Bounty World

Chapter 61 Double Practice

The double practice of martial arts has always been known as the left-door, because few people can practice these two different martial arts above the legendary level. Of course, there will be exceptions to everything. Ren Heng, who is recognized as the first in the world today, has practiced martial arts and Tongtian spells, all of which have reached the peak that human beings can achieve.

Perhaps because of Ren Heng's success, a large number of monks began to squeeze on this road. For decades, I don't know how many masters of martial arts and martial arts have died when they hit the legend.

From the master's realm to the legendary realm, the meridians will be expanded once, and so will the monks rise from the realm of the great monk to the holy monk realm. If the masters of martial arts and martial arts want to impact the legendary realm, they must be able to withstand the danger of double expansion of tendons and veins.

On this road, the only person who has succeeded in ancient times and modern times is the myth of Tiandao Ren Heng.

But on this road, countless people have been groping, and any heart and Tang Wei are two of them.

The two teenagers who practiced martial arts in the field represent the current situation of practicing martial arts. If there is no miracle, their road to martial arts has come to the end.

Ren Yixin and Tang Wei don't seem to believe this. They try to give themselves more training through events such as Xichuan's martial arts, so as to pave a stronger foundation for the road of martial arts.

For some reason, the fourth most popular and fifth most popular seeded player in Jinfang met in the ring before entering the final. They are not too surprised and will not be angry with the arrangement of the black hands behind the scenes.

For them, it may be better to meet earlier and fight when both sides have sufficient power. Is there anything happier in the world?

One heart is an obscene teenager. He is neither romantic nor jade-tree. He is seven feet tall and has been half bowed, like a poor teenager who is not full of food. Although Tang Wei is ordinary, his figure is straight and handsome, and his temperament makes people feel like a general.

There is no opening, and the battle has already begun.

With a black iron bar in his hand, his image and posture are really difficult to see, but as a mysterious spell came out of his mouth covered with scum, a strange wind wave formed a wind wall four feet ahead. The wind wall is like a hard boulder, which not only blocks all the attacks in front of it, but also leaves a sufficient defensive barrier for itself.

Surely obscene is the king!

The contempt in Tang Wei's heart put away. This seemingly sloppy teenager actually guessed the large forbidden array he arranged in the ring as soon as he came on stage, which was really extraordinary. The wind wall is a simple three-level spell, which easily destroys large arrays of at least two levels or above, which not only surprises Tang Wei, but also makes some forensics in the field suddenly look at the obscene young man differently.

The wind wall probably supported the disappearance of three breaths, which is enough to accumulate his own strength. He doesn't seem to want to fight with Tang Wei, but just wants to fight with Tang Wei.

Tang Wei held a delicate staff in his hand, which was golden and dazzling. An acceleration spell was quickly applied, and his speed suddenly became several times faster.


Stone chips flew away, and any seemingly weak heart smashed a big hole in the whole ring. Tang Wei looked at it and shook his head. The opponent actually used a power increase, and he couldn't even know how he used it.

Xu Ge watched the battle and was shocked by the speed and strength of the two.

The explosive power of any heart is not even comparable to itself. In the attack just now, the general legendary monster will be killed in seconds without defense. Tang Wei's speed is half faster than Yin Yu's. Sure enough, it is true that both French and martial arts have more strength than the realm. The increase of powerful spells has won them more power.

Whone was not satisfied with his attack. The huge attack seemed simple, but it consumed a lot of his physical strength and mana. And Tang Wei obviously did not want any heart to attack like this, dodge, counterattack, and dod in one go. At this time, people seemed to find out from his quick movements that Tang Wei was also a martial arts master.

A fierce fight took place when it was tit-for-tat, pushing the whole field to a frenzy peak.

The obscene heart is not willing to attack Tang Wei face to face. While drawing charms in his hand, he escaped, as if he had forgotten the courage and domineering at the beginning of the battle. Tang Wei was not in a hurry, like a shark in the sea in the river, constantly biting his opponent.

The defense of both sides is also excellent. In the seemingly simple but explosive battle, they did not receive any substantial blow.

A flash floated by, and the most lethal lightning strike fell from the sky. The speed was extremely fast. Tang Wei had no time to avoid it at all, so he had to resist it.

The paralysis spread all over his body, but any heart on the opposite side was not pleasing. In order to release this second-level lightning strike, he abruptly ate Tang Wei's iron leg. The huge power made him turn around a few times in the air.


Seeing any obscene and funny rolling, the audience on the field began to laugh.

The court did not last as long as laughter, and did not wait for any heart to rise. Tang Wei made a surprising move. He raised his hand and said, "I surrender!"

The audience sighed, including ridicule and contempt for the weak and curses against the Ama.

"Poor Ama, why don't you run home directly, coward."

"Yes, as a samurai, he actually said surrender. Let's despise you."

Renxin didn't stand up directly and sat on the ground, dragging his voice and said, "I didn't expect you to be more obscene than me!"

Tang Wei did not answer his words directly, and then his leader ran over.

The round leader said, "The timing is very good. He entered the final as the second in the group without injury."

Tang Wei held on his face without any personality. Without saying a word, he would never forgive his performance in the battle just now. Although his opponent is very strong, he is confident that he can completely defeat him. However, in this way, perhaps because the loss is too large, there is no way to win the final championship.

"You did a good job. You put away your character and didn't forget that you not only represented a country, but also represented the whole continent to participate in this competition." The leader comforted Tang Wei, who was not looking well.

"See you in the finals, obscene man."

Tang Wei put on the cloak belonging to the Yama Warriors, wrapped his face, and walked into the rest area.

At this point, the list of ten finalists of Xichuan Lunwu finally appeared. Xu Ge, Lie Tian, Gu Lan, Mo Yixin, Tang Wei and other five seed players all successfully advanced.