Bounty World

Chapter 34 Thunder Tiger's Calculation

Three months later, although the bounty guild has sent a large number of scout hunters one after another, it has not received any news from Xu Ge.

"Today is the day to erect statues. Brother Shao, let this stone sculpture of Xiang brothers comfort the soul." Tiger Thunder said lightly.

Looking at the sunny face of eight in the statue, Min Chan frowned but didn't say much.

"Brother Shao, can you agree to the resolution discussed by the core group of the guild last time?" Lei Kuo's topic turned around, and it was obvious that this was what he wanted to know most.

Moxing Town has now entered winter, and the cold wind has blown and it is a little shady.

Min Chan said lightly, "I do not disagree with the resolution to let Ge Xiuniang lead the Eighth Regiment, but now we are facing a bigger problem. The Bounty Chamber has suppressed the price of our elixir many times. The reason is that the production of our legendary elixir has become higher and the market is gradually saturated, so the price is low. As you know, this reason is not reliable. For so many years, the price of the legendary elixir has been controlled in the hands of the Bounty Chamber of Commerce. If a demon elixir is sold, it will yield three to five times the profit. Now we have to gradually get the pricing power of the demon elixir into our hands.

Lei Kuo was a little unhappy and said, "Of course what Brother Shao said is reasonable. However, the pricing power to control the demon elixir cannot be finalized in a day. This requires a long period of careful planning, and at present, Xiang Eighth Regiment lacks the backbone, which is likely to bring unknown risks in the face of powerful monsters. I think Brother Shao knows which is more important.

Min Chan did not answer positively: "At present, the brothers of the Bounty Guild work together and work together. Although there is no Xiangba, the Xiangba Regiment is more united. If a person in charge is changed, I am afraid that it will destroy this atmosphere on the contrary."

Lei Kuo whispered, "I also know that you have a deep friendship with Xiang Ba's little brother, but you can't come back to life. The Bounty Guild can never live in an illusory spirit. If Xiang Eighth Regiment has no owner for a day, then the Bounty Guild will have some uncontrollable danger for a day."

Hearing Lei Kuo gradually talk about the topic, Min Chan didn't want to turn his face directly. He sneered, but said with no expression on his face, "President Lei's decision must be far-sighted. In this case, the topic of the Eighth Regiment will be discussed again at tomorrow's court meeting."


"This boy is really very cunning." Wang Wan listened to the man spit out a basin of bitter water and sneered, "If you don't pay attention, this bounty guild will be completely in his hands one day!"

"Well, if it hadn't been for my thunderous arm, how could those bounty hunters have rushed to the bounty guild. Shao Yi is a big guy. I have known for a long time that I would never let him succeed!"

The man is none other than the president of the Bounty Association, known as one of the five bounty tigers in Xihua Mountain.

Lei Kuo drank all the wine in the bowl, stuffed a piece of tender meat into his mouth, and said, "President Wang, this little guy Shao Yi is not old, but his mind is really deep. He has been with him for half a year. I have never guessed his action. Unfathomable! Unfathomable!"

Wang Wan smiled and said, "Thunder Tiger, known as a literary and martial arts talent, can't beat a hairy child. You really like to joke."

Lei Kuo finished drinking another bowl and said with a wry smile, "Now the Bounty Guild seems to be me talking alone, but it's not at all. Shao Yi's boy obediently put his more than 200 hunters, and the team led by Xiang Eight was actually comparable to me.

Wang Wan said, "Isn't Xiang Ba dead? Can the hairy child still fly to the sky in the bounty guild?"

Lei Kuo said, "I, Lei Kuo, am actually a stupid person, but the boy seems to have seen through my plan and always led me around on the issue of the Eighth Regiment. First, he dragged me on the grounds that Xiang Eight might not be dead, and then on the grounds that the previous battle of Xiang Eighth Regiment was too depleted and needed to be re-equipped. It has been three months in a blink of an eye. Now it is conditional on seizing the pricing power of the demon elixir. Alas!"

Wang Wan pondered for a moment: "This boy is a little general demeanor. If he is in troubled times, he must be a hero. Unfortunately, Mao has no power now. We must not let him gain power!"

Lei Kuo smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know that I'm raising a tiger, but this boy is close to the wind and is deeply loved by many reruly hunters."

Wang Wan picked up his small cup and said calmly, "In this case, we will meet his requirements. Let him set a certain pricing power. After looking at him, there is any reason to delay you to collect the power.

After hearing this, Lei Kuo stopped drinking. He seemed to be surprised, but he smiled and drank another bowl of wine.

Wang Wan secretly said in his heart: Tiger Thunder really lives up to his reputation, but he put me in a cage. But it doesn't matter. It's all on the same chessboard. Who knows whether you play with me or me?


"Did Lei Kuo meet with Wang Wan today?" Min Chan sneered.

"Yes, it seems that President Lei has reached some kind of agreement with the Bounty Chamber of Commerce!" Yin Yu said lightly.

Min Chan pointed to the chair at the table and hinted that Yin Yu would sit down, but he stood up. He walked a few steps and smiled and said, "Tomorrow morning, Lei Kuo will definitely force me to agree to Ge Xiuniang to take over the Eighth Regiment on the grounds that the Bounty Chamber of Commerce has accepted the original price of the demon elixir."

Yin Yu hated: "I didn't expect Chairman Lei to be such a person. On the surface, he is bold and unrestrained, but in fact, he is resourceful."

Min Chan shook his head and said, "Lei Kuo is not a bad person, and I admire him a little. He has his own dream in his heart and dares to fight for it, which few people can achieve.

Yin Yu said disdainfully, "If he let Xiang 8th Regiment fight with Shao Yituan on that day, he will definitely not allow Xiang Vice President to make such a dangerous move without authorization."

Min Chan said, "Lei Kuo also worked hard on the combat power arrangement of the battle that day. He may want to weaken the strength of the Eighth Regiment through that battle, but he never wanted to kill that idiot."

Yin Yu said angrily: "On that day, President Lei could obviously enter the battlefield earlier and give support to the vice president, but he was so conservative that he missed the fighter."

Min Chan sighed, but why didn't he doubt that Lei Kuo had already had a deal with Wang Wan that day and secretly arranged that Xiang Ba could no longer walk out of Xihua Mountain? However, under such circumstances, even if his inference is 100% accurate, it will rot in his stomach. Because if there is a dispute, the bounty guild will definitely collapse. Regardless of his hope of revenge for the time being, he can't bear to see that these bounty hunter brothers may survive each other.