Bounty World

Chapter 185 Tuba

The heroic woman in front of her looked at herself seriously. Wang Haotian was a little funny. Emperor Lin Jinhe was so funny that he even sent his daughter to this coastal area one after another.

Although Lin Yin has an affair with Wang Haotian as rumored, she can't let a girl shake in front of her frequently.

However, Wang Haotian has always treated this child who can be his daughter with courtesy, although Lin Yin would not mind touching her by herself.

"Your Highness Lin Yin, I'm really moved to come to Haotian Army to guide the work again." You still have to say polite words. In fact, even Lin Yin knows that Wang Haotian is telling lies. Every time Lin Yin comes to this Haotian Army, there is no benefit. On the contrary, it will cost a lot of hospitality. Although Wang Haotian doesn't care about that little money, it is not a good phenomenon to regard his territory as her home and come as soon as she wants.

"Uncle Wang, it's a little personal for me to come to see you this time." As soon as Lin Yinxiu opened her mouth, in this murderous tent, it seemed that there was a breeze, and there seemed to be a fragrance in the air.

Wang Haotian frowned quickly, but no one noticed this and said, "Your Highness Lin Yin, please speak. As long as Haotianjun can do it, he will try his best to help solve it.

Lin Yin paused for a while, and Wang Haotian understood and hinted that all the accompanying generals would go down. For a while, there were only Wang Haotian and Lin Yin left in the account.

"Does Uncle Wang know the current situation of the royal family?"

Wang Haotian smiled and said, "I'm in this remote land. How can I know the situation of the royal family? It's a crime to inquire about the privacy of the royal family."

Lin Yin smiled and said, "There are only two people here, and Uncle Wang doesn't have to pretend. I'm afraid that everyone except my father is under your monitoring.

Wang Haotian smiled and said nothing, which is regarded as default. Lin Yin continued: "At present, the biggest enemies of Qinchuan mainland are not eastern Shaanxi, Beiling and Tiannan, but the royal battle for the throne. The father secretly regarded all this as the touchstone of the heir, but he did not have a clear understanding of this to cause the destruction of the whole empire.

Wang Haotian said, "Qinchuan Emperor is by no means that short-sighted, but his purpose has not yet emerged. Her Royal Highness Lin Yin's purpose today should be to help Her Royal Highness win the throne.

Lin Yin has figured out half of Wang Haotian's incompetent words and has dealt with him many times. She knows that although Wang Haotian is not a businessman, he is more shrewd than a businessman, and now he is gaining benefits. Benefits include money and status, but Wang Haotian is not lacking.

"If Uncle Wang helps me get this Qinchuan mainland, I will make you king with the opposite surname!" As soon as Lin Yin said this, her temperament suddenly rose, as if she had changed a person.

Although Wang Haotian was not furiated by the momentum, he felt very much about Lin Yin's demeanor. Such a woman is really unbearable, but why not let her become emperor? Having spent many times with Lin Yin, Wang Haotian has been able to feel that this woman has a man-like domineering, as well as a woman's unique spirituality and delicacy. He sighed that Lin Jinhe has tried to raise his daughter to become a tiger for many years. Today, his wish has really come true, but is his ultimate plan hurt again. Lin Yin is obviously not a master who can be fooled with. I'm afraid Qinchuan mainland will become more and more chaotic.

Wang Haotian sighed. Although he knew that his duty was to protect the people of Qinchuan mainland from being bullied, he must stand in the right position between political turmoil. Historically, many famous generals have died because they blindly protected the country, regardless of the changes in the political situation.

"This is a very attractive title, but, you know, I don't care about these things outside the body." Wang Haotian is not pretending to be profound. Lin Yin knows that Wang Haotian really doesn't want to be here. Because of this, although Lin Jinhe was afraid of him, he was still relieved to guard the front door of the mainland. As long as there is a Haotian army in the world, it is impossible for the countries of the Asian continent to rush into Qinchuan.

In those years, in order to subvert the previous dynasty, Lin Jinhe attracted foreign aid from Yama to Qinchuan, and finally relied on Wang Haotian to drive these forces out of Qinchuan step by step. From a certain point of view, without Wang Haotian, half of Qinchuan today is likely to be occupied by the Yama Empire.

Lin Yin smiled and said, "Of course, I know that Uncle Wang doesn't care about this reputation. If you can help me succeed in this throne, I will insist that the Haotian Army set foot on the continent of Asia, expelling the aliens and unifying Asia."

Although Lin Yin's words were false, they hit Wang Haotian's heart like a heavy hammer, making him want to boil. For many years, Wang Haotian has been curled up at the intersection of Xichuan and Beiling, guarding the throat of the sea and Ducheng. Over the years, Wang Haotian's blood has been suppressed for too long, but he has never forgotten his original ideal.

He touched the scar on his face, which had been regarded as a symbol of the military saint. He suddenly felt a sense of pride and said, "Okay, I agree to join hands with you, but I can only do the following. First, help Your Highness to involve the power of Xichuan Cuishan and the Wang family; second, all the hidden forces of the Haotian army in Qinchuan counties will be handed over to Your Highness; third, I will submit a memorial to the Qinchuan Emperor to express my position.

Lin Yin smiled and said, "Military has always attached great importance to promises. Since you promised like this, I am relieved. Now that the private matter is over, let me talk about the private matter.

Wang Haotian knew that Lin Yin did not come to this barren place just for personal matters.

"Please make it clear."

"My father recently sent a large number of main forces to the Li family, but found that the Li family had a deeper strength, and as a result, they lost a lot of manpower. So my father wants me to contact you and send some masters to carry out a new round of attack on the Li family. Lin Yin said slowly.

Wang Haotian said without any expression on his face and said, "Since the emperor has orders, his subordinates should obey, but I don't know where the troops have been sent now. If there is only the strength of our Haotian army, I'm afraid it can't match the Li family in eastern Shaanxi, which has a big business."

Lin Yin smiled and said, "As soon as Uncle Wang met his sergeant, he began to be stingy. I have come up with a countermeasure for you. I have only sent a few masters to fill the scene and recruit some mercenaries. As for the identity of those people, I will deal with it.

Wang Haotian sighed that Lin Yin really could be a human being. She got her own support without talking about these benefits. At this time, a wonderful plan for herself increased her heart. This woman seems not to be angry, but she is really evil.