Bounty World

Chapter 48 Draw!

There are not many people in the world who have seen blue blood and sunny days, not because the blue blood demon sect is not famous, but because blue blood and sunny days are a strange trick that even most people of the demon sect will not use.

A huge whirlpool came out of thin air in Bian Yu's eyes. He knew that the teenager opposite had let himself enter a special fantasy with his strange martial arts skills. Although the fourth "starry snow rain" has been able to affect the master of the master's realm, it will not bring a destructive blow to martial arts talents such as Bian Yu.

It's just a shaking god. Bian Yu has regained his mind. Even during the period when he was affected just now, one of his long swords also shines like the morning sun.

In a short time, it still brought Xu Ge an opportunity to attack regardless of the cost. The black spear was like a huge black rain, wrapping the whole body of Bian Yu.

Bian Yu was not in a hurry. He showed a strong defensive ability. The sun formed an impenetrable hot sword net, which imprisoned the whole space. From time to time, Bian Yu's strange sword light would penetrate the dark curtain in front of him and draw a deep wound on Xu Ge's body.

The top master of the master level is really not bragging. Although Xu Ge could easily deal with two master masters in the bounty hunter group before, he felt great pressure in the face of Bian Yu.

Bian Yu has sufficient experience in martial arts competition and has fought for more than a dozen rounds. He already knows that Xu Ge, who is opposite, has a strong tenacity. If it goes on like this, he will not get any benefits.

The powerful momentum is vertical and horizontal, and the black and yellow form a suffocating space in the street. The people around them can no longer stand nearby and are forced to go further and further by this powerful energy.

" hiss!" Xu Ge's chest was cut again, but the blood was evaporated by the flames in an instant.

The martial arts of Flame Mountain are mainly from Gang to Yang. Bian Yu looks weak, but in fact, both the power and the power and the true spirit are far beyond that of ordinary people. On that day, although the other three heroes were helpful for Xu Ge's injury, the most important thing was that Bian Yu was trying to control the scene, unify the true qi of the four people, and finally transformed Xu Ge's second qi.

Bian Yu has gradually got out of the surprise at the beginning, and his moves began to be unrestrained and freehand, which made people sigh. Xu Ge opposite slowly fell behind because he did not have much experience in fighting with people, and there were more and more scars on his body.

Bian Yu seems to be chic on the surface, but the more he fights, the more frightened he is. The teenager opposite is definitely a martial arts genius. He must not use his moves. Once he is old, the teenager will hide a stormy counterattack. Thanks to Bian Yu's great learning of martial arts since he was a child, many tricks have emerged one after another, which made Xu Ge fall into an endless crisis.

Xu Ge did not feel lost. His long-term experience has given this teenager an indomitable willpower. He was like standing under the Kaishan Waterfall. After every time he was washed away by the rain, he still stood stubbornly in the world.


The second gas reservoir is like a big gate opening, and the vast true gas overflows from it.

Xu Ge, who was pale red, became deep, and his strong momentum burst out of the black spear and shot straight into the fierce sun sword like a tangible.

Bian Yu didn't have time to react at all. She only felt a powerful force transmitted to her body through the hot sun, and a mouthful of blood spit out of her mouth. But he covered his mouth with his sleeves very quickly and did not let the situation fall into the eyes of the spectators around him.

Xu Ge's blow was like a Optimus Prime blow. The huge destructive force made him feel a little shocked, but after a spear stabbed out, he felt a sense of soreness, which came from the second gas reservoir. At this time, Bian Yu, who was slightly injured, turned around and chased him, rolled down the sun with one move, and knocked the black spear aside.

Seeing that the jade was like a broken bamboo, a handful of hot sun was about to pierce his heart. Xu Ge began to twist strangely, and a strong gas gushed out again from the second gas reservoir, making his whole body strangely move half an inch.

"It's a flat hand!"

Looking at the dark spear under his armpit, Bian Yu smiled freely and withdrew the hot sun on Xu Ge's neck.

In one breath, no one saw the change of the situation on the field. No one knew how Xu Ge avoided the sword stabbed his heart, and no one knew how Xu Ge still insisted on stabbing the accurate armpit blow under the condition of a complete disadvantage.

On the other side, no one will ever know how Bian Yu scratched the sword from the other party's heart to the other party's neck in such a short time.

"I heard that you will participate in this Xichuan martial arts discussion." Bian Yu was not killed on the battlefield just now, and she regained a faint elegance, and her handsome face looked a little pale because of the injury just now.

Xu Ge randomly pulled a few strips of cloth, bandaged the most serious injury on his chest to stop the bleeding, and said, "Yes, it's a pity that I can't meet you. Otherwise, you can have another fight.

Bian Yu smiled and said, "If you have to compete with me for another two years in the evening, I will never be your opponent. However, I want to tell you that I am nominally the eldest disciple of Flame Mountain, but I am not the real martial arts talent. The real genius of Flame Mountain is unrivaled. You are lucky to see this talk about martial arts.

Xu Ge said, "Can you ask what kind of state he has reached?"

Bian Yu said, "He is three years older than you. He is 19 years old this year. According to the news from yesterday, he has just broken through the master's realm and achieved the legendary level."

Xu Ge laughed at himself: "The 19-year-old legendary master is really exciting."

Looking at the thick and sunny teenager in front of him, Bian Yu shook his head and said, "I tell you that there are mountains outside the mountain, not to hurt your confidence, but to tell you that the dignity of our Flame Mountain will not only be protected by me. This time on martial arts, there are many masters. I hope you can get a good result.

Bian Yu jumped on the white horse and left like electricity. The humming lackeys were no longer arrogant. They lowered their heads and lame their legs, packed up their young master on a stretcher and slowly transported them away.

Cui Ranran looked at the bloody teenager in front of him, picked up all kinds of debris scattered on the ground, and smiled at himself with a sunny face, "Let's go, young lady!"

This is a strange person. There is no doubt why he shed so much blood and can laugh out loud. Looking at this teenager who was different from all the rich children he had seen, Cui Ranran finally put away his previous contempt. "I kind of know why Dad like him."