Bounty World

Chapter 29 The Power of Lovelorn

A large-scale demon hunting operation began, and a reward team of 1,000 people headed for Xihua Mountain. At the strong request of the two vice presidents, the first large-scale demon-watching battle of the Bounty Guild since its establishment began.

When they are sad, many people look at a quiet corner, hoping to bury those unbearable past events with crying, but many people hope to torture themselves to be exhausted and scarred by venting to forget the pain and sadness of the past.

Xu Ge and Min Chan are not the kind of people who hide by the bed and cry. They can feel the pain and know how to vent these pains. Only keep sweating, only keep fighting, and use blood to heal the pain.

What a sad idea it is that Min Chan's pain is not for himself, but for that poor woman, who has the right to survive in the hands of others and is eager to get love. Xu Ge's pain is not to be abandoned, but to have a strong desire for the first time. If she has power, will the smiling woman so decisively cut off the unstarted love?

So, the two young people need to wash their hearts and eyes through a battle and find the way they want to go.

The goal of this battle of the bounty guild with four strong teams is no longer limited to the edge of Xihua Mountain. They want to open up secrets in the depths of Xihua Mountain through this battle. But only a few of them have come into contact with powerful monsters in the depths of Xihua Mountain. So they divided into two 500-person teams, infiltrating from the north to Group 8 and Leikuo, and Group Shao and Tianjiu from the north.

The powerful team trampled the whole Xihua Mountain. Perhaps aware of the uneasiness in the air, ordinary high-level monsters hid in hidden places, hoping to avoid the invasion of powerful enemies, but the detective soldiers in the bounty hunter team showed superb skills. As long as they swept the place, the large monsters were almost extinct.

"It's really strange that I didn't see a legendary monster!" Xu Ge said strangely.

Lei Kuo said, "Legendary-level monsters basically have wisdom. They will definitely notice such a large-scale march."

Xu Ge pondered: "So we are likely to meet a group of monsters. In the face of the powerful threat, the monsters that have always fought separately may form a group. After all, in the face of death, monsters, like human beings, will choose the greatest chance of survival.

Lei Kuo touched the bone sword and said, "Now there are two ways. First, speed up the speed, give up the current more stable carpet-style way of sweeping monsters, and directly attack and smash the intention of gathering monsters. Second, change the battle mode and prepare for a super-scale group battle."

Xu Ge said: "The group war is too destructive to the brothers. When a large-scale battle breaks out, it is impossible to have no death rate."

Lei Kuo sighed and said, "But if we give up reconnaissance, we will be unlucky to encounter mythical monsters. In that case, the mortality rate is higher."

Xu Ge thought for a moment and said, "There is another way, that is, I will lead a team of elites, speed up the propulsion, rush to the place where the legendary monsters are most likely to gather, and constantly interrupt their plans. And you lead the main force to play steadily in the back.

Lei Kuo said, "It seems that your personal heroism has begun to break out again, but this method is not necessary. Be sure to ensure the contact between the front troops and the main forces behind."

Xu Ge said, "I think we will be very relieved to have Yin Yu take on this role."

The sound of breaking the sky came, and a team of elite teams of master-level hunters began to shuttle through the depths of Xihua Mountain. Although except for Xu Ge, they all entered this place regarded as a legend by the bounty world for the first time, they showed extraordinary quality.

In many battles, bounty hunters have seen the strong power of their partners around them. They have confidence in themselves and their partners around them.

After running for a long time, Xu Ge suddenly stopped in front of him and said, "I feel something is wrong. You go and survey the nearby terrain."

After half an hour, the child ran over and said a little panicked: "Vice President, your guess is good. Judging from the current terrain fluctuations, a large number of monsters are gathering this side, and from the perspective of fluctuation intensity, there will be no less than 200 legendary monsters. And there is likely to be mythical monsters.

Xu Ge said puzzled, "Why do you say it's possible?"

The child style is a little bad: "Because I haven't seen a mythical monster, I just estimate it based on oral experience."

Xu Ge said, "This is the only way now. Yin Yu, please inform President Lei of the current situation quickly. After that, send someone to tell Shao Group and Xiang Eight Group that they must come from the north to support. If they advance quickly, they can eliminate the monsters in the south, while the monsters in the north are dragged by President Lei. And now we must control the propulsion speed of the monsters in the West.

"There may be the most monsters from the West, and I estimate that there are 100 legendary monsters," the child said.

Xu Ge muffled and said, "Now this method can only be adopted. If any one of the two main forces in the north and south meets the monster group in the west respectively, it may be destroyed. Only when the two main forces are gathered together can the monster group be completely killed."

Children's analysis said: "That is to say, we must block the largest group of monsters in the west until the two main groups eliminate the battle between the south and the north."

Xu Ge nodded and raised his breath and said, "Brothers, we are now facing a huge choice. First, we are afraid of death, withdraw to the main group behind, and then face the powerful group of monsters with the main group. As a result, we may save our lives and be stronger than our partners. The survival ability is intact in the group battle, but a large number of comrades-in-arms will lose their lives because of too powerful monsters. Second, fighting like warriors is now rushing to the largest monster to fight for time for the convergence of the main groups in the north and south. As a result, we may die in front of powerful monsters. There is no bone left, but we will strive for the advantage of victory for more partners and provide key strength for the main group to defeat the monsters.

"We are all flesh-and-blood people who have the right to choose in the face of death. At this moment, no one will say that you are cowardly."

"We are also strong-blooded people, and the great danger also represents a powerful opportunity. Through this battle, although it will be scarred, with this battle, we are more likely to achieve a great legend in the bounty world."

"Now the hunters who are willing to come forward to kill the enemy with me, and the hunters who are willing to stay in the rear can now return to the large army in the rear with Yin Yu. You are all elites, and no matter where you are, you will be needed!"

Xu Ge's impassioned words provoked the hunters to burst their blood. "We are all willing to fight against the biggest monster with the vice president."

It is almost crazy for 30 master hunters to fight against at least 50 legendary monsters, but isn't any legend or myth born in this madness?

When strength reaches a platform, the mood will also reach a level. For master-level hunters, they are more excited than afraid of the upcoming scene.

Yin Yu looked at the thick young man with some fluff on her face, and a faint excitement and sadness rose in her heart. She was happy that the teenager showed such leadership ability, but she was disappointed that she could not fight with him. She knew that the life and death of this elite team were in her hands. If she had sent the news to the two main groups earlier, she would have won a greater chance to survive for the elite team.

"It's not too late. I'm leaving now!" Without any hesitation, Yin Yu flew into the distance at a speed that was hard to imagine.

Looking at Yin Yujianyuan, Xu Ge said loudly, "Brothers, I'll go too!" Cut off the heads of all monsters.