Bounty World

Chapter 153 Skynet

The powerful demon riders were shot down by the strong archers one by one. No one sighed the withering of the demon riders, and more people sighed the strength of the strong archers. The air has been filled with roaring arrows and magic attacks. The hardness of powerful bows and arrows is very high. Occasionally, one arrow will shoot through one and rush to the other with spare strength. This arrow feather hung directly on the body of the demon rider. The monster twisted because of pain, but still guaranteed the momentum.

At night, but the bloody scenes can still be seen clearly. The huge powerful bow and arrow cut off half of the head of the beast warrior. The monster dragged the already lifeless beast warrior and still rushed forward desperately, dragging the body into the front, until another huge arrow shot through the monster's dead hole, making it unable to move any more. Many beast warriors landed from the high speed, and the huge impact made them fracture or simply burst their brains.

Zhang Long was a little excited and said, "Quickly count the scale of this group of demon riders."

Vice General Chen immediately took the order and went to do it in person. After a while, he came to report: "About 4,000 horses."

Zhang Long's face changed slightly and said, "The main force must not be at this door. Go to the west gate to investigate quickly."

As Zhang Long expected, a group of demon cavalry bypassed the south gate from the left ridge and inserted it diagonally into Lingcheng. Although there are also a lot of troops here, because the main forces are all deployed near the south gate, the pressure here is already very high. The walls of Lingcheng have become virtual, and have even become the help of the beast territory demon riders. A large number of demons climbed up the city wall and then glided into the city. For a while, a large number of guards were torn apart by monsters.

The messenger finally rushed to the main force and told Zhang Long the news. Zhang Long's eyebrows, but knew that there was no way to fight this battle, and Min Chan's departure from the beast territory turned out to be a huge trap.

"Hmm! Cui Shan's boy was also deceived. This Min Chan is really powerful. Zhang Long didn't know that Min Chan had been captured, otherwise he would definitely clap his legs and scream. If you don't use such a fierce and bitter strategy, how could Cui Shan, who has extraordinary wisdom, give Zhang Long such news?

Min Chan's men were so cruel that they even sent Yanluo to the hands of the empire, but without such a shocking courage, how could he play these unparalleled people in their hands?

Outside Lingyun City, Yan Yunzong, known as a piper, looked at Lingcheng, who was also shining at night and sighed, not because his daughter had been captured, but because he felt that the children of Tiannan Shengjiang had stepped into their own land.

Twenty years ago, Emperor Qinchuan was desperate, and then the momentum of founding the country drove the indigenous people into the no man's land of the beast territory. Over the years, all ethnic groups in the Beast Territory have lived a very hard life, and occasionally some troops have entered the no man's land of the Beast Territory to capture some strong men as an effort.

No matter how about freedom, they don't even have the basic right to live, so the beast must resist. Years of accumulation finally made them wait for this day. Zhang Long is powerful, but his luxurious life has completely transformed him into a greedy and selfish person. A general can be domineering, but he must not be immersed in a comfortable life.

"Report!" The communication soldiers from the East Gate came to report again, looking at their appearance, which was more tragic than the West Gate. "Try to tell the county guard that the East Gate has been broken, and about 10,000 demons have come directly from there."

The muscles on Zhang Long's face trembled, "Uh!" He is not ready at all. Is this the last battle? He thought that, like a few years ago, everyone was just a tentative attack, and every time they would fight tacitly with the gains and losses of one city and one pool.

Zhang Long felt that he was naive. Did he deserve the title of military god? He didn't even have the mood to defeat. The same is true of the officers and soldiers in Tiannan. The long war over the years has consumed their blood. They no longer shout "war!" War! Fight!", just take orders, and then fight against the enemy numbly.

You won't feel heartache when you see your comrades-in-arms fall to the ground, and you won't be excited to see your sword inserted into the chest of the beast warrior. At this moment, Zhang Long suddenly realized that his soldiers could no longer be called elite.

"A soulless army can only become a group of zombies." Zhang Long scolded himself.

The beast warriors have souls and beliefs. Their souls and beliefs are entangled in the hot soil under their feet, which originally belong to them.

"For the people who lost our lives, for the people who lost our freedom, and for the people who lost our dignity, we fight, no matter whether there is a sea of swords, no contradictions and swords, whether there is a blood mountain*, we fight. The wind is with us, because we are the owners of this land, and the rain is with us, because we are the compatriots of these people, and the power is with us, because we are the bravest people. War, war!" Under the high song, the momentum of the Tiannan army has been completely weakened.

Zhang Long frowned. Originally, Tiannan soldiers were the best at creating momentum, and this moment was completely defeated by the momentum. The song from the air not only affected the soldiers below, but also affected him himself. When he became so vulnerable, Zhang Long frowned. He looked back at his tent. The four beautiful people may still be waiting for themselves with their bodies.

Tiannan officers and soldiers are not completely fighting, and the 4,000 demon cavalry team opposite the main force is basically completely suppressed. In this case, the demon riders on the opposite side no longer blindly impact, and their main purpose seems to be to involve the main force.

The leader of Ximen is Tagulagu, and the Tiannan officers and troops in front of them have been torn apart, but these officers and soldiers still exert their strong combat power. Without the battle array, they fight with the beast warriors riding on the demon horse. Tagulagu's mood is very surging. This battle can wash away the defeat of many years ago, and it can also sweep away the helplessness of retreating from so many battles.

Tagugu made a gesture, and an anti-aircraft gun sounded in the sky. The East Gate seemed to be responding to this call and also emitted a strong light. They are not showing off their strength, but telling them that the two hidden forces can fight.

Peng Tao, who was hidden in the dark, finally put away the wine pot that had been pouring on the ground. At this moment, it was the turn of the bounty hunters to attack. Their goal is to behead.

At the entrance of Lingcheng, the elites who rushed back from Xichuan received this command and knew that they could finally appear. Under the layout of Min Chan, all people began to struggle in blood. This powerful power of faith made Zhang Long tremble.