance. The smoke of war is so strong, and the war is cruel. It has been famous for killing like a meat grinder since the beginning of the war. On the whole battlefield, there are corpses everywhere. Whether it is the gods and demons or ancient times, the three parties have lost tens of billions of dollars. If we add the sacrifices forcibly opened by the demon clan in order to start the war in advance. In this way, it is unclear what is the reason for such a large-scale loss. Is desire really that important? Seeing that the ancient emperors led the ancient heroes, they didn't care about the strong men of the gods and demons at all, so this battle was already a decisive battle. Life and death are in between.

The ancient sentient beings spontaneously came together at this moment. They all followed the Si Tiandi and Jidu. Although ancient times were at the stage of being attacked by the enemy, the Sifang Tiandi appeared together, which was not easily defeated by the gods and demons at all, and there were also the four ancient holy beasts. The unknown method of joint attack may make the gods and demons pay a heavy price. At this moment, the four sacred beasts of ancient times are constantly wandering on the path of Xuanao. Now the morale of the ancient side has risen to the peak. At this moment, the performance of ancient times has shocked the gods and demons. After all, with the gathering of the four heavenly emperors, the ancient sentient beings are no longer the same as before, and the strong breath rises to the extreme. Compared with the arrogance and arrogance of the gods and demons, these are basically two different opposites. It is really strong, so strong that it is not weaker than the gods and demons at all.

"Damnly, I didn't expect that the whole ancient situation had changed so much after the appearance of the remaining two emperors in ancient times. Damn it, at least the other party is not weaker than us in terms of momentum. Let's see how the demon clan should deal with it. After all, they have appeared in the seven strongest places. If they can't destroy the Four Heavenly Emperor, then both sides can be injured, at least let our god clan pick up a leak, but our brothers , to find a way to kill all the tricks, because his existence really made me feel a little pressure. His breath was even stronger than his brother Luo Hu at the beginning. Didn't he die in battle long ago? Why does it reappear? Is it all an ancient conspiracy?

Beast Godbia pays attention to every move on the battlefield from time to time. After all, the current situation is really hard to say, because the performance of ancient times can be comparable to that of the gods and demons at the same time, and there is no disadvantage at all. In the current situation, if there is no major change, it is impossible for either party to occupy the ancient capital. However, I don't know whether the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan will be arrogant enough to directly provoke the Four Heavenly Emperor.

Brother Bia, now that our protoon has appeared as four protoon masters, why are they still in a state of waiting? Why don't we go and kill them? I want to see what ancient times have taken to resist the attack of our divine army. I don't believe that they can defeat our gods. As for the demon clan, I can directly choose to ignore it. After all, they will never be arrogant enough to dare to attack our divine clan. After all, under the current situation, they and we are evenly matched, and it is impossible to defeat each other. Looking at the performance of the eighth demon god of the demon clan, I already know that they all want to take action against the cube as we think. However, my choice is to choose Jidu directly. I don't believe that Jidu is one-to-four, and he can defeat our brothers. However, as for the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan, they must avenge the original arrow. Now they will definitely not let go of this opportunity, and there will be a good show soon.

Erebus's analysis is absolutely correct. Now the eighth demon god leads the other six most powerful demon gods and stares at the ancient four heavenly emperors. A trace of evil light appeared in the devil's eyes, and the current situation has explained everything. The seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan gathered together and really wanted to repay the hatred of the first "God and Demon War", but the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan may be disappointed. Because the strength of killing the demon god has only recovered to less than 60%, and the eighth demon god is the eighth demon god after all. He is not the demon god Aino. If it is the demon god Aino, then the situation is likely to change greatly. However, in the current situation, the Four Heavenly Emperor did not show any fear, but burst out to fight. It seems that the Qufang Heavenly Emperor vs. the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan will be staged again. But this time I'm afraid that the demon clan will return disappointed.

"Damn Four Heavenly Emperor, now the seven strongest demon gods of our demon clan have gathered together, and I want to let you know how horrible it will be to work together..."

The eighth demon god stared at the Four Heavenly Emperor for a long time, and the murderous intention in his eyes could no longer be defeated. Finally, it broke out, and the extremely strong combat power rose to the extreme in an instant. Then the seven strongest demon gods of the demon clan appeared in the void at the same time, and a powerful war carrier appeared. At this moment, the seven strongest demon gods appeared in the strongest posture, intending to kill the four strong enemies in front of them with one blow. The supreme magic power rose to the extreme, and the vortex of horrible evil energy also appeared randomly.

"Humph, will our four emperors be afraid of you? For the time being, you will lead the ancient side to resist the attack of the Protoss. We should let the demons know that in any case, they should not fantasize that they can defeat me in ancient times, and our four heavenly emperors will make them pay a heavy price.

The four emperors also appeared in the void with their weapons, and the four holy beasts roared on the green underworld. The power of the four powerful holy beasts rose to the extreme in an instant. At this moment, the ancient emperors gathered for the first time and appeared in the strongest posture. The anger in Yan Lion's eyes rose to the extreme, and the cold emperor also showed a cold murderous intention. The sword asked and the weapon in the hand of the knife to the sky swallowed the sword from time to time. Nowadays, the Four Heavenly Emperor, combined with the power of powerful holy beasts, is not weaker than the strongest of the seven demon clans. Moreover, the power of the four holy beasts of different colors instantly merged together, which was extremely strong and immediately integrated into the knife light and sword light. The Four Heavenly Emperor used the first formula of the joint attack method.

"Rumble... click..."

The simple attack of the ancient emperor made the seven strongest members of the demon clan feel great pressure. At this moment, the four sacred beasts surrounded them and made the strongest defense while attacking. It seems that it is impossible for the demon clan to easily defeat the ancient war, because the seven strongest of the demon clan were hit by Yan Lion and all of them retreated by thousands of feet. Such a terrible fighting power shocked the Protoss.

"Damn, it's so strong..."