Bounty World

Chapter 41 The Art of Recognizing People

"In today's world, I admire five people, one of which is the myth of heaven and Heng. This man is the first person in the world in both magic and force; second, Min Xilai came from Xiding. Although people are ugly and picky, their wisdom is indeed the best in the world, and I can't reach them. Third, there is no one-minded chivalrous myth. Although his martial arts are not the best in the world, his heart of justice is admirable and the embodiment of good; his four Rus countries It took 15 years to become the king of a country from a bandit. This speed of rise is amazing; the fifth is Cui Shan, the owner of Longyuan City, Xichuan County. The art of knowing people is unparalleled in the world. If it weren't for his wise eyes, I, Qin Chuan, would have been dusted more or less." - Qinchuan's great emperor's myth Lin Jinhe language.

Cui Shan looked at Xu Ge with a faint smile, and his handsome and elegant demeanor made Xu Ge couldn't help shouting in his heart.

"I was born in a poor farmer in Xichuan County. In the first ten years, I had endless adventures and almost no systematic learning, but I had superb martial arts and a lot of wealth. At first, I didn't know why good luck always accompanied me, and finally I was accepted as a disciple by my master Hua Daozi. He told me all the secrets, and we knew that I had the innate skill of knowing people.

"I have seen all kinds of people in my life, but I can always judge people who are useful to me or people with great potential. At that time, when Emperor Qinchuan just had a team of only 100 people, I knew that this person was by no means a thing in the pool, so he had been following him to build the country.

"That day, I saw you in Xihua Mountain. At a glance, I judged that your potential was by no means a thing in the pool, so I tried my best to heal your wounds. Of course, you really surprised me. A few days ago, in order to save you, I finally got the cultivation method of the second gas reservoir, which laid the foundation for me to attack the mythical realm in the future.

"Of course, your actions are not limited to this, mainly because your starting point is still in chaos and is not clear. You don't know what you need, or of everything you know, there are so few things you can have now that you dare not reach out to get it.

Cui Ranran didn't expect his father to have such a high evaluation of the rude teenager in front of him. He couldn't help but be shocked and said, "Dad, you're exaggerating."

Xu Ge touched his head and said awkwardly, "Uncle Cui, I also feel that your words are a little too exaggerated."

Cui Shan laughed and said, "I'm afraid no one in the world dares to question my human knowledge except you two. Even if I have been away from the court for many years, Qinchuan Emperor recruits new officials every year, and he will definitely show me the details and screen them.

Xu Ge said, "Uncle Cui is right. I really don't know what I want yet?"

My mother was persecuted and died by the Mazhai people in her early years, but Mazhai was finally killed by an old grandfather, and the revenge has been revenged. Grandpa told himself not to look for him and said that he was predestined to meet, so he never wanted to find him urgently. Min Chan has a deep blood grudge. He wants to help, but he can't reach it.

Cui Shan said, "In the past few days, you can go to my bookstore. I will choose a batch of books from it. I believe you can get some insights from it."

Cui Ranran said, "It's really unfair. Usually, I want to go in, but my father doesn't want to."

Cui Shan smiled and said, "Every time you go in, you turn my bookstore upside down. I dare not take this risk."

Cui Ranran said angrily, "Just let me in. I promise I won't mess in."

Cui Shan looked at Xu Ge and looked at Cui Ranran and said, "Well, I will also pick some books for you. At that time, I will give you an exam. Don't lose your promise."

"Ah!" Cui Ranran felt that he had just put himself in a huge trap.

Despite Cui Ranran's desire to repent, Cui Shan picked up his back, like a beautiful Confucian student, stepped on the ground for a few steps, and flew out as if he had shortened the space distance.

Although he has seen the peerless martial arts of mythical money without trace, when his level reached a certain level and saw the performance of the closest mythical figure Cui Shan, Xu Ge not only had a sense of excitement in his heart, but also the heart with great power was beating.

After careful consideration, Cui Shan finally gave Xu Ge a book list.

The first book is called Wujing. Cui Shan seemed to see through Xu Ge. He knew that although Xu Ge had strong muscles and bones and peerless martial arts secrets, he was not clear about the knowledge of the primary entry. For example, the acupuncture points of martial arts practice, the simplest judgment skills when attacking each other.

The second book is called the Book of Wisdom. This book records the historical stories handed down from various dynasties of Qinchuan Emperor over thousands of years, and takes history as a lesson to tell the wisdom of predecessors and what future generations should know.

The third book is called the National Classic. This book records the history of the rise and fall of the two continents of Qinchuan and Yama for thousands of years, details the rise and fall of various countries, and finds certain reasons from it.

Fortunately, my mother taught me how to read, otherwise it would be impossible to understand such a profound book. Xu Ge thought to himself and looked with relish.

Xu Ge has loved reading since he was a child, so Cui Shan's request helped him realize a dream. He never refused to accept any knowledge. Even if his mother died for many years, he often secretly looked for some books in Mazhai. The bandits robbed everything, and even the books they couldn't understand moved to the village, which brought opportunities to Xu Ge.

After reading these books, Xu Ge was also thinking about what Uncle Cui wanted to find. Extreme force? Invincible wisdom? Human rights?

- Have supreme power!

Isn't this a crazy idea? But although it was crazy, it did not point the way for Xu Ge.

Although it is a bumpy road, it is a meaningful road!

Although it is a crazy road, it is suitable for a fearless person like Xu Ge!

Xu Ge needs strength, and he has never yearned for power like this.

If I have the power, I can easily know where Grandpa Qian is; if I have the power, I can easily help Min Chan find his enemy and avenge him; if I have this power, I can be more unrestrained and righteous than Mo Yiyi, so that all evils are subdued;. If I have this power, I can let Wang Jiaoer bow her head in front of me and let her throw herself into my arms...

"Don't have extraordinary force, don't compete with others, and live a peaceful life." The teenager is a piece of white paper. He is simple and sunny at the same time. He was entangled, but persistent. According to his mother's request, after her death, Xu Ge never thought of revenge on Mazhai and fighting for profits. But at this moment, the mother in plain clothes seemed to fade away.

Once you identify a goal, you will stick to it all your life and never give up.

"I want to have power." After many hardships, the simple teenager finally has a dream, although at this moment, it looks like a sky, more like the moon in the water.

But only when someone thinks about all dreams can they be realized.