Bounty World

Chapter 146 The Second Martial Arts Double Practice Myth

What is Cui Shan's weapon? An iron fan, which has been hanging around his waist for so many years, has not been removed. Because this iron fan is not used to fan cool or decorate the style, but to kill people.

Since there is no need to kill, there is no need to take it off, but once it is removed, it must be thirsty for wild blood.


A whirlwind rose from Cui Shan's hand, and Zero felt suffocated. Is this Cui Shan's strength?

Cui Shan's strength was far more than that, but he saw strange light flashing from the air, and a red thunderbolt exploded into Zero One's body.

"First-class red thunder!"

The elite gatekeepers, including Cui Shan, were shocked. The spells came from Cui Shan's hands, which shows that Cui Shan will be the second martial arts double cultivation myth in the world today. No wonder he hasn't broken through the myth for so many years. Cui Shan was hidden, but he came to this point in his forties. It is said that Ren Heng did not break through the myth until he was 60 years old.

Once he breaks through the double practice of martial arts, he can challenge him. Even if Mai He stands in front of him, Cui Shan can also fight.

Everyone was shocked, and no one would think of Cui Shan's strength.

How many people in the world know that Cui Shan is a double practice of martial arts, absolutely no more than one slap.

First of all, because Cui Shan is too low-key and almost does not take action, people think that Cui Shan is a think tank figure. Secondly, there are too many mythical figures around Cui Shan. Don't pay homage to brothers. The emperor and humanitarian myths are his brothers. There is really no need for such a person to emit too dazzling brilliance.

Cui Shan is the modifier for the high leaders of the Qinchuan Empire, dealing with everything in a low-key manner, silent, but important.

Otherwise, how could Lin Jinhe let the seven emperors of Shuiyun not kill him in Jiuyou prison for more than ten years? This is selling Cui Shan's face. A small part of the country was beaten by Cui Shan. Lin Jinhe knows, so he has to close his eyes when it's time to close his eyes.

However, Lin Jinhe also knows Cui Shan's loyalty. Although Cui Shan is not loyal to himself, but to the rule in his heart, he is always beneficial to the empire he built.

Any thing that deviates from the rules in Cui Shan's heart will definitely be wiped out cleanly. The assassins in front of him deviated from Cui Shan's rules.

After so many years of forbearance, Cui Shan finally made these cancer invisible through the layout, a song party and one person's imprisonment. Now that it has appeared, destroy it. My world should not have you.

Red Thunder is a spell developed by Cui Shan from the study of Xu Ge's Red Thunder object. At this moment, it blew on Zero One's body, bringing not only injury, but also seriously destroying Zero One's body.

Red Thunder broke into Zero's body and smashed his body tissue, making him not only frown.

Of course, Zero1 frowns not because he can't stand the pain, but because he knows that it is almost impossible to defeat the powerful man in front of him.

But he will not lose confidence. Since this battle is doomed to failure, he must lurk and wait for the next opportunity.

"Do you want to escape?" Cui Shan frowned. If the master of mythology wants to escape, it is a big problem to stop him.

Zero1 smiled rudely and said, "The dead man of Xiding is not a fool. This time it was obviously calculated by you. You are so well prepared. Let's fight hard, isn't it looking for death?"

Zero1 made a gesture, and the group of Xiding dead began to adjust the combat mode in an orderly manner. The stronger ones were in front, and the weaker ones retreated directly and prepared to go first.

"Well, even if you want to escape, ask me if I'm happy." Cui Shan spent a lot of energy on this planning. At this moment, his domineering spirit was exposed, and there was no low-key appearance.

"Boom!" A huge electric ball flew to the dead.

Zero1 looked bad and said urgently, "Hurry up and avoid it!"

Cui Shan sent out another first-level spell, "The Art of Fire", which looks like electric light, but is an illusion caused by the collision of the burning air of the fire. This is a group spell. Once it lands, it is not a person who is injured.

The dead men have received professional training. Hearing the cry of Zero, they immediately rolled out of the target range, but there were also a few who escaped. Dozens of dead men were hit by spells, and the iron armor on their bodies suddenly emitted a strong flame and burned. Several breaths were burned to ashes.

Uh! Cui Fu's elite has been completely shocked by the powerful lethality of his master. Is this a human or a demon?

Of course, Cui Shan's strength is not only that. He followed Zero 1 closely like the wind, and an iron fan kept greeting Zero 1's body. Zero-one's thick arm has come out of white bones because of the huge damage.

"Damn!" Zero One no longer ran away, turned around and swept with a big sword. The huge force forced Cui Shan back a few steps.

In order to make the brothers escape, I can't take a step back. Zero1 made a decision, and the muscles on his body suddenly burst and expanded, and a large amount of true qi began to overflow.

"Drink!" The sword hit the iron fan with great power. Cui Shan did not feel difficult and sneered. He knew that the thick-browed and dark-skinned man opposite was already the end of the crossbow.

"I have to admire you. You have the courage to kill yourself. Although you broke the rules in my heart, I still decided to remember you. Tell me what your name is." In the roaring struggle, Cui Shan can still easily ask questions, which shows that he is too much higher than his opponent.

"You can call me zero one!"

Although Cui Shan is cunning, he is a respectable person. Zero1 still said his name, and the greatest honor of the soldier on the battlefield was to let the enemy remember his name.

Cui Shan smiled faintly, and the iron fan danced wildly. A huge beam of light broke out of the air and shot directly at the zero-one sword.

Phole! It not only pierced the sword of Zero1, but also pierced the body of ERO1. Ling Yi stepped back a few steps and saw that most of his brothers had fled from this place, with a tragic smile on his face.

Cui Shan put away the iron fan in his hand and said, "Don't chase it!" Since the other party's assault has been dispersed this time, Longyuan City and Xichuan County can be stable for several years.

Although the group of dead in front of us is not all the forces hidden in Qinchuan of Xiding, they are definitely the core force. Break the confidence of the core force, and the other party's forces will only choose to be dormant.

"Lord of the City! The place where the prisoner was held was attacked. A soldier ran over, very embarrassed and seriously injured.

"Hmm?" Cui Shan was shocked that someone had made a yellow finch, not to mention that the place where he was imprisoned Min Chan was very hidden, and the defense force was better than here.

Cui Shan said angrily, "Take me there quickly. I really want to see who has such great ability!"