Bounty World

Chapter 16 Zheng's old house (, this chapter is available)

"Miss, do you really believe that these two young people are bounty hunters from Tiannan?" The young man who took Xu Geminchan into the side cabinet asked softly.

Wang Jiaoer took a sip of drunken fairy grass and smiled, "Of course I don't believe it!" The white boy named Shao Yi is full of nonsense, but looking at his temperament, he is not an ordinary person. He should be a famous disciple, and he is not afraid that we know his origin. The young man named Xiangba seems to be dull. In fact, he is very steady and organized, which is comparable to Shao Yi's elegant posture. They are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and they are really two little brothers that people are looking forward to.

When the young man saw Wang Jiaoer showing admiration, a feeling of depression piled up in his heart and asked in a low voice, "Miss, let me investigate the origin of these two people. After all, in this Moxing Town, only 40 or 50 legendary demon elixirs are produced every year. These two obviously novices took out one casually, which is really a little suspicious.

Wang Jiaoer shook her delicate hand and said, "Wang Yu, don't you know the rules of our bounty chamber? Just buy the demon elixir and sell the demon elixir, and don't care about it. You don't have to check this matter. I will contact these two people in person. The secrets of their bodies don't need to be solved so quickly. It's a little mysterious and interesting.

After saying that, she covered her mouth and smiled, which made Wang Yu completely stunned.


The two upstart teenagers, carrying a large amount of imperial coins, stepped on the street more arrogantly.

To be precise, it should be an upstart teenager. Xu Ge put the imperial crystal card on his chest, touched it and touched it, and couldn't put it down. At the same time, he had a pair of big eyes, turning around for fear of being robbed. After many years of cultivation in Mazhai, Xu Ge has always been very wary of robbers.

He has not been robbed, but he has been robbed a lot.

Min Chan smiled and said, "Don't worry, but no one will think about it for 100,000 imperial coins. What's more, such a little money will soon be spent by us."

"Hey!" Xu Ge was a little embarrassed, "Although I know that money is something outside me, I just can't help it. I finally know the mentality of the upstart, fear and happiness coexist.

Min Chan said, "We will become poor later. We must buy a mansion in Moxing Town as soon as possible as our base."

Xu Ge said, "The choice of accommodation is not simple. Our current identity is very embarrassing, and our real identity cannot be made public. It's not good to be found by the enemies of the Zheng family.

Min Chan said, "I have already figured out where to live, Zheng's old house. As for the issue of identity, when I just left, I had already agreed with Wang Jiaoer in the name of the Bounty Guild. The safest place is also the most dangerous place. Those enemies certainly didn't expect us to be so bold.

Xu Ge said, "Don't Wang Jiaoer doubt it?"

"Of course not. The core force of the Zheng family is in Tiannan. We say that we are from Tiannan, so it is very reasonable to be familiar with the Zheng family Chamber of Commerce. Haha, I'm really a genius. This lie is very true.

Xu Ge remembered that Min Chan deliberately took a few steps behind just now and suddenly realized, "You just walked side by side with Wang Jiaoer. I still think it's strange that you are fooling people."

Min Chan smiled and said, "I think you are jealous?" As an invincible love master, Master Min, I advise you that you'd better pay more attention to a woman like Wang Jiaoer. This kind of woman, at your current level, is uncertain.

The two came to the deployment department of the city's government office specializing in managing housing and easily got the check-in permit. Of course, the reason for the ease was that on the one hand, the bounty chamber of commerce greeted, and on the other hand, they paid 80,000 imperial coins at once.

Such a large amount of money to buy a mansion with dozens of lives is willing to be accepted by any government agency.

Looking at the owner of the house with the words "bounty guild" written on the check-in permit, Min Chan smiled and said, "I didn't expect Wang Jiaoer to give us so much face. Our guild has helped us*."

Xu Ge smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that she gave us face, but we gave ourselves face. How many saliva did we spend at the Bounty Chamber of Commerce just now?"

Min Chan easily joked: "Anything related to the word "business" must have the mentality of bartering. You have to take something out and exchange it with others to get what you want. You just took out some saliva that you didn't even want, but you got a big house. This can be said to be a miracle of trade in this world.

The two made a noise and came to Zheng's old house.

The old house of the Zheng family was the stronghold of the Zheng family in Moxing Town before it was destroyed. Relying on this front position, a large number of western materials gathered here and then transferred to the counties of Tiannan.

For a month, as the stronghold was urged, the house with only a shell seemed lifeless. Although after discovering the massacre, the local government sent a large number of migrant workers to clean the whole house, you can still feel the breath of the dead shouting and crying from the house.

Min Chan stood in front of the door for a long time, changing his previous cynicism and casualness, and closed his eyes silently.

He once came to this old house for half a day when he was stationed in Xihua Mountain. The big housekeeper in it was a smart and capable person, which left a deep impression on him. Unfortunately, at this moment, the housekeeper, who always flashed with confidence and tenacity, has stepped into the yellow spring.

Xu Ge also put away his mouth and kept silent with Min Chan. At this time, only people who understand loneliness can feel this atmosphere. That year, his mother died in humiliation, and he never dared to forget the feeling of heartbreaking, but he did not dare to remember it completely.

Suddenly, a creak broke the mourning and silence. The crimson door opened from the inside out, and a woman in purple came out with a smile.

Xu Ge was surprised and said, "Wang Jiaoer, why are you here?"

But Wang Jiaoer pretended to be angry and said, "This makes me so unhappy. Your first sentence should be thank you. If it weren't for me, could you two Tiannan people who have never seen anything in the world enter here smoothly?

Min Chan took his mind and asked, "I don't know why Miss Wang is here?"

Wang Jiaoer smiled and said, "I came to this old house. On the one hand, I came to feel your gratitude, and on the other hand, of course, I plan to help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west. This old house has been abandoned for many days, and it is very dirty. I brought some people to help you clean it up and let them take care of your daily life for a while.

Xu Ge was surprised and said, "Miss Jiao'er is too polite. We thanked you for helping us clean the yard, and let the people in your house come here as servants, but it's too heavy."

Wang Jiaoer said angrily, "Don't refuse what you shouldn't refuse. Are you afraid that I will do something to do with the servants and poison you while you eat?

But Min Chan whispered, "I'm afraid that you will arrange an inside line among the servants and pass on our messages to you from time to time."

Wang Jiaoer pretended not to hear it and said, "These servants have been carefully selected by the Bounty Chamber of Commerce for so many years. Each of them is very professional and will definitely meet your various requirements, such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and even X service."

Xu Ge was almost scared to lie down when he heard this, but he saw Min Chan looking at him with a wry smile and said, "The world is like this. If you are serious, you will lose."

However, Wang Jiaoer ordered the two beautiful maids around him and said, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and invite your temporary master Mr. Shao and Mr. Xiang in."

Two maids in thin shirts quietly walked to Xu Ge and Min Chan, holding their arms, and their plump breasts seemed to inadvertently hit their arms.

Min Chan seemed to be used to this kind of scene. Despite Xu Ge's shyness, he smiled and took the lead in generously. And Xu Ge walked into Zheng's old house as if his head had been blown up.

The interior of Zheng's old house has been refreshed. Compared with the decadent vicissitudes outside the door, it seems to have entered a new world. Min Chan couldn't help admiring Wang Jiaoer. All the display arrangements such as stone mountains, inner lakes, gardens, etc. have been taken care of in an orderly manner, compared with the scene of passing the Shen family on that day.

Wang Jiaoer seemed to be more familiar than Min Chan. She led the two to the dining room and saw a large table of delicious food on the table.

Min Chan sat down leisurely and said, "Miss Wang seems to have something to ask us to do!"

Wang Jiaoer blinked her eyes cutely and said, "Mr. Shao is really smart. In fact, I'm not interested in your bounty guild. I want you to use the bounty guild to help me do something."

Xu Ge said, "There is also something that Miss Jiao'er can't do openly, which seems to be very troublesome."

Wang Jiaoer smiled and said, "Of course it's troublesome, otherwise, why do you think I should give me so much strength and capital?" If I provide you with this food for free, can you accept and enjoy it safely?

Sure enough, anything related to the word "business" must be bartered, and at least it is almost equivalent bartered. The saliva is worthless in front of smart businessmen!

Wang Jiaoer is very smart!

(The following 500 words is to celebrate the end of the first round of investigation, a special gift. If you don't like this, please blindfold your eyes and hurry up!)

At night, Xu Ge rarely slept in a soft bed, but he didn't feel very comfortable. He, who had always felt sensitive, came to a new residence, but he recognized the bed a little.

It's really a person born with a hard life, and the good days are sad.

At this time, there was a movement in Min Chan's bedroom next door, and only a woman's voice was heard whispering, which made Xu Ge feel very irritable.

"This bastard doesn't open a soundproof boundary when doing things. Fortunately, you are still a great monk."

In the room, Min Chan took off her clothes a little rudely, and a pair of slender hands walked rhythmically on her.

"Beauty, what's your name!"

"Well, my name is Linger." The tenderness of Linger's lower body was touched, and she was a little speechless.

"Oh, Linger, aren't you afraid that you will forget your name when you get up tomorrow morning after I invade you?"

Min Chan's left hand has reached the woman's thigh, and his right hand is left between her chest, knocking and kneading carelessly, making the woman feel a warm current overflowing from the bottom of her heart.

"It's an honor for slaves to spend a good night with the prince!" With a handsome face, charming smile and superb skills, I'm afraid such a good man can only meet once in his life.

Before Linger finished speaking, Min Chan's long tongue wrapped the other party's red lips like a sponge. After a burst of suction, Ling'er trembled rapidly.

It's really impatient. When you ask Liu in the depths, you will be so happy so quickly? Min Chan knew Linger's state like the palm of his hand, so he took off the other party's clothes.

However, the round and plump body is constantly overflowing with ripe fragrance, and several colors of pink, white and dark red are intertwined, making people feel blood. Ling'er is the most beautiful servant sent by Wang Jiaoer today. After years of training, she is still CZ. Although she knew that there would be such a day, Linger still closed her eyes and prepared to accept the upcoming storm, or resist the lingering death.

Min Chan did not want Linger, who was still a flower bud, to continue to lose in her painful desire. Finally, she opened her valve and waves of shocks to liberate her.

(Readers, for this text, I have uploaded it for more than ten minutes, and I am very concerned about the spiritual civilization construction of the majority of readers. If you want a more elegant reader, please leave a message in the comment area, and you will be satisfied!)