Bounty World

Chapter 213 Demon Tide

The sky seems to have begun to change color, the earth is shaking, and there is more blood in the air except for sand and dust. Xu Ge, who saw many monsters, knew that at least a hundred monsters were rushing this way.

Yin Lihua looked at the rolling black clouds in the sky with a little silence on his face. The four of them killed several rounds of monsters. Although the level of monsters is ordinary, they can feel the increasing pressure.

The group of grain transporters also forgot their silence and joined the regiment to suppress the monsters. There is no way, because monsters will not recognize people. If those grain carriers remain silent, the monsters will start from weak places.

Boom, finally the first mythical monster appeared. It was a tall beast. Its golden hair danced wildly on its head, and the pale black golden scales glowed in the sun, emitting evil light. The beast's two eyes were exposed, and the saliva kept falling from the white pillar teeth. The saliva is very corrosive, and every drop blows up the original gray soil layer on the ground.

The beast roared and shocked everyone. Most of the grain transporters are legendary, the weakest team members in the whole organization, but they also showed a high quality. After a pause, they immediately threw themselves into the battle.

Zhao Min took the lead and rushed over, as if he had been waiting for this powerful monster. The beast didn't pay attention to Zhao Min at all, lifted the huge pale black iron hoof and stepped on it. Zhao Min only felt the overwhelming power, and it was the first time he had encountered such a terrible power.

"The beast is said to be one of the most powerful monsters in the ancient battlefield, and its intelligence is beyond that of the same level. It's hard to deal with." Yin Lihua released a powerful earth attribute defense and arranged a strong protective net around Zhao Min. Otherwise, under the attack of the beast, it would definitely become a meat pie.

Xu Ge swept away a legendary monster next to him, stared at the beast for a while, and said, "I and Zhao Min resist the beast. I'm afraid I can't bear it with Zhao Min's strength."

Zhao Min did encounter the first danger in his life. Although he escaped with Yin Lihua's defense skills, the beast in front of him was very fast, and the second hoof came to his face in a short time. The power is very powerful, at least twice as powerful as just now. At this time, the earth attribute defense is already useless and broken in an instant. Zhao Min's whole body turned violently, and all of them were transmitted to the deformation stick. The deformation stick began to thicker, three points faster than usual. Obviously, Zhao Min was using real power.

The iron hoof began to collide with the deformed stick, making a sour and distorted sound. Fortunately, the deformation stick has strong flexibility and slows down the impact force, but Zhao Min spit out a mouthful of blood. Although he did not wangle directly with the beast, the strange force of the beast that rushed to him after being eased by the deformation stick still hurt him.

The beast seemed to be a little dissatisfied and roared again. The low-level monster fainted directly under serious injury. At this time, Xu Ge rushed to the right side of the beast.

Min Chan pulled out his pride from behind. This is the sword left by Zheng Xiyan in those years. Although it is not often used, it is still useful now. His fingers scratched on the sword, and a faint blood mist began to drift dreamily from the tip of the sword. Didi!" A very shallow light left the arrogance and rushed to Xu Ge.

Xu Ge knew that this was a witchcraft and did not avoid it. When the brilliance entered his body, he felt a qualitative change in his breath. This move used by Min Chan is "the blood of witchcraft", which can enhance people's potential and amplify people's real power.

The clear feeling walked around his body, and Xu Ge whispered and jumped to the abdomen of the beast. Under normal circumstances, the belly of the monster is the most vulnerable place, but the belly of the beast is quite hard. The unspeakable black skin covers it with the hardest armor.

But Xu Ge did not consider whether his trick could bring great damage to the beast, but he just had to tighten his teeth and stab the black blood sperm spear.

"Gazi!" Xu Ge's black-blooded spear seemed to see the hardest substance in history and seemed to be dissatisfied. But Xu Ge did not stop, and another move from the abdomen of the beast seemed to be fighting aimlessly.

The beast is angry. Although the black blood spirit spear can't pierce its hard skin, the two strange true qi in Xu Ge's body blended with each other and continuously emitted from the black blood essence spear, making the beast feel very painful.

With the help of Xu Ge, Zhao Min's pressure was sharply reduced, and the deformation stick instantly returned to normal appearance. Although the deformation stick can withstand considerable pressure when it is thick and hard, the soft weapon sometimes emits strange moves. Now it's a little unwise to fight against the beast.

The beast has not been threatened yet, but it is extremely anxious at present, because these four seemingly weak humans have imprisoned it so that it can't move. The beast is in power and keeps roaring from its throat.

"What kind of monster is this?" Zhao Min scolded angrily, "This is not the appearance of a legendary monster."

Yin Lihua explained emptyly: "Monsters are the same as human beings. Because of their natural blood, the same class also has high and low levels. This beast is the most powerful among monsters. In the previous battle, the organization has killed and injured countless times on this monster."

The witchcraft in Min Chan's hand came out again, and a blood shrouded Zhao Min and said, "No matter what monster he is, you can use all your strength to speak on the weapon."

"It's not good!" Yin Lihua shouted secretly, not because the monster in front of him was too powerful, but because a stronger enemy had appeared.

Dozens of demons rushed over from afar and saw that their clothes were all mythical demons.

"See the badge on them? Silver represents legend, and gold represents myth." Yin Lihua explained.

Min Chan looked at it and said, "It's all mythical monsters. It's really home."

"The best strategy is to kill the monster in front of you." Xu Ge's two atmospheres were all opened, and the sweat on his body seemed to be steamed into a hazy bloody mist.

"Roar!" The monster roared, because Xu Ge's black-blooded sperm spear finally inserted into the beast's stomach. Xu Ge's attack strategy is different from before. A large amount of energy is destroyed from the inside of the beast. At this moment, the power is vented from the outside, and the good recipe is squeezed to completely break the armor of the beast.

Zhao Min took advantage of this moment and jumped under the belly of the beast, and the deformed stick instantly penetrated the huge hole under the belly of the beast. The true qi in the body was poured into the deformation stick, and the gap was also opened. Blood was dripping, and a large amount of internal organs flowed from the wound.

Good! Xu Ge praised, and the black-blooded spear emitted a faint red light, opening another hole under the belly of the beast.

The beast was a little helpless. The two people hid under its belly and were flexible. It could only jump like thunder and run around the field.

By this time, the demons had entered the battlefield and fought with the ordinary grain soldiers of the grain transport team.

"Damn, no wonder I can only be sent as a grain soldier and cannon fodder." Yin Lihua couldn't help scolding, because those soft egg grain soldiers saw the arrival of the demons and did not insist, so they tried to escape.

"It seems that we are going to die here today." Xu Ge made a hole. Zhao Min tacitly inserted the deformation stick and said, "Let's hug and die. Haha."


Chuanma organization, Li Tian and others are holding a Presbyterian meeting, and Bian Yu is also at the banquet.

"I didn't expect to issue an order to get rid of these two kids. No wonder I don't like him." Li Tian said with a bad smile on his face.

Bian Yu didn't talk much and coldly, which was a little different from his ordinary smile. "It's better to let the world affect the organization's internal activities as little as possible."

"Hmm! Wang Zhi, are you going to take care of that boy? It's too rampant. Don't think that you can have the right to talk to us by sitting here. In those years, when we entered the ancient battlefield, you were still breastfeeding.

The old man known as Wang Zhi has black hair and shiny skin on his face, but the wrinkles betrayed his age. A little silent, he finally said, "Li Tian, you are still behind me according to the order, so don't shout at me like this. Moreover, Bian Yu climbed to this position with his strength.

There were more than 20 people sitting in the field. Bian Yu sat in the 19th position, and the people next to him were ten years older than him.